Title: "Oline Online Anonymity"
I learned about online anonymity. Internet anonymity is important~~.~~ because it can protect people's freedom of speech. Without online anonymity, people could become targets of crime. Other opinion However, the lack of responsibility for online behavior leads people to make rude and hurtful comments. And anonymity makes it harder to track cybercrime. I oppose to oppose online anonymity~~.~~ because of cyberbulling cyberbullying. When they use their real name, the cyberbulling cyberbullying will decrease.
Score: B+
- '온라인'은 'Online'으로 써요.
- '사이버불링'은 'cyberbullying'으로 써요.
- '반대하다'는 'oppose'만 쓰면 돼요. 'to'는 필요 없어요.
- 자신의 생각을 더 자세히 설명하면 좋아요. 왜 실명제가 좋다고 생각하나요?
- 두 문장을 'because'로 연결할 때는 앞 문장의 마침표를 없애요.