출처: 머나먼정글 원문보기 글쓴이: 젊은미소
This is one of the initial Somali mobs. This was the largest one initially generated. As luck (all bad, for the Americans) would have it, this mob would eventually swell to over twice this side and pose a real threat to the American relocation to the Blackhawk crash site.
One of two Ranger units at the south most extreme of the American's perimeter.
This Somali mob was generated near the back side of the target building. Just around the corner are a pair of Delta operators (you can just see one of their rifle barrels poking around the corner).
This was the only picture to turn out dark like this (thankfully). I do not like to use a flash when shooting photos of battles as it tends to wash out the figures. THis photo shows the front of the target building. The archway in the wall leads to its backyard. In front are two Delta operators (the nominal Delta leader and a Delta medic), and the Ranger command section. They are presumably discussing the recent turn in fortune with the downing of the Blackhawk, and the best way to approach the crash site.
Another one of the first Somali mobs to appear, this one at the northern end of Hawaldig Road.
Another Ranger section. This one happens to be closest to the mob shown in the previous photo.
The Blackhawk crash site. At the crash site are two Delta casualties, and two wounded pilots. The pilots were not allowed to act until Turn 3 to represent their disorientation from the crash. At that point one would get 2 AP and the other 4 AP. Not much, but they were going to need it...
Initial dispositions of the last Delta team on the ground.
The battle has begun! The large Somali mob to the southwest started by swelling in numbers as it advanced on the Ranger positions on the south of Hawaldig Road. The technical rolls around the corner and begins to engage the Rangers with it's HMG.
The two Delta operators (just off camera to the left) at the back corner of the target building engage the closest Somali mob. The Somalis take heavy casualties. The casualty figure is in fact a "Panic Marker". The surviving Somalis present little threat as a result.
The Americans wasted no time in calling in support from a second Blackhawk. The crash site was looking to be overwhelmed by Somalis, and with no Rangers or Delta operators in range, this was really the only choice. The chopper hovered over the crash site to provide covering fire to the crash victims.
The same Blackhawk, seen from a different perspective. You can see the crashed Blackhawk below, and the approaching Somali mob. The gunners in the helicopter are about to rain minigun figure down on them.
These Somalis, too panicked to advance, are held off by the Delta operator.
The other Delta operators advance around the corner of the target building to support their mates down the street. A lone Ranger (no pun intended) runs down the left hand side of the narrow street.
Back on the north end of Hawaldig, some Rangers are trying to fend off an particularly aggressive Somali mob. While general Somali fire is not overly accurate, when they are allowed to come within point blank range like this, things can get very bad for the Americans. In this case, two Rangers were wounded, one quite severely.
Meanwhile, on the southern end of Hawaldig, the large Somali mob was pushing its way around the corner. Here too several Rangers were wounded, but still ambulatory. Here they are trying to execute a fighting withdrawal to get away from what are overwhelming numbers of enemy.
The start of a new turn, and more Somali mobs are generated. This is the crossroad at the back corner of the target building. As you can see, many Somalis have started heading here, including some rooftop snipers. Many of the Americans are headed this way as the crash site is further down this side street, and they are going to have to deal with these enemy.
From the marketplace some more angry Somalis. To the left hand side of the photo you can just see a Delta operator, intent on getting to the crash site which is on the next block. The crash site was coming under increasing fire, and the survivors were not capable of holding off the attack forever. The Blackhawk providing covering fire was taking damage and it pulled out, so this Delta operator decided to suck it up and race for the crash site in an attempt to add some much needed firepower to the defenders. He paid for it by being wounded as he ran past this marketplace, although he did eventually make it in spite of the wound.
To the left is the marketplace. The large mob in the center was shown from another direction earlier. The intersection in the background will prove to be a choke place for the Americans, many whom try to get through to the crash site at this point.
Many of the Rangers, initially stationed further from the target building than the Delta operators, found their withdrawal slow. In this photo, the Delta medic has rushed back to aid a wounded Ranger (the M60 gunner to the right), who was still ambulatory but about to bleed out.
Action near the crash site. The lone Delta operator racing towards the crash site looks to be about to be overwhelmed by two large Somali mobs. By some miracle he made it through!
Back across the street from the target building, several SNA militia members try to sneak up on the Rangers. Here, one SNA member is gunned down by an alert Ranger as he sneaks through the alley.
The same scenario repeated itself further north on Hawaldig. The Delta medic has just come to help the wounded M60 gunner, but both of them had no choice bu to deal with these two Somalis first.
Back to the south of Hawaldig and the large mob menacing the Ranger's withdrawal: Here, the mob swarms around the corner. The Rangers, who have withdrawn back behind some buildings, pour fire at the enemy as they attempt to extract a casualty. (The Americans had to get all their casualties to safety as well as those still on their feet, compounding the difficulty of their mission.)
At the start of Turn 3 it was time to check for Somali mobs generating near the crash site. Unfortunately, one was, and it was a big one to boot, complete with a technical! The Blackhawk flying cover had dropped off two Delta snipers, and a the Delta operator who had raced to get here were all that stood between this large mob and the crash site.
These are the two Delta snipers deployed by the Blackhawk. The are doing their best to hold off two large Somali mobs converging on the crash site.
These Rangers are "firing and falling back" from the large mob seen in the background.
The mob to the southwest had gotten too large for the nearby Rangers to handle, so they decided to risk the Blackhawk a second time and called it in to provide covering fire. The Blackhawk gunners did their job well, and mowed down most of the Somalis in this mob, and causing the rest to panic so much that they eventually withdrew.
This is the Delta "sprinter", before he got to the crash site. This mob almost overwhelmed him, and he was only saved by the deadly accurate fire of the two Delta snipers at the crash site.
The bottleneck intersection. The three Delta operators have not seen fit to cross the intersection, thanks to the large number of Somalis in the immediate area. In the meantime, a Ranger section comes up behind them to add their firepower to the scene.
Turn 4, and more Somali mobs appear, including another technical.
This is in the southern/central part of the map. A Ranger SAW gunner, spotting a mob across an empty lot, unloads over 100 rounds at them. He only inflicted a couple of casualties, but managed to panic them enough to keep them pinned in place, allowing his Ranger buddies a chance to make it to cover.
More action in the intersection. In spite of high casualty levels, the Somalis were brave enough to get right into the faces of the deadly D-Boys.
The Ranger command team had been pinned down from the get-go. Here, they take cover around a small, domed roof building. Some Somalis are advancing on them, and the Ranger captain and medic are doing their best to hold them off.
The new technical roars up on the Rangers and Delta medic, who has just gotten done tending the wounds of the M60 gunner. The medic helped the Ranger get across the street to safety, as the rest of the nearby Ranger forces sprayed fire at the Somalis. The technical was eventually taken out by an grenade from an M209.
This is the aftermath of the Blackhawk's fire on the large mob to the southwest. Out of 20 or so Somalis, these few are the only survivors. The Rangers (you can see some in the background) dealt with them handily before continuing their movement towards the crash site.
One of the Delta snipers at the crash site was hit and killed by a stray Somali AK round.
The mob near the crash site proved to be hesitant. They would advance, spray some rounds, and then retreat. It didn't help them any that every time they poked their heads out of cover the Delta sniper would drop a few of them.
Another shot of the technical during an aggressive moment. As you can see near the bottom of the photo, the Delta operator has finally made it to the crash site and is lending his firepower to the situation.
More Somalis are generated in the market. This is bad for the Americans as they are right near the planned path of travel for many of them.
More action near the crash site.
The last of the Rangers, still on Hawaldig near the target building, withdraw under fire.
The Americans finally break through the intersection near the market.
With the crash site under heavy fire, the Americans felt it prudent to call the Blackhawk back in to provide fire support. This was a risky decision, as if this Blackhawk, already damaged, were to be shot down, there would be no way the Americans could win the scenario. Still, with the Rangers and most of the Delta operators still a ways from the crash site, there appeared to be no other option.
The Somalis in the market rush towards the street, right into the path of the Americans...
Start of Turn 5, and more Somalis are generated. These appeared about a block away from the crash site on the same street.
The plight of the Rangers. In the center right of this photo is the target building. In the upper right hand corner is the deadly intersection, where you can still see some Delta operators providing cover fire. These Rangers have been unable to withdraw until now. Slowed down by a casualty and two walking wounded, they will have a very hard time making it to the crash site.
With the Americans converging slowly but steadily on the crash site, a Somali RPG hit the Blackhawk, knocking it out of the sky. With two helicopters on the ground, there was no way the Americans could fulfill their victory conditions, and so, in spite of a great amount of teamwork on the parts of the players (especially considering they are part of the Chico Game Club!), it turned out a loss.
This is a photo of the relief convoy (consisting of five Hummers and two deuce-and-a-halfs). Unfortunately, it's actions will have no impact on the game as the Americans have failed to meet their victory conditions. I mostly included this photo so that Tim at Armorcast will get fired up enough to sculpt some real 28mm Hummers!
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