21, August, 2023, Monday.
The Tomb That Became the Temple(Mark 15:42~47)
Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body(43).
Hymn #160 Low in the Grave He Lay (Unified Hymn 150)
In order for you to live your walk of faith well and receive answers, you need to find God's "absolute plan" and stay within it. When faced with extreme difficulties, the method to receive answers is to seek "the absolute plan" of God. Moses' mother, Joseph, and Jesse were like that. The most terrible event in history arose. Jesus was crucified on the cross, and those who followed Him were declared as heretics. At that time, Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body. Joseph, who was a prominent member of the Council, said that he would hold Jesus' funeral. This was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and within that eternal time schedule, it was the most important. In fact, this allowed the nation of Israel's most upright temple to begin. It was the start of the fulfillment of what Jesus said when He said that He would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. In other words, Jesus' resurrection destroyed the temples that didn't have the three courtyards and raised the proper temple.
1. The First Work That Arose in the History of Israel(Nobody)
Joseph of Arimathea challenged himself toward "Nobody" because he waited for God's Kingdom. This meant that he knew the "offspring of the woman,"(Genesis 3:15) the "blood of the lamb,"(Exodus 3:18) the covenant of "Immanuel,"(Isaiah 7:14) and the reason why Jesus "made a whip out of cords."(John 2:13~22)
2. Works That Didn't Take Place Anywhere Else(Nothing)
This was a funeral that'll be remembered forever in history. On the Sabbath, when people were unable to do anything, Joseph of Arimathea gave Jesus a tomb that was fit for kings and nobles and wrapped His body in a linen cloth. This was the very tomb from which Jesus resurrected. After that, the empty tomb became the scene of a historical event(1 Corinthians 15:3~4 & 15:20).
3. The Tomb Was None Other Than the Three Courtyards
The important aspect was that the tomb was the three courtyards. Later, this tomb became a memorial and the courtyard of Gentiles for foreigners; the courtyard of prayer where many people came to pray; and the courtyard of children where children learned.
A church that has never before existed in history must be built, and your business must create a masterpiece. You must go to "Nobody and Nothing" and turn everything into a temple that testifies Christ.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, just as the tomb changed into the temple, may my "dead fields" change into Your temple. Today, may all the believers grab hold of the covenant that'll remain forever. Through what no one else can do and where no one else can go, may I stand on the path to truly raise the 237; healing; and Summit. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 1st Service / 31, July, 2022.