게시글 본문내용
v 1: release from entanglement of difficulty; "I cannot extricate myself from this task" [syn: extricate, untangle, disencumber]
2: extricate from entanglement; "Can you disentangle the cord?" [syn: unsnarl, straighten out] [ant: entangle]
3: free from involvement or entanglement; "How can I disentangle myself from her personal affiars?" [syn: disinvolve, disembroil]
4: separate the tangles of [syn: unwind]
5: smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb; "comb your hair before dinner"; "comb the wool" [syn: comb, comb out]
Synonyms: extricate, disengage, disentangle, untangle
These verbs mean to free from something that entangles: extricated herself from an embarrassing situation; trying to disengage his attention from the television; disentangled the oar from the water lilies; a trapped animal that untangled itself from a net.
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