It has been 13 years since my wedding. I was told that this husband-to-be wasn’t a good fit for me. The world told me, don’t marry such a man with little wealth. The world warned me, don’t marry such a man with too much faith. The world prophesized to me that I will never be able to speak up and be strong if I marry this person. The world also told me that I was not good enough to marry this person and the timing was all wrong.
Maybe it is because I was naïve or I had great desire or determination; I married this person. I went against the world and thought I did a noble act to marry such a person. However, I didn’t realize I married the curses too before the wedding day.
In my mind, I married a “poor”, “too faithful”, “too courageous”, too “this” and “that” man. Along with those, I married the “inability to speak up” and the “weaknesses.” In a sense, I married my curses. I said, “I do,” and accepted what the world had told me. I married the curses as I was marrying my fiancé.
Thereafter, I had an inner voice telling me constantly, “You married the wrong person.” I was frequently reminded, “See? It was a mistake to marry him, and now you have to suffer.” I was deviously warned, “You should have listened to others and be wise. You should have canceled your wedding.” A few times, I received, “God will understand if you get a divorce because the prophecy is coming true – you can’t speak up; you are becoming a weaker Christian.”
But today, I listened to a sermon and meditated on Jesus’ first miracle – turning water into wine in John 2. I learned that this event occurred on a wedding day. Jesus was a guest at this wedding and had performed his miracle. Then, all of a sudden, I heard the Holy Spirit lead me to this truth - ‘Jesus was the guest! He was the guest!’ I learned that Jesus was at my WEDDING! Jesus did not stop my wedding. He endorsed and approved it – He was my guest at my wedding.
This realization lifted the worldly curses. All this time, 13 years and 4 months to be exact, I thought my wedding was a complete mistake. However, understanding that Jesus was at my wedding helped me to reject and break the negative thoughts that were roaming in my head. Finally, I felt freedom – I felt it for the first time in a long time, and I could proclaim out loud that I had married the right person.
DK said his wife was a gift from God. Today, I can say that with sincerity – my husband was a gift from God – how could he not be? Jesus was at my wedding to witness it.
I am so thankful that Jesus was at my wedding. However, I have much guilt and remorse that I didn’t physically invite Him. I didn’t think of Him or have a place for Him to sit. If I knew better, I would have at least had a meal prepared for him. He stood standing, blessing me with no food or wine, while others ate and drank their hearts out.
Today, I divorce “poor”, “too faithful”, “too courageous”, too “this” and “that” man. Along with the “inability to speak up” and the “weaknesses.”
Today, I make a new vow to my earthly husband – you are not a mistake but my gift.
Today, I make a new vow to my true husband (Jesus) – you are not a mistake but my gift.
I love you, earthly husband.
I love you, forever husband (Jesus).
**Side note** One may ask, how can I prove that Jesus was at my wedding? This is because DK was at my wedding, even though I never saw DK after until 11 years later. Is DK Jesus? No, Jesus, who lives in DK, was at my wedding. How wonderful is that truth!
요한1서 4:4
자녀들아 너희는 하나님께 속하였고 또 저희를 이기었나니
이는 너희 안에 계신 이가 세상에 있는 이보다 크심이라
1 John 4:4
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them,
because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
예수님이 세상에 오셔서 첫 번째 행하신 기적이 가나의 혼인잔치라고 읽었었지요
오늘 자매님의 간증을 계속 반복해 읽으며...
예수님이 자매님의 결혼식날 참으로 버선발로 오셨겠구나...하는 마음이 들어요
13년 4개월후...
많이 늦었다고 생각되지만....
가나혼인식의 기적은 끝까지 끝까지 자매님을 추적하여 찾아오셨네요
지금 이 간증이 가나혼인잔치의 기적으로 보여요 ..
결혼에 묶여있던 모든 저주를 끊어주시고
축복으로 바꿔주신 예수님 감사합니다.
예수님이 자매님의 진짜 신랑이셨네요
신랑예수님이 자매님 안에 확실히 들어오셔서...
보여지는 모든것이 다 '하나님의 선물', '금' 으로 보도록
바꿔 주셔서 감사를 드립니다!
요한복음 4:31-38
예수님이 그 날 자매님만 보셨구나
자매님께 집중하셨구나..
가난하고 깨진 상한 소리를 예수님이 들어셨구나..
글로 쓴 초청장이 아닌..
마음의 초대를
영혼의 초대를 받으셨나봐요...
예수님의 양식은
신부밖에 없네요~
"나의 사랑
나의 어여쁜 자여
일어나 함께 가자!"
신랑을 얻은 신부님
신부를 얻은 예수님
정말 정말 축하드려요
결혼을 축하드려요~
예수님과 'Anemon신부님'