1 |
acquaint |
1. ~에게 소개하다: introduce, present
2.~에 정통하다, 숙지시키다: familiarize, familiarise
3. 알리다, 기별하다: inform
3. be(get)~ed with~을 알고 있다(알게 되다), ~ed(-id)아는, 정통한 |
Ex1) The program will also acquaint participants with the library's resources.
Ex2) Citizens could borrow TeleReaders, acquaint themselves with the technology, and buy their own machines.
Ex3) These tips will get you started with basic query language and acquaint you with the full power of Microsoft Index Server.
Ex4) To acquaint students with high school leaders who do not use drugs and to clarify the misconception that drug users are in the majority.
Ex5) This Sheraton map will help acquaint you with their relative locations.
Ex6) This may be your first experience with a BBS (Bulletin Board System) or you may just be acquainting yourself with Monochrome's special features.
2 |
force |
1. n 힘, 체력, 에너지: power, forcefulness, strength 폭력, 완력: violence 영향력, 효과: effect 무력, 군대: military unit, military force
2. v 강요하다,억지로 ~시키다, (억지로) 떠맡기다 : coerce, hale, pressure : impel : push : thrust : wedge, squeeze : drive, ram : pull, draw : storm |
Ex1) A force of nature?
Ex2) the study of Elite Forces.
Ex3) A force to be reckoned with.
Ex4) My head took most of the force.
Ex5) Plesiosaurs used their flippers for their main propulsive force.
Ex6) Critics claim that oil is the driving force behind US policy on Iraq.
Ex7) Soon after this, Isaac Newton postulated that there is a force of attraction between any two objects, called gravitation.
Ex8) In Maine and Washington, law enforcement officials must notify schools of juvenile crimes involving use of force.
Ex9) It flows in a curve because of the Coriolis force.
Ex10) The airplane can be launched with force or softly.
Ex11) I needed to master The Force before anything else.
Ex12) They intend to force the vehicles into extinction.
Ex13) Jeffrey forces a smile at her and after she's gone.
Ex14) Then their lips touch as she forces air inside him.
3 |
encourage |
기운을 북돋아주다, 격려하다, 조장하다: promote, advance, boost, further |
Ex1) We encourage horse play!
Ex2) I encourage you to read them.
Ex3) Encourage neighbors to do the same.
Ex4) That only encourages us to be attacked.
Ex5) Encourage others to speak out about your cause.
Ex6) We invite and encourage your help.
Ex7) Only after they have their gear down do I encourage them to ramp up the difficulty (slowly).
4 |
expect |
1. v 기대하다, 예상(예기)하다, 기다리다, 바라다, 요구하다: anticipate : ask, require : look, await, wait
2. ~라고 생각하다, 추측하다: think, suppose
3. (아기를)임신하고 있다: be pregnant with, bear, carry, gestate |
Ex1) They'll be expecting that.
Ex2) Naturally, you can expect an individualized, seamless solution.
Ex3) Before you started practicing for the X Games you said you didn't know what to expect.
Ex4) He glances up at one of the guard towers, expecting, perhaps, to be felled by a bullet.
Ex5) While most significant others might be patient at first, do not expect it to last.
Ex6) Expect a reply normally within 48 hours.
Ex7) They know what I want and what I expect.
Ex8) What do you truly expect from a partner?
Ex9) His wife is expecting their first child.
Ex10) What to expect from seasonal adjustments.
Ex11) Bath expects that it will be approved within a year or two.
Ex12) I'm expecting guests and want my place to look spectacular.
Ex13) Together, we can realistically expect to make a difference.
5 |
motivate |
v 동기를 주다, 자극하다, 흥미(의욕)를 느끼게 하다: propel, move, prompt, incite |
Ex1) Early experiments showed that the world was not hostile enough to motivate signals.
Ex2) How to motivate yourself to get over the speed bumps you will certainly encounter along the way to your dreams.
Ex3) Having a great website that delights and motivates the visitor to buy is not enough.
Ex4) Even though most of us don't want to get pregnant, sometimes we need real-life examples to help motivate us.
6 |
launch |
v 진수시키다, (~를 세상에) 내보내다, 발사하다, 시작하다: establish, set up, found, mount, plunge, set in motion
n 진수, 발진, 발사 |
Ex1) The site was launched on February 21st, 2000.
Ex2) A protest was launched on the artists' behalf.
Ex3) Competition launched, promoted and administered.
Ex4) The airplane can be launched with force or softly.
Ex5) Netmosphere was weeks away from a critical launch.
Ex6) They will be perfect or this ship will not launch.
Ex7) This site was officially launched on 2 December 1999.
Ex8) Our beta site to be launched in France on September 18.
7 |
process |
n 진행, 경과, 처리, 가공: procedure, cognitive process, operation, cognitive operation, act, summons, unconscious process, outgrowth, appendage
v 처리(가공)하다, 기소하다, (정보,데이터를) 처리하다, (자료 등을) 조사 분석하다: treat, sue, litigate, work, work on, serve, swear out, march |
Ex1) There is nothing "official " about this process.
Ex2) Thank you for your understanding of this process.
Ex3) See below for more on them and the choosing process.
Ex4) In fact there is no cutting at all in the process.
Ex5) We are in the process of destroying an entire society.
Ex6) What do you need from me in order to process my order?
Ex7) They may spend tens of thousands of dollars daily in the process.
Ex8) From start to finish, the process usually takes about three months.
Ex9) Many processes will be controlled by computers.
Ex10) The process is simple, with very little effort on your part.
Ex11) They will also receive exposure to film production processes.
Ex12) To join, please fill out our online application and we will process your information at once.
Ex13) We may process or store your information in our U.S. databases.
8 |
promote |
v 촉진하다, 승진시키다,(사업을)시작하다, 선전하여(상품의)판매를 촉진하다, (법안의) 통과에 노력하다: advance, boost, further, encourage: upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, raise, elevate : advertise, advertize, push |
Ex1) Small businesses can promote.
Ex2) How can I promote my game with you?
Ex3) Why promote health care?
Ex4) The organisers intend to promote intensive follow up activities at regional level.
Ex5) Promote information security in your company, industry, and your community.
Ex6) Creating positive images of each other can help promote future coexistence.
Ex7) Instead, they built a sisterhood to encourage and promote each others' work.
Ex8) Especially, however, TeleReaders would promote reading, the most vital skill.
Ex9) Promoting a special event takes creative thinking balanced with practicality.
Ex10) It promotes best practice in design, use and management of school facilities.
9 |
provide |
v주다, 공급하다, 제공하다: supply, render, furnish / 준비하다, 대비하다, 규정하다, 부양하다(be provided with ~의 설비가 되다, ~의 준비가 되어 있다) |
Ex1) The following materials provide an introduction.
Ex2) What do we need that the forest can not provide?
Ex3) Country by country information is provided below.
Ex4) When in doubt, provide the journal's complete name.
Ex5) The following information is provided in that spirit.
Ex6) I will try to provide as much information as possible.
Ex7) Thank you for providing us with such valuable articles?
Ex8) We have gathered a few here to provide you some answers.
Ex9) Please provide us with as much information as possible.
Ex10) Some information about documentation is provided below.
10 |
restrict |
v 제한하다,한정하다,금지(제지)하다: curtail, curb, cut back: limit: restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle: qualify |
Ex1) Restrict visits from certain country.
Ex2) You may further restrict the results by part of
speech, or not.
Ex3) The Mexican constitution continues to severely restrict foreign investment.
Ex4) This requirement is to restrict membership to consultants who are serious about their work.
Ex5) And the Do Not Spam Registry restricts commercial speech.
Ex6) Restricts election-time political ads by special-interest groups.
Ex7) We restrict employee access to customer information in order to safeguard your personal information.
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