Title: "online Anony mity Online Anonymity"
Internet anonymity is important because it can protect people's freedom of speech. The Internet is helping people and giving some information. But the Internet is sometimes bad because some people are phones haking phone hacking. We are called cyberbullying This is called cyberbullying. So, the crime is brought to my information criminals can steal my information. But we have an anonymity. Then, the criminals don't bring can't steal our information. I think this book is scared scary .Because because my phone is haking might be hacked later.
Score: B-
- '온라인 익명성'은 하나의 단어예요. 'Online Anonymity'로 써요.
- '범죄자들이 정보를 훔치다'는 'criminals steal information'으로 써요.
- 긴 문장은 'and'나 'because'로 연결하면 좋아요.
- 해커들로부터 정보를 지키는 방법을 써보면 좋겠어요.
- 인터넷을 안전하게 사용하는 방법도 알려주세요.