Environmental Crisis and Our Attitude
A few months ago, there was a shocking news report about the ice on the North Pole. The news said, for the past few decades, the temperature on arctic has rapidly risen (twice as fast as the rest of the world), so more than the half of the ice on arctic already has melted away. More surprisingly, scholars have estimated the ice may completely melt away within this summer. It is August now, and I wonder whether the ice still exists on arctic.
The messages show that the crisis of the earth is now too evident to ignore. Due to the greenhouse effect, the temperature is continuously increasing, and the sea level is also going up following the suit. Natural disasters like hurricane and tidal waves are getting stronger, and many kinds of plants, animals and insects are being exterminated. Unfortunately, there are a lot more problems in addition to above: resource depletion, air and water pollution, expansion of desert and so on.
These dangers have been predicted and warned during the last few decades. However, we do not have effective measures yet. We have developed lots of scientific technologies like alternative energy sources and chemical purifying mechanisms. Some of them, nuclear power, are quite useful but we still do not have any alternative energy source which can replace petroleum, which is mainly responsible for global warming. We have to invest more on clean energy technologies, but the government seems to have no time to care for it seriously. They are too busy handling the worldwide stagflation: economic stagnation and high prices.
For now, the best solution for these serious and urgent problems is depending on people’s voluntary efforts. People should perceive the seriousness of the environmental problem and must practice appropriate actions. As a code of conduct, I think, ‘consuming less’ should come first. We should consume less electricity, oil and water. Through public environmental campaigns, people are fully aware of ways to economize. Avoid using private cars, and use public transportation. Turn off and plug out electrical devices while not using. Follow the reasonable temperature that the government suggests when using an air conditioner or heater. Do not waste water. These are basic things you should follow.
Considering the seriousness of the problem, we should pay attention to more things. For example, avoid overseas travel and eat only domestic food. Here is the reason. Airplanes consume a great amount of gas per navigation (about 190,000 liter of gas from Seoul to New York), and it is the most air-contaminating transportation. Then what about the food? Because most of food materials are being import!ed through airplanes, it consumes lots of gas. If we willingly submit our convenience, we can do much more for our environment.
Of course, we cannot give up our convenience nor enjoy recklessly. We deserve to enjoy our limited life of the present. Rather than ‘consuming less,’ ‘consuming wisely’ should be more emphasized. In my personal opinion, the existence of human being itself pays off costs. I hope everyone to be more responsible for their consumption.
◑ Raised Questions ◐
1. Let’s talk about the seriousness of environmental problems.
2. Do you think human beings can survive on the earth? What if we are doomed to die soon?
3. Can you think of any good practices to alleviate the situation?
4. Personal freedom vs. environment, how can we balance them?