Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (027) - Our Mission in the Last Days of Providential History
2. The coming of True Parents
Leaders from around the world, tonight I would like to convey a new message from God to the six billion people living in this age. It is both His commandment and a revelation. The title of this message is “Our Mission in the Last Days of Providential History”
The Fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, imprisoned us within the dungeon of false love, false life and false lineage. We are chained to a history of unfathomable misery and resentment. All people without exception have inherited Satan’s false lineage, with its accumulated sins over a history of thousands and tens of thousands of years. We are trapped by that history, with no choice but to lead checkered lives littered with falsehood and evil. This is humanity’s fate. There is no escape from this predicament, regardless of human effort.
Humanity has longed for the day when someone would save us from our fallen condition. People writhe in agony, engulfed by evil and falsehood, because due to the Fall of the first ancestors everyone is bound to the filthy and dreadful lineage of Satan. Therefore, humanity awaits the coming of the one who is of the lineage of Heaven and has no relation to Satan’s lineage. This person is the True Parents. They are able to liberate us from Satan’s bondage.
We need to understand that we have Satan as our parent. In biblical terms, we are wild olive trees, separated from the true root. The True Parents are sent as the Savior and Messiah of all humanity with the mission to sever from Satan all the wild olive trees that have been growing for tens of thousands of years and graft them onto the true olive tree. This represents the change of humanity’s lineage. The True Parents come to complete this great revolutionary endeavor on an interreligious and international level.
The True Parents do not appear on someone’s whim, anywhere or at any time. They can come only in the providential Last Days. The term “Last Days” means the moment when the providence of restoration, which Heaven has carried forward throughout history, bears its final fruit. In other words, we meet the era of the True Parents, when humankind can be restored to its original state, only in conjunction with God’s providence.
The providence to save humanity is administered by Heaven, so how can you know at what point you stand in it? Only the True Parents, who come with Heaven’s love, life and lineage, know the providential time. Knowing the providential time, they work in line with it to bring the providence to its conclusion. Only the True Parents come with the authority to govern the spirit world. By this authority they have rallied the founders of the four major religions and myriads of good ancestors in order to take responsibility for your eternal life.
Leaders from around the world! Though you were unaware of it, humankind has entered a new realm of grace. The era of heavenly fortune has arrived. I openly declare to heaven and earth that I have received God’s anointing and have been entrusted with the mission to be humanity’s True Parent. We are now in the Last Days of God’s providence.
This is the era of the holy marriage Blessing, by which humanity’s lineage is changed from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage. Now the Era after the Coming of Heaven is unfolding within the realm inaugurated by the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves (Ssang Hab Shib Seungll). In the Era before the Coming of Heaven, those who pursued evil prospered and it was difficult to distinguish right from wrong. Now Heaven no longer has to endure that diseased and disordered world!
Have powerful hope as you live in accordance with the path of Heaven. You can come to resemble God, who is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, and have His attributes. Practice a life of living for the sake of others, and you will go through a revolution of character. Following this path will enable us to establish the kingdom of God on earth, that is, the peace kingdom, where we all can live together in harmony. Heaven has longed passionately to see this come to pass.