Today**, I'm going to talk about online anonymity. There are two groups: people who use anonymity and people who don't use anonymity. First, in favor of people saying people in favor say it can protect important information, and It it doesn't make cyberbullying. n Next Next, opposing people saying people against it say it can make crime lead to crimes by criminals .Because because it is of anonymity. so So, many people are in agony. When I am in there If I have to choose, I want to do not use anonymity. I think this book makes a home helps us understand the issue.
Score: B-
- 쉼표(,) 뒤에는 항상 띄어쓰기를 해요.
- '찬성하는 사람들'은 'people in favor'로 써요.
- '반대하는 사람들'은 'people against it'으로 써요.
- 왜 익명성을 사용하지 않길 원하는지 이유를 더 자세히 써보세요.
- 인터넷을 안전하게 사용하는 방법도 써보면 좋겠어요.