출처: 보임영어 원문보기 글쓴이: 칠리파이
9. Claim (클레임)
9-1. 귀하가 적송한 화물은 어제 도착됐으나 다만 한 가지 품번 444호 테이블 클로즈가, 50다스를 주문하여 송장에도 기록돼 있는데 포장 내에는 40다스 밖에 들어 있지 않았습니다. 이 문제를 살펴보시고 빠진 10다스의 테이블 클로즈를 항공화물로 송부해 주십시오.
Your consignment arrived yesterday and has been found correct with the exception of Art. No.444 Table Cloth of which 50 doz. were ordered and invoiced whilst the package contained only 40 doz.
Please examine the matter and send the missing 10 doz. by airfreight.
We received your consignment yesterday which we found in order except that it contained only 40 doz. of Art.444 Table Cloth, whereas we ordered and invoiced 50 doz. Please look into the matter and dispatch the missing 10 doz. by airfreight.
[ Useful Expressions ] (부족)
(1) From case A-34 we found 3 magnifiers missing. As the case was damaged, it is possible that they may have been pilfered.
(2) Case A-35 was 4 magnifiers short. As the case was in good shape and does not appear to have been tampered with we surmise that they must have been short packed. Please do not trouble to send replacements but adjust your invoice.
(3) To cover this shortage in weight totalling 5 kilos., please let us have your credit note.
9-2. 천이 견본과 다른 것 같습니다. 이러한 상품은 사실 우리에게 아무 소용이 없습니다. 그러므로 귀하께서는 당방이 이 상품을 반송할 수 밖에 없다는 것을 인정하실 것입니다. 그러나 우리의 오랜 거래의 견지에서 보면 그러한 극단적인 처사는 상호간 더할 수 없이 불미한 일입니다. 그렇지만 한편 우리는 어떤 보상을 받아야 합당하다는 것은 자명한 일입니다.
The material does not seem to be the same as that of the sample. Such goods are really of no use to us, and you will recognize that we ought to reship them to you, but in view of our long connections such a drastic step would be most unpleasant to both of us. However, it is also clear that we are entitled to some compensation.
The material does not seem to match that of the sample. We have really no use for such goods. So you will realize that we should ship them back to you. That would be a drastic step most unpleasant to both of us in the light of our long relations. Nonetheless, let it be understood clearly that we have the right to claim some compensation.
[ Useful Expressions) (견본과 다름)
(1) Upon unpacking this shipment, we found the goods were much inferior in quality to your counter sample and slightly different in shade also.
(2) We have duly received on June 20 your prompt shipment of 200 pieces of worm gears, and 100 motors, but regret to find on unpacking that of the latter consignment, 50 pieces do not quite correspond to the sample motor as specified in our Indent No.1234.
(3) You will agree that this kind of irregularity can be a good reason for cancelling this order unconditionally or reshipping goods at your expense.
9-3. 이 지연으로 말미암아 우리는 큰 불편을 겪었습니다. 이 완구들은 말할 것도 없이 크리스마스 시즌중의 판매에 필요한 것이기 때문입니다. 그리고 이 지연으로 말미암아 당점 전시가 보류되고 있습니다. 완구의 적송이 이 이상 지연되면 우리는 판매할 기회를 많이 놓친다는 점을 이해해 주십시오.
This delay has caused us great inconvenience, for the Toys are, of course, required for sale during the Christmas Season, and our shop display is being held up by this delay. You will understand that we would lose much of our chance of selling them if their delivery were put off any further.
This delay has put us to great inconvenience by holding up our shop display. Since the toys are definitely intended for sale during Yuletide, you will no doubt understand that any further delay would deprive us of much of our chance to sell them.
[ Useful Expressions ] (선적지연)
(1) We therefore have to inform you that, if the Toys do not arrive here by November 28, we shall have to refuse delivery of the order, as after that date they will be utterly useless to us.
(2) We request you to effect delivery of, at least, part of our order by the date stipulated.
9-4. 귀하께서 당사의 클레임의 타당성을 인정하실 수 있도록 동봉한 견본을 조사해 주시기 바랍니다. 그리고 이 건을 해결하기 위해 귀하가 작정하고 계신 할인액을 알려주시면 좋겠습니다.
We ask you, therefore, to examine the cutting enclosed so that you will admit the reasonableness of our claim, and we shall be glad to hear of the allowance you are prepared to make to meet the case.
We, therefore, enclose the cuttings for your examination which we trust will convince you of the validity of our claim. We will be pleased to know about the allowance you agree to make for the case.
[ Useful Expressions ] (배상)
(1) We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage.
(2) Should you fail in your obligations, we shall be compelled to cancel the order.
9-5. 이 사무착오의 결과로 귀하가 입으셨을 모든 불편을 진심으로 죄송하게 생각하며 그러한 일의 재발을 막기 위한 필요한 조처가 취해 졌음을 보고드리고자 합니다.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience you may have suffered as a result of this clerical mistake, and wish to report to you that the necessary steps have been taken to prevent its recurrence.
We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience this clerical mistake may have given you, and wish you to know to that we have taken adequate steps to preclude any similar errors.
[ Useful Expressions ] (사과)
(1) We at once looked into the matter, and we frankly admit that in this particular instance your order did not get our usual careful attention.
(2) We are, of course, very eager to make amends.
(3) Please let us know what settlement you consider fair in the circumstances.
(4) We are extremely sorry this mistake occurred. You may be sure that we will make every effort to see that it does not happen again.
9-6. 우리 쪽에서 귀하의 클레임을 받아들여야 할 하등의 이유가 없지만 그렇다고 우리는 귀하가 처한 난처한 입장을 모르는 바 아닙니다. 우리는 10퍼센트의 할인을 제의하여 귀하와 타협하기로 결정하고 그런 취지를 오늘 타전했습니다. 귀하께서 해결책을 승인하시기 바랍니다.
While we find no reason no our part to entertain your claim, we do not fail, either to realize the difficult situation you are in. We have decided to meet you halfway by offering a discount of 10%, and cabled you today to that effect. We hope you will approve this solution.
We see no reason on our part to meet your claim. But we are not unaware of your difficult situation. As a compromise, we have decided to allow a discount of 10%, and cabled you accordingly. We hope you will find this solution agreeable.
[ Useful Expressions ] (타협)
(1) Under these circumstances, you will agree that we cannot bring ourselves to give you a free replacement of the damaged goods.
(2) We are, however, willing to compromise by replacing them at a reduced price of $1.20 each.
9-7. 10월 3일자 귀하의 전보를 받고 메이커에게 귀하의 클레임을 전했더니 그들은 선적견본과 보관견본이 다를 수 없다고 주장하면서 클레임의 수락을 즉석에서 거부했습니다. 그들은 심지어 귀하의 요구를 소위 "마켓 클레임"이라고까지 생각하고 있습니다. 이는 물론 우리의 귀하와의 즐거운 오랜 거래 관계에서 볼 때 우리로서는 믿을 수 없는 말입니다.
On receiving your telegram of October 3, we carried your claim to the makers, who flatly denied its acceptance, insisting that there could be no such difference between the shipping sample and the duplicate sample. They even consider your demand to be a so-called "market claim," which is, of course, impossible for us to believe in view of our long pleasant relations with you.
No sooner did we receive your telegram of October 3 than we forwarded your claim to the manufacturers. But they categorically refused to accept it on the grounds that there could not be any such difference between the shipping sample and the duplicate sample. They even interpret your demand as a sort of "market claim," which of course is to- tally unbelievable to us in view of the long pleasant course of our relations with you.
[ Useful Expressions ] (수락거절)
(1) We immediately looked into the matter, and yet we are unable to explain the shortage and damage since all the goods underwent a thorough inspection at the time of shipping, which you may be sure of from the inspection certificate we obtained.
(2) In view of this, you will fully agree that we are in no position to assume any responsibility as the shortage and damage occurred during transit. We suggest, therefore, that you file a claim with your insurance company.
9-8. 입은 손상의 일부에 대해서는 스스로 책임을 지시겠다고 통고해 오신 귀하의 공정함에 사의를 표합니다. 이런 경우에 수리비의 50%를 저희가 맡으면 만족하실지요?
We appreciate your fairness in informing us that you hold yourselves responsible for the part of the damage done. In these circumstances, would you be satisfied if we were to take over 50% of the cost of reconditioning?
We are grateful for your being fair in telling us that you take responsibility for some of the damage wrought. In this case, would it be satisfactory to you if we were to cover half of the repair cost?
[ Useful Expressions ] (보상)
(1) We now submit the above-mentioned claim amounting to US $250.45 as per Debit Note No.222 attached, and shall be glad to receive settlement at your earliest convenience.
(2) We would remind you that the above-mentioned claim is still outstanding, and we shall be glad to receive settlement as early as possible.
9-9. 그래서 우리는, 만약 잘못이 있었다면 그건 쌍방이 다 잘못했다고 할 수 있습니다. 따라서 우리는 그 기계의 선적에 소요되는 전체 경비의 50퍼센트를 지불할 작정입니다.
Hence we may say that if mistakes did occur, they were made on both sides. We are therefore prepared to pay a fu11 50% of the cost which the shipment of the machine will involve.
So, we would rather say that if mistakes occurred at all, both sides are responsible for them. Hence we are willing to take over exactly 50% of the cost of shipping the machine
[ Useful Expressions ] (보상액)
(1) Should you insist on an allowance of 20% for the damaged goods, we shall have to put the matter before the Chamber of Commerce for arbitration.
(2) We are sorry to have received your letter of October 5, requesting us to make a 20% allowance on account of the quality not being the same as the sample.
9-10. 우리의 책임은 상품이 우리를 떠남과 동시에 없어지는 것이지만 우리는 귀하가 난경을 벗어나실 수 있도록 최대의 열의로써 돕고자 합니다. 우리는 운송업자에게서 배상을 타내도록 노력하겠습니다. 한편 귀하께서 결함이 있는 부품들을 반송해 주시면 저희는 그것들을 바꿔 끼워서 항공하물로 적송해 드리겠습니다.
Although our responsibility ceases as soon as the goods have left us, we are most eager to help you out of your difficulties. We shall try to obtain redress from the carriers. Meanwhile, if you will please return to us the defective parts, we will replace them and ship them to you by airfreight.
We are no longer responsible for the goods once they have left us. Nevertheless, we are most anxious to help you out of the trouble. We will seek redress from the carrying company. In the meantime, if you will please reship the faulty parts to us, we will send you replacements by air.
[ Useful Expressions ] (재발송)
(1) In the meantime, we are duplicating your order.
(2) If the first shipment should be received by you, you may either keep the toy sand remit for them at the regular price, or return them at our expense.
9-11. 조사결과 당사가 분명히 귀하의 지시 중 어떤 세부지시를 잘못 해석했음이 판명되었습니다. 그러나 이 잘못된 해석은 적어도 부분적으로는 우리가 귀하로부터 받은 애매한 지시 때문이었습니다.
The investigation has revealed that have undoubtedly misread certain details of your instructions but that this misinterpretation was at least partly due to the ambiguous instructions we received from you.
Through investigation we have found that we have obviously misunderstood some details of your instructions. But this was at least partly because of the ambiguity of the instructions you gave us.
[ Useful Expressions ] (과실 인정)
(1) We admit that we are at fault in so far as we should have provided for this special case.
(2) But, may we add, this does not constitute a proper liability because these extra precautionary measures would have increased packing costs quite considerably, and the price increase would probably not be acceptable to your customers.
(3) This variation, however, is a thing which cannot be avoided, for it is due to the fact that our shipment was newly manufactured while the counter sample we sent you before the shipment was an old one.
9-12. 그러나 우리의 고객들은 송장총액에서 20퍼센트를 할인해서 이 결함 상품을 받아들임으로써 그들이 당사에 호의를 베풀겠다고 제의합니다. 당사는 이를 상당히 타당성 있는 제의로 보고 동액을 우리 대방에 기입함으로써 귀하께서 조속히 해결하시기를 부탁드립니다.
But our customers say that they would oblige us by accepting the defective goods at a reduction of 20% on the invoice amount. We consider it quite a reasonable proposal and ask to make a prompt settlement by placing the same amount to our credit.
However, our clients are willing to do us a favor by accepting the defective goods if a discount of 20% is made off the invoice amount. Since we consider their offer quite reasonable, we ask you to settle the matter promptly by putting the corresponding amount to our credit.
[ Useful Expressions ] (조정)
(1) The goods have proved to be unsalable and we suggest that you make us a reduction of 10% in price.
(2) In reply to your letter of July 21, we are most willing to compensate you for the shortage by offering you an allowance 10 percent.
9-13. 그 과적은 귀하의 잘못 때문에 이루어진 것이 아니오니 사과 겸 귀하께서 이 과적을 추가 경비 없이 받아주실 것을 제의합니다. 우리의 진정한 사과를 받아주시고 아울러 우리가 귀하에게 도움이 되어드리기를 바라고 있다는 점 믿어주십시오.
Since the overshipment was made through no fault of yours, we would suggest, by way of apology, that you take this overage without any additional cost. Please accept our sincere apology and be assured that we hope to be of service to you.
As you are in no way at fault for this overshipping, we suggest, along with our apology, that you take this overshipment at no extra cost. Kindly accept our deep apology and please rest assured that we will continue to be of service to you.
[ Useful Expressions ] (과적)
(1) While we presume that this overshipping was occasioned by a clerical mistake on the part of your manufacturer, we would request you to contact them immediately to a certain if this was actually the case.
(2) Inasmuch as it was apparently an overshipping and not a shortshipping, we are not seriously worried about it, but are concerned as to how to handle this matter.
(3) Upon checking them against our original order, however, we have found that there was an overshipment of 42 yards of the material on this order.
9-14. 귀하의 주문번호 111호의 훼손에 대한 귀하의 배상청구 전액 지불조로 100달러 50센트에 대한 신용메모를 동봉하나이다.
We are very much pleased to enclose a credit memo for $100.50 as payment in full of your claim for damages to your Order No.111.
We enclose with pleasure a credit memo for our payment of $100.50 to meet your claim in full for the damage done to your Order No.111.
[ Useful Expressions ] (배상액 지불)
(1) We enclose our check for $86 which will cover the shortage of 50 yards.
(2) Please debit us with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the damaged goods at our disposal.
(3) We make you an offer of $2.50 per qr. as allowance for inferiority of the qualit