18, August, 2023, Friday.
The Field Concentration 18 of the 70 Movement(Acts 19:8~20)
Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. (8)
Hymn #498 Rescue the Perishing (Unified Hymn 275)
Starting now, you have to focus on "70 Fields." No matter how many answers you have, they're of no use if you lose hold of the field. Even if others don't pay attention to the field, you must focus on what God is doing.
1. The Start - The Kingdom
Your start is God's Kingdom that Jesus spoke of from the beginning to the end. This is your background. Even now, God's Kingdom is being established; the Holy Trinity is working unseen; and God is moving the angel of the Lord to do His works. These must become your start.
2. Spiritual Victory - The Answer
You must first have spiritual victory, know the answer, and wait. Paul and his disciples had spiritual victory first. They didn't focus on answers; instead, they already knew the answers and waited. However, you keep trying to receive answers, but they'll come later. You must come to the answer to the extent of receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit(Acts 13:1~7). For Paul, the door to evangelism was closed, but he waited for a turning point in his life. At that time, he gained the answer of "Macedonia."(Acts 16:6~10) Moreover, he was the first to experience the works of the Holy Spirit that took place in Mark's upper room. He obtained spiritual victory first(Acts 19:1~7).
3. Healing
From that point on, he influenced "70 Fields." He healed shamans, the demonpossessed, and those with various incurable diseases. Even for those who had no hope, if God allowed, works would arise.
You mainly use the words "world evangelization" and think that you must carry it out. Of course that's true, but it's difficult in just those terms. As you know, world evangelization is completely led by God. That's why you must be able to see that and enter it. By doing that, world evangelization will become extremely easy. All you have to do is prepare and wait, and within loneliness and difficult situations, just learn to pray.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, armed with answers, help me concentrate on the "70 Fields" that You're carrying out. May Your Kingdom come upon the field. Please help me know the answer, wait, and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to influence the "70 Fields" and save them. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Scattered Disciples / 30, July, 2022.