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Cuttino Mobley retires because of heart condition
By BRIAN MAHONEY, AP Basketball Writer
GREENBURGH, N.Y. (AP)—New York Knicks guard Cuttino Mobley retired from the NBA on Thursday because of heart disease that he said has gotten worse.
Mobley said doctors told him he faced significant risks if he kept playing. The 11-year veteran said by walking away now, he could live a long life.
Mobley announced his decision at a press conference at the Knicks’ training center, where he confirmed he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The condition causes the heart muscle to thicken, making it harder to pump blood, and the 33-year-old Mobley said he had no choice but to end his career.
“The specialists I’ve seen made it clear that my heart condition has gotten worse and I couldn’t continue to play professional basketball without putting my health and life in serious danger,” Mobley said. “As much as I want to keep playing in the NBA, I have no choice but to follow the advice of my doctors and step away from the league.”
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in people under 30 years old and was linked to the deaths of former Boston Celtics forward Reggie Lewis and Loyola Marymount star Hank Gathers.
The Knicks acquired Mobley last month from the Los Angeles Clippers—a trade that may ultimately have saved his life. An EKG during his physical showed an irregularity with the heart, which Mobley already knew existed. The Knicks decided to perform an MRI exam, which revealed the more serious condition that previously had gone undetected.
Mobley then saw four specialists around the country, who performed additional tests and provided him literature about the disease that convinced him to stop playing.
“The doctors said to not chance it and I feel as though they’re right, having an 8-year old son, having a long life ahead of me, it’s the smart thing,” Mobley said. “It’s a tough thing to swallow, but things in life happen, but you have to keep going.”
Mobley averaged 16.0 points in 11 seasons with Houston, Orlando, Sacramento and the Clippers. He was expected to become the Knicks’ starting shooting guard after the Nov. 21 trade.
The Knicks could have voided the deal because of the health concerns, but waived the physical requirement because the trade allowed them to move Zach Randolph’s contract, freeing salary cap space for the summer of 2010.
“I thought this would be the perfect trade with him in it, but I would never put a player out there that’s at the risk that he would be at,” Knicks president Donnie Walsh said.
“None of this is as important as somebody’s life. None of it. Period,” Walsh said. “So I’m glad that we had a doctor that put him through tests that showed it, because the risk was there.”
Walsh said he wasn’t sure yet what options the Knicks had to fill the vacant roster spot and would begin researching it Friday.
Mobley said he’d thought about the scene of Gathers collapsing on the court during a game. Mobley said it factored into his decision.
“Say if you were to play, the worry, the worrisome of people watching you, if you were to fall, or it’s just an elbow or just an ankle, that’s scary. And then every single day just being scared for you, I think that’s a selfish thing, also,” he said. “Even though you love something so much, and I am in love with basketball, but sometimes you have to get a divorce.”
첫댓글 아아아 모블리............또 하나의 불꽃이 꺼지는 구나................너무 아쉽네요.....
예전에 프랜시스와의 콤비를 살짝이루워서 경기할때만해도 이렇게 심장문제따위는 안보이던데;; 그래도 한 사람이기에 건강하시길바라며;; 그럼 이제 뭘하실껀지;; 뉴욕계약이 남았으니 코치로 쫌 하실껀가;;
결국 잭과 팀의 트레이드가 되버린거네...쩝.... 농구하다 죽는거보다야 당연 은퇴하는게 최선이죠.
흠...티맥과의 트레이드로 올랜도에 와서 쏠쏠한 활약을 해주던 선수였는데 결국 단짝인 프랜시스-모블리 콤비를 한번더 못하고 은퇴하시네요 ㅠㅠ
아..................안타깝습니다............진짜....좋아하는 선순데
bye bye CAT ㅜㅜ
자기 의지가 아니라 건강때문에 은퇴한게 너무 아쉽네요,,,
LAC, NYN 양팀다 알고 한거겠죠? 그렇다면 마잌감독은 쟠보다 팀을 원한게 되네요. 예전 팀에서 쏠쏠히 활약해준 선수를 다시찾는게 요즘 NBA감독들의 성향 같군요. 결국 커티노는 샐러리 맞추기? 인건가요?
아..진짜 건강만 아니라면 진짜....ㅜ.ㅜ
모블리...하위 드래프트로 성공한 선수이기에 더욱 아쉽군요.
모블리... the cat.. 프랜시스랑 백코트를 이룰때 정말 좋아했는데 이렇게 부상으로 가다니 넘넘 아쉽네요. ㅠㅠ 그래도 건강보다 중요한건 없겠죠. 아무쪼록 건강회복하고 행복한 일만 가득하기를 기대합니다.