22, September, 2023, Friday.
The Return of the Prodigal Son(Luke 15:11~32)
But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'
Hymn #527 O, Come Home(Unified Hymn 317)
The Pharisees criticized Jesus for eating with sinners. At that time, He told the parable of "The Prodigal Son" which gave an explanation about the church. The prodigal son represented those who were discouraged, and the older brother who criticized him represented Pharisees. You must know what the church is. From the moment you're saved, the throne becomes your background. When you pray, God's Kingdom will come and its works will be fulfilled. Moreover, God will send the heavenly army when you're in a spiritual crisis. Furthermore, when one discouraged person returns to the Lord, He is extremely pleased to the point that a heavenly banquet takes place. Those who are discouraged mustn't meet people at church; instead, they must meet God. Rather than listening to people's words or receiving their help, they must listen to God's Word and gain His power. At church, many TCKs exist. God is always with them. All they have to do is enjoy everything through “W·I·O.” By doing "prayer 24," God's Kingdom which is "25" will come, and the eternal masterpiece of the age will appear. Ultimately, "Only Uniqueness Re-Creation" will emerge.
1. Human Attributes
Even though people have escaped from Satan's 12 strategies, they keep trying to return. Even those who've been saved keep trying to leave God.
2. God's Attributes
God is waiting for those who are discouraged or mired in troubles. People just have to go before God as they are(Matthew 11:28 & 4:19). When those who've been ruined return, He'll forgive them; provide new clothes;(Status) put rings on their fingers;(status) and place shoes on their feet(Master). Simply put, God will restore them to their original state. The problem was the prodigal son who was in the house. That represents both the Pharisees and you.
3. The Attributes of the True Church
You need to save the 237, especially TCKs. In addition, you must save those who need to be healed; go all-in regarding the education of the posterity; and make them into the Summit.
The light must shine on the 237 and the posterity in whom darkness is being relayed. For the posterity who's within the Nephilim movement, "The Throne Movement" of the heavenly banquet will take place. Moreover, in the places where disasters strike, those areas must be saved through the light of the heavenly banquet.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, may the church that'll realistically save the posterity be prepared. Although I'm powerless, through Your grace, help me relay the light of the Gospel in this time of darkness. During this week, may all believers gain tremendous new strength. May they be clothed with new grace that has never existed before. Please grant new strength and may the works of healing arise in various places. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 2nd Service / 21, August, 2022.
[Gospel Memory Verse] John 16:24.
[Bible Reading] Philippians 2:19~30.