野5당 "심우정 검찰총장 사퇴 않으면 탄핵"…공수처에 沈 고발도
Main opposition demands top prosecutor's resignation over Yoon's release
‘尹 석방’ 놓고…검찰 1인자 vs 2인자 충돌?
1인자 vs 2인자 충돌에…27시간 만에 尹 석방
대검 지휘부, 즉시 항고 포기 '만장일치'
대검 "즉시항고 포기" vs 특수본 "수용 못 해"
‘尹 석방’ 놓고…검찰 1인자 vs 2인자 충돌? / 채널A / 특집 뉴스A 라이브
‘尹 석방’ 놓고…검찰 1인자 vs 2인자 충돌? / 채널A / 특집 뉴스A 라이브https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjZ9plTA4BI&t=406s
Published : March 9, 2025 - 15:40:52 Reporter Kim Arin The Korea Herald
Lawmakers of South Korea's main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, including Chair Rep. Lee Jae-myung (front, third from left), hold signs saying, "Arrest the insurrection leader!" at the main building of the National Assembly on Sunday, a day after suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol was released from jail. (Yonhap)
After the court released President Yoon Suk Yeol from detention, the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea responded with renewed threats of impeachment and ramped-up anti-Yoon protests around Seoul.
The Democratic Party on Sunday turned its attacks to the country's prosecution service for not appealing the court's decision to revoke Yoon's detention, threatening to impeach Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung ― and possibly acting President Choi Sang-mok.
After a meeting of the entire Democratic Party on Sunday, Rep. Park Chan-dae, the party's floor leader, said Shim "needs to immediately resign" as the chief of the prosecution service or face forcible removal through impeachment.
Park said the prosecutor general neglected his duty by failing to "correct the court's misapplication of the law." "Shim should have filed charges immediately when the court refused to extend Yoon's detention," he said.
"If the prosecutor general refuses to step down voluntarily, the Democratic Party will impeach him," the Democratic Party floor leader added.
The Democratic Party was also mulling whether to file an impeachment motion against Choi, the acting president, who is the second acting president to fill in for Yoon after he was suspended in December last year over his botched martial law declaration.
The Democratic Party also said it would file criminal charges against the prosecutor general, but without specifying what charges would be applied.
For the second day on Sunday, the Democratic Party leadership asked all of its 170 lawmakers to take to the streets of central Seoul, urging the Constitutional Court to swiftly reach a verdict on Yoon's impeachment.
"The Democratic Party would be operating in an emergency mode until the Constitutional Court gives its final verdict to remove Yoon from office," Park, the party's floor leader, told reporters Sunday. Park said the Democratic Party lawmakers would be joining the pro-impeachment rallies and staying on standby for possible emergencies.
The ruling People Power Party slammed the Democratic Party on Sunday for weaponizing impeachment and pressuring the judiciary to make decisions that suit the party's political agenda.
Rep. Kweon Seong-dong, the People Power Party's floor leader, said at a press conference that the Democratic Party has "made a habit out of impeaching" top officials, concerning its latest threats against the prosecutor general. The Democratic Party was also waging a "pressure campaign" against the Constitutional Court, he added.
Kweon argued that Yoon's arrest and detention were "unlawful from the start," as the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, which filed the president's warrant with the court, in his view does not have the authority to investigate insurrection, for which the president is accused.
野5당 "심우정 검찰총장 사퇴 않으면 탄핵"…공수처에 沈 고발도
송고2025-03-09 16:26 임형섭기자 계승현기자 연합뉴스
헌재에 尹파면 신속 선고 촉구…시민사회 장외집회 동참키로
야5당 원탁회의에서 발언하는 사회민주당 한창민 대표
(서울=연합뉴스) 김주성 기자 = 사회민주당 한창민 대표가 9일 서울 여의도 국회에서 열린 비상시국 공동대응을 위한 야 5당 원탁회의에서 발언하고 있다. 왼쪽부터 기본소득당 용혜인 대표, 조국혁신당 김선민 대표 권한대행, 더불어민주당 이재명 대표, 진보당 김재연 상임대표, 사회민주당 한창민 대표. 2025.3.9 utzza@yna.co.kr
(서울=연합뉴스) 임형섭 계승현 기자 = 더불어민주당, 조국혁신당, 진보당, 기본소득당, 사회민주당 등 야 5당은 9일 윤석열 대통령의 석방 문제와 관련해 심우정 검찰총장 자진사퇴를 촉구하면서 사퇴하지 않을 경우 탄핵소추를 추진하겠다고 밝혔다.
민주당 이재명 대표 등 야5당 대표는 이날 국회에서 '비상시국 공동 대응을 위한 원탁회의'를 열어 이같이 결정했다고 민주당 조승래 수석대변인·조국혁신당 김보협 수석대변인이 전했다.
야5당 대표는 또 고위공직자범죄수사처(공수처)에 심 총장을 고발하기로 했다.
야권에서는 지난 1월 검찰의 윤 대통령 기소 당시, 심 총장이 전국 검사장 회의를 열어 기소 여부를 논의하는 등 시간을 지체한 것이 이번 석방의 빌미가 됐다는 주장이 나오고 있다.
야5당은 또 헌법재판소에 윤 대통령에 대한 신속한 파면 선고를 함께 촉구하기로 했다.
아울러 윤 대통령 파면 때까지 시민사회와 긴밀히 연대하면서, 시민사회가 여는 장외 집회에도 참여하기로 했다.
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