검찰총장 "윤석열 석방하라" 지시…일선 수사팀 '반발'로 공전 중Prosecutor General's Order to Release Yoon Suk Yeol...The frontline investigation team is on a "counterattack."
박세열 기자2025. 3. 8. 11:57 프레시안
법원이 내란 우두머리 혐의로 구속된 윤석열 대통령에 대해 구속 취소를 결정한 가운데 심우정 검찰총장이 석방을 지시했으나 검찰 특수본이 반발하고 있어 결정이 미뤄지고 있다는 보도가 나왔다.
While the court decided to cancel the arrest of President Yoon Suk Yeol, who was arrested on charges of rebellion, Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung ordered his release, but the decision was delayed due to opposition from the special prosecution.
8일 SBS 보도에 따르면 심우정 검찰총장은 윤 대통령 구속 취소 결정에 항고하지 않고 윤 대통령의 석방을 지휘하라고 검찰 비상계엄 특별수사본부에 지시한 것으로 알려졌다.
According to an SBS report on the 8th, Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung ordered the special investigation headquarters of the prosecution's emergency martial law to direct Yoon's release without appealing the decision to cancel his arrest.
하지만 윤 대통령을 수사한 특별수사본부 측이 심 총장의 지시에 반발하고 있다고 한다.
However, the Special Investigation Headquarters, which investigated President Yoon, is said to be protesting against Shim's order.
이 매체는 "특별수사본부 측은 오늘 중으로 내부 검토를 거쳐 대검 지시대로 윤 대통령에 대한 석방을 지휘할지 결정할 것으로 알려졌다"고 보도했다.
The media reported, "The special investigation headquarters will reportedly decide whether to direct the release of President Yoon as ordered by the Supreme Prosecutors' Office within today after internal review."
검찰이 항고하지 않고 석방을 지휘할 경우 윤 대통령은 구치소에서 풀려난다. 반면 검찰이 법원의 결정에 즉시 항고할 경우 윤 대통령에 대한 구속은 유지되고 서울고법이 구속 취소 결정을 다시 판단한다.
If the prosecution directs the release without appealing, President Yoon will be released from the detention center. On the other hand, if the prosecution immediately appeals to the court's decision, the arrest of President Yoon will be maintained and the Seoul High Court will decide again to cancel the arrest.
▲심우정 검찰총장 후보자가 3일 국회 법제사법위원회에서 열린 인사청문회에서 의원 질의에 답하고 있다. ⓒ연합뉴스
[박세열 기자(ilys123@pressian.com)]
검찰총장 "윤석열 석방하라" 지시…일선 수사팀 '반발'로 공전 중
(5th LD) Court orders impeached Yoon released from custody after accepting request to cancel arrest
법원이 내란 우두머리 혐의로 구속된 윤석열 대통령에 대해 구속 취소를 결정한 가운데 심우정 검찰총장이 석방을 지시했으나 검찰 특수본이 반발하고 있어 결정이 미뤄지고 있다는 보도가 나왔다.
Kim Han-joo Politics 20:57 March 07, 2025
(ATTN: UPDATES with reactions from protesters in last 5 paras; ADDS photo) By Lee Haye-ah SEOUL, March 7 (Yonhap) -- A court ordered impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol to be released from custody Friday after accepting his request to cancel his arrest over his short-lived imposition of martial law. Yoon has been held at a detention center in Uiwang, just south of Seoul, since investigators detained him and brought him there on Jan. 15 on charges of inciting an insurrection through his Dec. 3 declaration of martial law. The Seoul Central District Court said it approved Yoon's request in February to cancel his arrest and release him after determining that his Jan. 26 indictment on insurrection charges, which allowed his detention to be extended, had come hours after the initial detention period had already expired. The 10-day initial detention period excludes the time documents were sent to a court for a review of whether to issue an arrest warrant, pushing back the deadline of Yoon's detention to around 9 a.m. Jan. 26, whereas the prosecution indicted him shortly before 7 p.m. that day, according to the court. The court also sided with Yoon in questioning the legality of an investigation by the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials into his alleged insurrection, which is outside the scope of its investigations. The prosecution has countered that the indictment took place within the set period, as the criminal procedure code dictates it should be counted in days, not in minutes and hours, as claimed by Yoon's legal team. The two sides have also differed over whether the president is likely to destroy evidence. If released, Yoon will be able to stand trial without physical detention. "The Seoul Central District Court's decision to approve the arrest cancellation confirms the rule of law remains alive in the country," Yoon's legal team said in a statement. "Now the ball is in the prosecution's court ... The prosecution must immediately direct the president's release." The team noted the criminal procedure code calls for keeping the president in custody during the seven days permitted to the prosecution to appeal a court decision, but that in the case of suspending an arrest, the Constitutional Court has previously ruled an immediate appeal unconstitutional. The presidential office welcomed the court decision. "The presidential office, together with the people, look forward to the president's swift return to duty," it said in a statement. Rival political parties, meanwhile, showed mixed reactions. "We welcome, together with the people, that the court made a wise decision according to legal principles and conscience," Kwon Young-se, interim leader of the ruling People Power Party, said in a press conference. "We hope the Constitutional Court will also make a fair and just ruling based only on constitutional values," he added, referring to the court's impending verdict on Yoon's impeachment, which will lead either to his removal from office or reinstatement. The main opposition Democratic Party (DP) expressed outrage over the "release of the ringleader of insurrection" and called for an immediate appeal by the prosecution. DP Chairman Lee Jae-myung also intensified his criticism of the ruling, arguing that an error in the prosecution's calculations does not negate the fact that Yoon violated the Constitution. "A miscalculation by the prosecution does not erase the fact that an unconstitutional military coup disrupted the constitutional order," Lee told reporters. He further said that aside from the prosecution's miscalculation of the detention period, no other significant issues appear to have been found. Civic activists who have rallied for months for or against Yoon's impeachment also differed in their responses. Supporters of Yoon gathered near the president's official residence in central Seoul, demanding his immediate release. As of 8 p.m., around 800 people chanted slogans such as "Immediate Release" and "Impeachment Nullification." The People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, an anti-Yoon group, issued a statement calling for the prosecution's immediate appeal to "correct the wrong legal decision and right judicial justice." Another civic group advocating for Yoon's impeachment held an emergency press conference near Yoon's residence, calling for his immediate arrest and pressing prosecutors to appeal the ruling. The press conference concluded without any major incidents. hague@yna.co.kr (END) |
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