Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (028) - Complete and Perfect Restoration of Cain and Abel Brotherhood and the Ideal World of Creation
3. Jesus came as the second Adam
Furthermore, Jesus came as the second Adam. His family was to have been the true ancestors of humankind, passing on the lineage that stems from God’s seed of pure love and pure harmony. God intended to give Jesus His marriage Blessing, in order that he might form a true family that would become the root of God’s true lineage for all the ages.
However, with his death on the cross, once again God was driven to the darkest grief, His hopes crushed. God had sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, to recover the lost position of Adam. God had given Jesus His seal as the second Adam, hoping that he would bring the four-thousand-year history of the providence of restoration to its conclusion. Instead, once again God’s Will was frustrated. Once again, the core that God had established as the central axis of history was pulled out from its root. From that time on, God’s providence of restoration began to intensify.
God never deviates from the track set by the principles and laws that He established at the creation. He cannot lead the providence arbitrarily or capriciously. Consequently, after losing Jesus, who was to have become the eternal Abel for humankind, God patiently endured another two thousand years of history. During that time He prepared the environment and conditions that would no longer permit failure, and on that foundation God finally sent to this earth the person who is speaking to you now, with His seal as the Second Advent of the Lord.
Even so, my life course has never been smooth. Satan is a creature so shrewd and cunning that he could trample even on the heart of the omniscient and omnipotent God. For the past eighty-plus years, my life has run the gamut of ups and downs. Yet by establishing all the indemnity conditions necessary for each stage of the providence, I gained victory at the great transition point of the twentieth century.
This was when the conflict and struggle between Cain and Abel that had begun in Adam’s family had expanded into the global struggle between communism and democracy. On the foundation of overcoming that final level of struggle, in the year 2001, I was able to declare the era of Cheon II Guk, the time of true love under the sovereignty of Abel, and to offer God His kingship.
On that victorious foundation, in Jerusalem in 2003 I offered to Jesus his coronation as the King of Peace of the First Israel. In 2004, coronation ceremonies were held in America, the Second Israel, in Korea, the Third Israel, and finally on the global level. Thus, in my capacity as the True Parent of humankind, I was elevated to the King of Peace, transcending religions and nations. Standing upon these providential victories, now in 2005 the world’s six billion people have entered the second stage in the three-stage process of building the kingdom of Cheon II Guk.
Today, humankind is mandated to fulfill three great goals. These are, one, to change our lineage in order to complete the registration providence; two, to transfer the realm of ownership; and three, to inherit the realm of heart. You know that a lamb is obedient to its master even at the moment he puts a knife to its throat. With the absolute obedience of a lamb you need to offer your life to the True Parents, who come as the substantial King and Queen of Peace and your eternal Abel. You must fulfill your responsibility and your course as representatives of the entire Cain realm.
Let us consider where we stand today in the course of providential history. Though imperceptible to the human eye, we are at a point of great transition. Now that we have entered the third millennium, God’s providence is moving toward completion with tremendous speed.
Throughout the years, I have established many organizations and institutions to advance God’s providence. Among them, I highlight the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace and the Peace UN—the interreligious and international peace council that I founded recently. Their mission is to embrace Satan’s realm. In the position of Abel, they are to liberate the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace, which stands in the position of Cain representing Satan’s realm. Thereby they are to bring the world into oneness, so that conflict and struggles between Cain and Abel will no longer stain history.
America, which represents the sphere of the world’s religions, needs to stand as Abel to love and embrace the United Nations, which stands as Cain. In this way, America and the UN will fulfill their responsibility for the cause of world salvation.
Ladies and gentlemen, the True Parents are our ultimate Abel. It is God who designates a person for Abel’s position. It is a destined position that cannot be evaded, even in death. Every Abel is called to plant the seeds of true love, even at the cost of his or her life. Every Abel has to take the path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience before God. This is because the purpose of this path is to bring about a reversal by bringing Cain to natural submission.
It is our destiny to live in attendance to the True Parents as our eternal Abel. They are the vertical axis, coming as the incarnation of the incorporeal God. The True Parents are the Savior of humankind, the Messiah, and the Second Coming of the Lord. They are the King and Queen of Peace in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
The True Parents now are establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. It will be the ideal kingdom, the ideal of creation, which God has longed to see since the beginning of the universe. It is the central kingdom of peace. It will complete the Era after the Coming of Heaven, which opened to humankind in the months prior to 2005, the fifth year of Cheon II Guk. It is a world of liberation and complete freedom. Here, all divisions and barriers that have set people at odds for tens of thousands of years are abolished, irrespective of the reasons and justifications for their existence. Here all humankind lives as one family transcending religion and nationality, and attends the True Parents as their true Teacher and true King.
Now that you know you live amid such tremendous heavenly blessings, what are you supposed to do? How can you prepare yourself to receive these blessings? First and foremost, you have to thoroughly rearrange your life. Begin by discovering the absolute realm of unity between your mind and body. This is how you can perfect yourself as an individual embodiment of truth, unblemished, clear, clean and shining. Clear up all your debts. In other words, achieve a revolution through atonement. Next, you have to be able to live without any shame in your conscience eternally. This calls for a revolution of conscience. Practice a life of true love, of living for the sake of others, such that you do not feel indebted in heart before the True Parents or any other person. In other words, carry out a revolution of heart.
The second thing you need to do is create heaven in your family life. The family is the palace of love. Perfect the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships in your family. Make your family a place that cultivates sons and daughters of filial piety, loyal citizens, saints, and divine sons and daughters. Let it become the paramount place where everyone deeply experiences God’s heart. Let your family fulfill the promise of happiness that you and your spouse made to each other. Your ancestors will descend to your family and guide you on the path toward heaven. Turn your family into a blossom of true love and the very place where that flower bears fruit. |