제 목 |
발행기관 |
발행일자 |
Euro Monitor 2013 |
Allianz |
13-12-23 |
Global economy set to gather steam in 2014 |
Allianz |
13-12-23 |
Has weak lending and activity in the United Kingdom been driven by credit supply shocks? |
Bank of England |
13-12-23 |
Likelihood inference in non-linear term structure models: the importance of the lower bound |
Bank of England |
13-12-23 |
Risk news shocks and the business cycle |
Bank of England |
13-12-23 |
Assessing the exchange rate exposure of US multinationals |
Bank of Finland |
13-12-23 |
Financial and economic downturns in OECD countries |
Bank of Finland |
13-12-23 |
Is Europe growing together or growing apart? |
Bank of Finland |
13-12-23 |
Money demand models for Russia: A sectoral approach |
Bank of Finland |
13-12-23 |
Soviet foreign trade and the money supply |
Bank of Finland |
13-12-23 |
Fiscal Sustainability and the Value of Money: Lessons from the British Paper Pound, 1797-1821 |
Bank of France |
13-12-23 |
French firms exports during downturns: evidence from past crises |
Bank of France |
13-12-23 |
Bank earnings management through loan loss provisions: a double-edged sword? |
Bank of Netherlands |
13-12-23 |
Employment polarisation in Spain over the course of the 1997-2012 cycle |
Bank of Spain |
13-12-23 |
Ending uncertainty: recapitalisation under European Central Bank supervision |
Bruegel |
13-12-23 |
How Macroeconomic Imbalances Interact? Evidence from a Panel VAR Analysis |
13-12-23 |
The Asset Quality Review and Capital Needs: Why re-capitalise banks with public money? |
13-12-23 |
The Bank Resolution Compromise: Incomplete, but workable? |
13-12-23 |
The SRM and the dream to resolve banks without public money |
13-12-23 |
What Drives the Business Cycle in a Small Open Economy? Evidence from an estimated DSGE Model of the Danish Economy |
Danmarks Nationalbank |
13-12-23 |
Central & Eastern Europe Credit Monitor: 2014 a better year for GDP, less so for credit |
DB Research |
13-12-23 |
The third Merkel government: a lot of senior personnel and experience but flawed policy platform |
DB Research |
13-12-23 |
Dealing with a liquidity trap when government debt matters: optimal time-consistent monetary and fiscal policy |
13-12-23 |
Market pricing of credit rating signals |
13-12-23 |
Observation driven mixed-measurement dynamic factor models with an application to credit risk |
13-12-23 |
The pricing of sovereign risk and contagion during the European sovereign debt crisis |
13-12-23 |
Trade, productivity improvements and welfare: an endogenous market structure framework |
13-12-23 |
EU governance and EU funds - testing the effectiveness of EU funds in a sound macroeconomic framework |
13-12-23 |
The distribution of debt across euro area countries : The role of individual characteristics, institutions and credit conditions |
National Bank of Belgium |
13-12-23 |
Why firms avoid cutting wages : Survey evidence from European firms |
National Bank of Belgium |
13-12-23 |
Debt Dynamics and Monetary Policy: A Note |
Sveriges Riksbank |
13-12-23 |