Pedro: Why are you changing the prices on all of those items in the store?
Elisa: Haven’t you heard? There’s a hurricane coming. People will be
stocking up on
* stock up (on ~) =
(~을) 비축하다/ basic necessities = 기본적 필수품
Pedro: I know
that, but that still doesn’t explain why you’ve decided to jack up
* jack up = (특히 가격을) 대폭
Elisa: There’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of a
spike in
demand during
emergency situations.
We’re in business to make money.
* take advantage of ~ = ~을 이용하다; ~을 기회로 활용하다/ spike = 급등, 급증/
demand = 수요
Pedro: That’s price gouging and you know it.
There are laws against that. And plus, we shouldn’t
be exploiting people’s fear.
* price gouging = 바가지 요금/ exploit = (부당하게) 이용하다
Elisa: I’m not responsible for that hurricane and I
didn’t tell people to hoard. I’m not hiking prices
so high that
people can’t afford it. I’m just increasing them to discourage hoarding,
that’s all.
* hoard = (특히 비밀리에 많은 돈・음식・귀중품 등을)
비축[저장]하다/ hike = 대폭 인상하다/ discourage = (무엇을 어렵게 만들거나 반대하여)
Pedro: I don’t know. It still doesn’t feel
right. It feels like we’re profiteering.
* profiteer = (물자 부족을 이용하여) 폭리를 취하다
No, we’re not. We’re making a sound business decision. Hey,
where are you going with those?
* sound = 견실한, 믿을
만한, 타당한
Pedro: I’m putting some of these items in the
back to reserve for people who
can’t afford your new prices,
the poorest and the most vulnerable in our
* reserve = (자리 등을) 따로 잡아[남겨] 두다; (판단
등을) 보류[유보]하다/ vulnerable = 취약한, 연약한
Elisa: You’re not
suggesting we give those items
* give ~ away = ~을 선물로
Pedro: You’ll thank me later for helping you
to assuage your guilty
* assuage = (안 좋은 감정을)
누그러뜨리다[달래다]/ guilty conscience = 죄책감, 양심의 가책
Price Gouging - WTS.mp3