11, November, 2023, Saturday.
With the Resurrected Christ(Romans 6:1~14)
For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace(14).
Hymn #162 I Serve a Risen Savior(Unified Hymn 151)
In order to receive the answers that are in the Bible, you must first know three points. First, with twelve strategies, Satan has built an invisible tower within people's souls(Matthew 12:43~45). He has completely seized them with "me, what's mine, and my success" (Genesis 3, 6, & 11) and visible idols, superstitions, and shrines(Acts 13, 16, & 19). Because Satan has seized people with an "antenna" called "The 6 States of an Unbeliever," no amount of effort can help. Second, the way to get eliminate Satan's bartizan was solely through the death(1 John 3:8 & Genesis 3:15) and resurrection(Romans 6:3~5, 8,& 2 Corinthians 10:4) of Jesus Christ. Third, you must have firm faith in these. Then, what kind of covenant should you hold onto?
1. By Dying in Your Stead, Christ Broke All the Problems of Darkness
From ages long past, Christ who became incarnate has changed your past and has destroyed your wrong imprints. By praying in the name of the resurrected Christ, darkness will thoroughly collapse. Moreover, Christ who is both the Lord of the Second Coming and judgment has taken responsibility of your future and is your background.
2. The Resurrection of Christ Gives Hope, Power, and the Authority to Go Together
Consequently, in the name of Christ, you can say the prayer regarding your status and authority. Through that prayer, all the darkness around you can be broken down. The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, has promised to be with you and work through you. When you pray in that name, the bartizans of darkness collapse, and the Lord works through the authority of Heaven and earth(Matthew 28:16~20) and "The Throne's Power."(Mark 16:19~20)
3. If You Offer Your Body to God as an Instrument of Righteousness, You'll Be Victorious
If you offer your body as an instrument of righteousness, you can fight the problems that are around you. Moreover, you'll be victorious in today's spiritual battle and the fight against worldwide darkness.
Every day, you must have time to meet the Lord of the Resurrection. In the morning, you must break down the bartizan of darkness within your schedule. During the day, as an instrument of righteousness, help those whom you meet to defeat darkness. At night, you just need to pray for these blessings to come upon your problems or answers.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, by grabbing hold of the covenant given by the Lord, help me to be victorious. May this prayer begin today so that Your works of saving the posterity throughout the world can start. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 1st Service / 09, April, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Romans 10:15.
[Bible Reading] Hebrews 2:5~18.