POPE FRANCIS ANGELUS, Second Sunday of Lent, Saint Peter's Square. Sunday, 5 March 2023
Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! On this Second Sunday of Lent, the Gospel of the Transfiguration is proclaimed. Jesus takes Peter, James and John with him on the mountain and is revealed to them in all his beauty as Son of God (cf. Mt 17:1-9).
프란치스코교황삼종기도, 사순제2주일, 성베드로광장, 2023년 3월 5일
친애하는형제자매여러분, 안녕하십니까? 이번사순제2주일에는변모의복음이선포됩니다. 예수님께서는베드로와야고보와요한을데리고산에오르시어하느님의아들로서당신의모든아름다움을그들에게드러내보이십니다. (마태오 17,1-9 참조)
Let us pause a moment over this scene and ask ourselves: Of what does this beauty consist? What do the disciples see? A special effect? No, that is not it. They see the light of God’s holiness shining on the face and on the clothing of Jesus, the perfect image of the Father. God’s majesty, God’s beauty is revealed. But God is Love. Therefore, the disciples had been beholding with their eyes the beauty and splendour of divine Love incarnate in Christ. They had a foretaste of paradise. What a surprise for the disciples! They had the face of Love before their very eyes for so long without ever being aware of how beautiful it was! Only now do they realize it with such joy, with immense joy.
이장면에서잠시멈추고자문해봅시다. 이아름다움은무엇으로구성되어있습니까? 제자들은무엇을봅니까? 특수효과? 아니, 그것은아닙니다. 그들은아버지의완전한형상이신예수님의얼굴과옷에서비치는하느님의거룩함의빛을봅니다. 하느님의위엄, 하느님의아름다움이드러납니다. 그러나하느님은사랑이십니다. 그러므로제자들은그리스도안에육화한하느님사랑의아름다움과광채를그들의눈으로보고있었던것입니다. 그들은낙원을미리맛보았습니다. 제자들에게는얼마나놀라운일입니까! 그들은사랑의얼굴이얼마나아름다운지알지못한채사랑의얼굴을오랫동안눈앞에보고있었습니다! 이제야그들은기쁨으로, 엄청난기쁨으로그것을깨닫습니다.
In reality, through this experience, Jesus is forming them, preparing them for an even more important step. Soon after that, in fact, they would have to recognize the same beauty in him when he would mount the cross and his face would be disfigured. Peter struggles to understand: he would like to stop time, “pause” the scene, stay there and prolong this marvelous experience. But Jesus does not allow it. Indeed, his light cannot be reduced to a “magical moment”! It would thus become something false, artificial, something that would dissolve into the fog of passing sentiment. On the contrary, Christ is the light that orients our journey like the pillar of fire for the people in the wilderness (Ex 13:21). Jesus’ beauty does not alienate his disciples from the reality of life, but gives them the strength to follow him all the way to Jerusalem, all the way to the cross. Christ’s beauty is not alienating. It always brings you forward. It does not make you hide. Go forward!
사실, 이경험을통해예수님은그들을양성하고, 훨씬더중요한단계를위해그들을준비시키고계십니다. 사실얼마지나지않아그분이십자가에달리셔서얼굴이일그러지실때그들은그분에게서똑같은아름다움을알아볼수있어야할것입니다. 베드로는이해하기어렵습니다. 그는시간을멈추고장면을 “일시중지”하고그곳에머물러이놀라운경험을연장하고싶어합니다. 그러나예수님은그것을허락하지않으십니다. 진정, 그분의빛은 "마법의순간"으로축소될수없습니다! 그러면그빛이거짓되고인공적이고일시적인감정의안개속으로녹아드는것이될것이기때문입니다. 그와반대로그리스도는광야의백성에게불기둥과같이우리의길을인도하는빛이십니다. (탈출기 13:21) 예수님의아름다움은제자들을삶의현실에서멀어지게하지않고제자들이예루살렘까지, 십자가까지의먼길을끝까지그분을따를수있는힘을줍니다. 그리스도의아름다움은멀어지게하지않습니다. 그리스도의아름다움은항상여러분을앞으로인도합니다. 여러분이숨게하지않습니다. 앞으로나아가십시오.
Brothers and sisters, this Gospel traces a path for us too. It teaches us how important it is to remain with Jesus even when it is not easy to understand everything he says and does for us. In fact, it is by staying with him that we learn to recognize on his face the luminous beauty of love he gives us, even when it bears the marks of the cross. And it is in his school that we learn to see the same beauty on the faces of the people who walk beside us every day – family, friends, colleagues who take care of us in the most varied ways. How many luminous faces, how many smiles, how many wrinkles, how many tears and scars reveal love around us! Let us learn to recognize them and to fill our hearts with them. And then let us set out in order to bring the light we have received to others as well, through concrete acts of love (cf. 1 Jn 3:18), diving into our daily occupations more generously, loving, serving, and forgiving with greater earnestness and willingness. The contemplation of God’s wonders, the contemplation of God’s face, of the Lord’s face, must move us to the service of others.
형제자매여러분, 이복음은우리에게도길을열어줍니다. 예수님께서우리를위해말씀하시고행하시는모든것을이해하는것이쉽지않을때에조차도복음은우리에게예수님과함께머무르는것이얼마나중요한지가르칩니다. 사실, 그분과함께머무름으로써우리는그분의얼굴에서그분이우리에게주시는빛나는사랑의아름다움을알아보는법을배웁니다. 예수님이십자가의표시를가지고계실때조차도그렇습니다. 그리고우리는그분의학교에서매일우리곁에서걷는사람들즉가장다양한방법으로우리를돌보는가족들, 친구들, 그리고동료들의얼굴에서똑같은아름다움을보는법을배웁니다. 얼마나많은빛나는얼굴들, 얼마나많은미소, 얼마나많은주름, 그리고얼마나많은눈물과상처가우리주위에서사랑을드러냅니까? 그것들을알아차리고그것들로우리의가슴을채우는법을배웁시다. 그런다음출발합시다. 구체적인사랑의행위를 (1요한 3,18 참조) 통해서, 즉더관대한마음으로우리의매일의업무에뛰어들고, 사랑하고, 봉사하고, 좀더간절하고더기꺼이하는마음으로용서함으로써우리가받은빛을다른사람들에게도전하기위해출발합시다. 하느님의경이로움에대한관상, 하느님의얼굴, 주님의얼굴에대한관상은분명우리를움직여다른사람을위해봉사하도록할것입니다.
We can ask ourselves: Do we know how to recognize the light of God’s love in our lives? Do we recognize it with joy and gratitude on the faces of the people who love us? Do we look around us for the signs of this light that fills our hearts and open them to love and service? Or do we prefer the straw fires of idols that alienate us and close us in on ourselves? The great light of the Lord and the false, artificial light of idols. Which do I prefer?
우리는스스로에게물어볼수있습니다. 우리는우리삶에서하느님사랑의빛을알아차리는법을알고있습니까? 우리를사랑하는사람들의얼굴에서하느님사랑의빛을기쁘고감사한마음으로알아차립니까? 우리는우리주위에서이빛의표시를찾습니까? 사랑의빛은우리가슴을가득채우고우리의마음을사랑과봉사를향해열어줍니다. 아니면우리를소외시키고우리를자신안에가두는우상의섬광을더좋아합니까? 주님의위대한빛과우상의거짓되고인공적인빛중에어느것을선호합니까?
May Mary, who kept the light of her Son in her heart even in the darkness of Calvary, accompany us always on the way of love.
캘버리 (골고타) 의어둠속에서조차당신아드님의빛을마음에간직하신성모마리아여, 사랑의길에저희와항상함께하소서!
After the Angelus
Dear brothers and sisters, These past days, my thought has been often directed to the victims of the train accident that happened in Greece. Many were young students. I am praying for the deceased. I am near the wounded and to their relatives. May Our Lady comfort them.
친애하는형제자매여러분, 요며칠동안그리스에서일어난열차사고의희생자들을많이생각했습니다. 많은희생자들이어린학생들이었습니다. 죽은사람들을위해기도합니다. 저의마음은부상자들과그들의가족들가까이에있습니다. 성모님, 그들을위로하여주소서!
I now express my sorrow for the tragedy that took place in the waters of Cutro, near Crotone. I am praying for the numerous victims of the shipwreck, for their relatives and for those who survived. I manifest my appreciation and my gratitude to the local population and institutions for their solidarity and hospitality toward these our brothers and sisters. I renew my appeal to everyone so that similar tragedies may not be repeated. Let the human traffickers be stopped so they do not continue to dispose of the lives of so many innocent people! May the journeys of hope never more be transformed into journeys of death. May the clear waters of the Mediterranean never more be bloodied by such tragic accidents! May the Lord give us the strength to understand and to weep.
Crotone 근처의 Cutro 바다에서발생한비극에대해저의슬픔을말씀드립니다. 난파선의수많은희생자들과그들의가족, 그리고살아남은사람들을위해기도하고있습니다. 이형제자매들에대한지역주민들과기관들의연대와보살핌에대해저의깊은감사를표합니다. 유사한비극이반복되지않도록다시한번호소합니다. 이렇게많은무고한사람들의목숨을앗아가는일이없도록인신매매범들은반드시멈추어야합니다! 희망의여정이더이상죽음의여정으로바뀌지않기를바랍니다. 지중해의맑은바닷물이더이상비극적인사고로피로물드는일이없게하소서! 주님, 저희에게이해하고울수있는힘을주소서!
I greet all of you, people from Rome and pilgrims from Italy and various countries. In particular, I greet the Ukrainian community from Milano who has come on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the martyrdom of the Bishop, Saint Josaphat who gave his life for the unity of Christians. Dear brothers and sisters, I praise your efforts to welcome your compatriots who have fled from the war. May the Lord, through the intercession of Saint Josaphat, grant peace to the battered Ukrainian people.
로마에서온분들과이탈리아와여러나라에서온순례자여러분모두에게인사드립니다. 특히그리스도인들의일치를위해목숨을바친성요사팟주교의순교 400주년을맞아밀라노에서온우크라이나공동체를환영합니다. 사랑하는형제자매여러분, 전쟁을피해피난온동포들을환대하려는여러분의노력에찬사를보냅니다. 주님께서성요사팟의중재를통해전란에시달리는우크라이나국민에게평화를주시기를빕니다.
I greet the pilgrims from Lithuania and the Lithuanian community of Rome who are celebrating Saint Casimir, as well as the Catholic Romanian community from Zaragoza (Spain), and the parish groups who have come from Murcia and Jerez de la Frontera (Spain); and from Tbilisi, Georgia. I greet the faithful from Burkina Faso, the Confirmation candidates from Scandicci and from Anzio; the faithful from Capaci, Ostia and San Mauro Abate in Rome.
저는리투아니아에서온순례자들과성카시미르를기념하는로마의리투아니아공동체, 사라고사 (스페인) 에서온가톨릭루마니아공동체, 무르시아와헤레스데라프론테라 (스페인) 에서그리고조지아트빌리시에서온본당단체들에게인사를전합니다. 저는 Scandicci와 Anzio의견진후보자들, 부르키나파소, Capaci, Ostia 및 San Mauro Abate의신자들에게인사를전합니다.
I wish all of you a good Sunday. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your meal and arrivederci!
여러분모두복된주일보내시고, 저를위해기도하는것을잊지마십시오. 점심맛있게드시고또뵙겠습니다.
한글번역: 윤영학아오스딩