다리,각 脚
우리말의 걸어의 걸- 과 다리의 달- 은 알타이어 혹은 인도 드라비다어에도 있다.
Tibetan: rkaŋ foot, leg; marrow.
Burmese: kraŋ-chi marrow.
Kachin: (H) khraŋ a limb.
위의 자료를 바탕으로 생략된 발음을 재구하면 다리,脚의 상고음은
khrang이나 khlek ,khleg,khran 으로 볼 수가 있다.
l이나 r 앞에 보통 연구개음 kh같은 발음이 생략이 잘 되는 것은 아주 일반적인
현상이다.이렇게 이루어진 단어들 아주 많은데 어원자료 보면 대개 다 생략을
확인 할 수 있는 경우가 아주 많았다.
연구개음은 입속 제일 안쪽 위에서 발음이 되기때문에 소리가 잘 묻히기 일쑤다.
아래 영어어원자료를 보면
Proto-IE: *k'rūs-
Proto-IE: *(ǝ)lak-와 Proto-IE: *kArǝk- 의 자료를 통해
Ka나 ke가 생략되었다는 사실을 유추할 수가 있다.
*kArǝk는 한자 다리,각 脚의 발음과 어원이 같다.
중간에 r이 탈락하여 줄인 발음이 각이다.
영어는 Ka나 ke가 생략되어 leg이 된 것이다.
Proto-IE: *k'rūs-
Meaning: a part of leg
Armenian: pl. srunkh, gen. srunich `Schienbeine, Waden'
Latin: crūs, -ris n. `Unterschenkel, Bein'
Russ. meaning: часть ноги
Proto-IE: *(ǝ)lak-
Meaning: leg; the main muscle of arm/leg
Old Indian: r̥kṣálā, r̥cchárā f. `part of an animal's leg between the fetlock joint and the hoof
Armenian: oɫokh `ankle, leg from knee to foot'
Old Greek: láks, lágdǟn `mit der Ferse, dem Fuss', lakhmós = laktismós; laktízdō `mit der Ferse, dem Fuss, dem Huf schlagen, stossen, ausschlagen'
Latin: lacertus, -ī m. pl. `die Muskeln, bes. des Oberarms und dieser selbst'
Russ. meaning: нога; основная мышца руки/ноги
Proto-IE: *kArǝk-
Meaning: arm, leg
Tokharian: ? A karke, B karāk (PT *kerāk-) 'branch' (Adams 142)
Russ. meaning: нога/рука (arm/leg)
Comments: Cf. *kersk- (perhaps the same root).
영어의 leg는 앞에 kh가 생략된 것이다.
우리말 걷다의 활용형 걸은 -->어원
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *kăŋ / *kăk (r-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ḳǟ[l]ḳV
Meaning: joint; leg
North Caucasian: *ḳǟ[l]ḳV
Proto-North Caucasian: *ḳǟ[l]ḳV
Meaning: joint, knee, shin
Proto-Nakh: *kōḳ
Proto-Nakh: *kōḳ
Meaning: foot, leg
Chechen: kog
Ingush: kog
Batsbi: koḳ
Comments: Obl. base *kōḳa- (Chech. kōga-, Ing. koga-). 6th class in all languages.
Proto-Tsezian: *ḳaḳa
Proto-Tsezian: *ḳaḳa
Meaning: 1 joint, bone between two joints 2 leg, shin
Tsezi: ḳaḳa 1
Inkhokvari: ḳaIḳaI 2
Comments: PTsKh *ḳa(I)ḳa.
Proto-Dargwa: *ḳinḳ(a)
Proto-Dargwa: *ḳinḳ(a)
Meaning: shin
Akusha: ḳinḳ
Chiragh: č̣aḳa
Proto-Lezghian: *ḳälḳ- (~-e-,-r-)
Proto-Lezghian: *ḳälḳ- (~-e-,-r-)
Meaning: 1 calf (of leg) 2 knee 3 top of boot
Lezghian: ḳerḳem 1 (Akht.)
Agul: ḳeḳ 3
Udi: k:aIk:aIp 2
Comment: Both in Lezg. and Ud. suffixed forms are observed (probably original pluralia). Ag. ḳeḳ should be kept distinct from the reflexes of PL *q̇Iäq̇:Iʷ 'throat; top of boot' q.v. (in the Burk. dialect both ḳeḳ and q̇eq̇ are used for "top of boot", but in the Richa dialect ḳeḳ is 'top of boot', while q̇Iaq̇ is 'throat').
Proto-Khinalug: ḳuḳa
Khinalug root: ḳuḳa
North Caucasian etymology: 267
Meaning: joint, articulation
Khinalug form: ḳuḳa
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are basically regular with following comments: in PN there occurred a dissimilation in glottalisation (*ḳ- > *k- before the following ḳ); in PTs we should expect -ɔ̃- in the 1st syllable, but it was probably assimilated by the following vowel (nasalisation being replaced by pharyngealisation, cf. the Inkh. form?). All these processes are typical for EC reduplicated roots and roots with two stops. EC > Osset. ḳax 'foot, leg' (see Abayev 1958, 619).
Comments and references : Cf. PAA *kɔ:ŋ / *kaŋ 'leg, shin' (but cf. *HgVńV).
Meaning: leg, foot
Chinese: 腳 *kak leg, foot.
Character: 腳
Modern (Beijing) reading: jiǎo
Preclassic Old Chinese: kak
Classic Old Chinese: kak
Western Han Chinese: kak
Eastern Han Chinese: kak
Early Postclassic Chinese: kak
Middle Postclassic Chinese: kak
Late Postclassic Chinese: kak
Middle Chinese: kak
English meaning : foot [LZ]
Russian meaning[s]: 1) нога; ступня; основание (предмета); подошва (горы); 2) перевозка, переноска; 3) плата за доставку (перевозку); 4) остаток; осадок; 5) придаток; привесок; 6) доход, прибыль; разница (в курсе); 7) амплуа; персонаж; роль
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Number: 1700
Character: 腳
MC description : 宕開三入藥見
ZIHUI: 5183 1451
Beijing: ćiau 2
Jinan: ćye 11
Xi'an: ćyo 11
Taiyuan: ćyǝʔ 41
Hankou: ćio 12
Chengdu: ćyo 12
Yangzhou: ćiâʔ 4
Suzhou: ćia_ʔ 41
Wenzhou: ćia 41
Changsha: ćio 4
Shuangfeng: tû 12
Nanchang: ćiɔk 41
Meixian: kiɔk 41
Guangzhou: kö_k 43
Xiamen: kiɔk 41 (lit.); kioʔ 41
Chaozhou: kha 11
Fuzhou: kyɔʔ 41
Shanghai: ćiaʔ 4
Zhongyuan yinyun: kau 42
Radical: 130
Four-angle index: 2107
Karlgren code: 0776 g-h
Go-on: kaku
Kan-on: kiyaku
Japanese reading: kyaku+;kya+;ashi+
Vietnamese reading: cú'o'c
Jianchuan Bai: ko6
Dali Bai: ko6
Bijiang Bai: ko6
Tibetan: rkaŋ foot, leg; marrow.
Burmese: kraŋ-chi marrow.
Kachin: (H) khraŋ a limb.
Lushai: KC: Thado, Mikir keŋ leg, foot.
Lepcha: kăŋ, kóŋ foot
Comments: PG *kaŋ leg; Garo dźa-rikiŋ shin. Simon 16; Ben. 70; Luce 61. Some of the forms reflect the influence of *(r)ghlēŋ marrow (q. v.). Cf. also *(k)rāŋ bone: the three roots are no doubt different, but often confused. Meaning : "leg" | Query method: Match substring
Proto-Dravidian : *kāl-
Meaning : leg, foot
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Eurasiatic: *ḳVwlV
Meaning: leg, limb
Altaic: *k`ŏjli
Proto-Altaic: *k`ŏjli
Meaning: limb, extremity
Russian meaning: конечность
Mongolian: *köl
Proto-Mongolian: *köl
Meaning: foot
Russian meaning: нога
Written Mongolian: köl (L 483-484) Middle Mongolian: kol (HY 47, SH, IM, LH), kul (MA) Khalkha: xöl
Buriat: xül
Kalmuck: köl
Ordos: köl
Dongxian: kuan (MGCD kon) Shary-Yoghur: köl
Monguor: kor (SM 214), (MGCD kol) Mogol: köl; ZM kol (4-3a) Tungus-Manchu: *xolda-n
Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *xolda-n
Meaning: 1 side 2 thigh
Russian meaning: 1 бок, сторона 2 бедро
Evenki: oldōn 1, 2
Even: oldān 1
Negidal: oldon 1
Ulcha: χoldo(n) 1
Orok: χoldo(n) 1
Nanai: χoldõ 1
Oroch: ogdo(n) 1
Udighe: ogdo(n) 1
Solon: oldõ 1
Comments: See АПиПЯЯ 286, Цинциус 1984, 96-97, Дыбо 316, Лексика 243, 245. The comparison is quite reliable phonetically; *-jl- has to be assumed to account for the development in Kor. ( > -i-). The semantic side ('arm'/'leg'/'thigh') can be explained if we suppose that the word originally designated a part of the animal body (front or hind leg together with the thigh). Cf. also ТМ *xūl-kse 'sleeve' (probably an original derivation, although the length is not clear), *xul-ŋsi 'shank, shin', PT *koltuk 'armpit' (Лексика 243, TMN 3, 557-558, ЭСТЯ 6, 52-54). It is interesting to speculate on the subject of the identity Kor. *kūi-mǝ̀rí = Jpn. kuru-(n)pusi. In Kor. -mǝ̀rí is certainly to be analysed as "head" (*'leg-head'); the Jpn. form in this case may reflect a dissimilation < *kuru-n-musi, where *musi could be the remnant of PA *mĕ́ĺǯu 'head' (q. v.). The same element in fact may be also present in Jpn. *tu(m)pu-(n)pusi 'ankle, knee' and *kǝmpusi (if, with haplology < *kǝmpu-(n)pusi) 'fist'. One has, of course, to reckon with the possibility of having here rather PJ *pusi 'joint' ( < PA *bŭ̀ĺi q. v.), which would explain the constant emergence of a stop in Jpn.; but the Jpn.-Kor. match (*kūi-mǝ̀rí = kuru(n)pusi) seems to be not accidental. Comments: (2 roots)
References: Dybo 1989, 1996 (w/o Drav.); ND 1914 *q̇awlV ~ *q̇awElV 'leg, bone of a limb' (+ ??SH). Proto-South Dravidian: *kāl
Proto-South Dravidian : *kāl
Meaning : leg, foot
Tamil : kāl
Tamil meaning : leg, foot, base (of tree), quarter, family, relationship
Tamil derivates : kālāḷ foot-soldier; kāli herd of cows, cow
Malayalam : kāl
Malayalam meaning : leg, foot, stem, pillar, quarter
Malayalam derivates : kālāḷ foot-soldier; kāli cow, cattle; she-buffalo
Kannada : kāl
Kannada meaning : foot, leg down to the knee, quarter
Kannada derivates : kālu-naḍe walking on foot; a cow; kālāḷ foot-soldier
Kodagu : kālɨ
Kodagu meaning : leg, foot, quarter
Tulu : kārụ
Tulu meaning : leg, foot
Tulu derivates : kālụ quarter
Number in DED : 1479
Proto-Telugu : *kāl-
Proto-Telugu : *kāl-
Meaning : leg, foot, quarter
Telugu : kālu
Additional forms : Also kālari foot-soldier
Number in DED : 1479
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *kāl
Proto-Kolami-Gadba : *kāl
Meaning : leg, foot
Kinwat Kolami : kāl
Parji : kēl (pl. kēlul) "leg"
Ollari Gadba : kāl (pl. kālgil) "leg"
Additional forms : Also (Glasfurd) Parji kaloo id.
Number in DED : 1479
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *kāl
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *kāl
Meaning : leg, foot
Proto-Gondi : *kāl
Proto-Gondi : *kāl
Meaning : leg, foot
Betul Gondi : kāl
Additional forms : Many dialects have kāl.
Number in DED : 1479
Number in CVOTGD : 652
Konda : kāl
Konda : kāl
Meaning: leg
Number in DED : 1479
Proto-Pengo-Manda : *kāl
Proto-Pengo-Manda : *kāl
Meaning : leg, foot
Pengo : kāl
Manda : kāl
Number in DED : 1479
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *kāl-u
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *kāl-u
Meaning : leg, foot
Kui : kāḍu
Parja Kuwi : kāl (p. -ka) "leg"
Number in DED : 1479
Proto-Dravidian : *tāḷ-
Meaning : leg, foot, stem
Proto-South Dravidian: *tāḷ-
Proto-South Dravidian : *tāḷ-
Meaning : leg, foot, stem
Tamil : tāḷ
Tamil meaning : leg, foot, foot of a tree or mountain, stem, pedicle, stalk
Malayalam : tāḷ
Malayalam meaning : stalk, stem (chiefly of edible plants), the foot
Kannada : tāẓ
Kannada meaning : stem or stalk of corn, flowers, etc.
Kodagu : tāḷɨ
Kodagu meaning : stem
Number in DED : 3185