The book's title is "Caillou Grows Carrots."
Mommy said, "Caillou? Who's waiting outside?"
Caillou go to the outside went outside.
There was a grandfather there he saw his grandfather there.
Grandfather suggested that we they plant a variety of vegetables.
Caillou plants a carrot seeds planted carrot seeds.
Caillou saw checked on the carrots every day, but always had leaves he only saw leaves.
Grandfather come to the Caillou's house again came to Caillou's house again and said, "It's ready!"
Caillou pulled out the carrot.
Caillou eat that carrot ate the carrot with his family.
After I read this book, I want wanted to grow carrots like Caillou.
Score: A-
문법과 표현:
- "go to the outside" → "went outside"
- "was a grandfather there" → "he saw his grandfather there"
- "plants a carrot seeds" → "planted carrot seeds"
- "eat that carrot" → "ate the carrot"
내용 추가하기:
- Caillou가 매일 당근을 돌볼 때 어떤 일을 했는지 추가해 보세요.
- 가족이 함께 당근을 먹으며 나눈 대화를 상상해서 추가하면 이야기가 더 생동감 있어질 것입니다.
문장 연결:
- "Finally," "Then," 같은 연결어를 사용해 문장을 부드럽게 이어 보세요.