10, October, 2023, Tuesday.
The Remnant's Current Address(Isaiah 6:1~13)
"And though a tenth remains in the land, it will again be laid waste. But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land."(13)
Hymn #324 I Can Hear My Savior Calling(Unified Hymn 360)
What's the Remnant's "current address" and what journey must be taken? The Remnant's first journey is "The Throne's Power." To enjoy this blessing, a prayer system needs to be created. From that point on, the works of God's Kingdom will be fulfilled. For Remnants, those works pertain to their studies. Moreover, the Remnant's journey contains God's purpose. Simply put, it's discovering what the adult generation doesn't know and can't do. Furthermore, it's finding what elites or leaders in the field can't uncover. Joseph found world evangelization in advance, which his brothers knew nothing about. Later, he told the royal officials and even Pharaoh what they didn't know. This is the Remnant's "current address." With this, Remnants must make a system regarding "my own journey."
1. Preparation(Isaiah 6:1)
What should Remnants prepare? God showed Isaiah "The Throne's Power." Inside "The Throne's Power" are both a journey and prayer. If you "establish the throne in me" first, then you'll be able to "establish the throne in my studies." In doing so, you'll "establish the throne in the field."
2. The Background
Remnants must study within an important background. In fact, seraphs or angels and the glory of the Lord are their background. During hardships, God wed Isaiah the glory of the Lord. Finally, the power of the Lord is their background as well. In Isaiah 6:4, it states that the doorposts and thresholds shook because of the glory of the Lord. That's why Remnants have no time to be discouraged.
3. The Reason
Remnants need to know the reason for their journey. There will of course be difficulties. The terebinth and oak trees being cut down means that even rights will be taken away. However, it states that the holy seed will remain. (Stump & Remnant)
The important aspect is being able to get out (Exit) and being able to enter(Gate). Joseph escaped from the level of his family and entered Egypt which was the gate to save the world. Moses; Samuel; David; Elisha; and Daniel transcended the problems of the age. For Paul, he saw synagogues as doors to save the posterity.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, thank you for blessing Remnants. May they go on the proper journey. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Remnant Study of Evangelism / 03, September, 2022.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Jeremiah 33:2~3.
[Bible Read Bible Reading] 1 Thessalonians 2:1~16.