경찰, 윤 대통령 '체포영장 집행 방해' 혐의 입건
(LEAD) Police book Yoon on suspicion of obstructing execution of warrant to detain him
Lee Haye-ah Politics 11:05 February 21, 2025 Yonhap News
(ATTN: UPDATES with details; ADDS byline) By Lee Haye-ah SEOUL, Feb. 21 (Yonhap) -- Police said Friday they have booked impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol on suspicion of obstructing the execution of a warrant to detain him last month. Yoon is suspected of instructing the Presidential Security Service (PSS) to block investigators' attempt to detain him over his short-lived imposition of martial law. Police reportedly secured text messages Yoon exchanged with PSS deputy chief Kim Seong-hoon via the U.S.-based messenger app Signal on Jan. 3, when investigators attempted and ultimately failed to apprehend him at his residence. Yoon also gave instructions to block a second attempt to detain him in messages he exchanged with Kim on Jan. 7, according to sources. Investigators succeeded at their second attempt on Jan. 15, however, and Yoon has since been held at a detention center. He has been attending a Constitutional Court trial on the validity of his impeachment and a separate criminal trial on insurrection charges related to his declaration of martial law in December. As a sitting president, Yoon is immune from prosecution except in the case of insurrection, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison or death. President Yoon Suk Yeol (L) talks with his lawyer, Yun Gap-geun, during the 10th hearing of his impeachment trial at the Constitutional Court in Seoul on Feb. 20, 2025, over his short-lived imposition of martial law in December. (Pool photo) (Yonhap) hague@yna.co.kr (END) |
경찰, 윤 대통령 '체포영장 집행 방해' 혐의 입건
이승지2025. 2. 21. 12:25 MBC
윤석열 대통령이 김성훈 대통령경호처 차장에게 자신에 대한 체포영장 집행 방해를 직접 지시한 정황을 경찰이 확보한 것으로 파악됐습니다.
경찰 비상계엄 특별수사단은 지난달 1차 체포영장 집행을 전후해 윤 대통령과 김 차장이 미국 메신저 앱인 '시그널' 등을 통해 주고받은 문자 메시지를 확보했습니다.
윤 대통령은 김 차장에게 여러 차례에 걸쳐 '체포 시도가 이뤄질 경우 경호처가 적극 나서서 막아라'는 취지로 지시한 것으로 전해졌으며, 경찰은 이에 따라 윤 대통령도 특수공무집행방해 혐의로 입건했습니다.
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