POPE FRANCIS ANGELUS, Fourth Sunday of Lent, Saint Peter's Square. Sunday, 19 March 2023
Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! Today, the Gospel depicts Jesus giving sight to a man blind from birth (cf. Jn 9:1-41). But this wonder is badly welcomed by various people or groups. Let us look at the details. But I would like to say: today, take the Gospel of John and read about this miracle of Jesus. The way John recounts it in chapter 9 is really beautiful. It only takes two minutes to read it. It makes us see how Jesus proceeds and how the human heart proceeds: the good human heart, the tepid human heart, the fearful human heart, the courageous human heart. Chapter 9 of the Gospel of John. Read it today. It will help you a lot. And what are the ways that these people welcome it?
프란치스코교황삼종기도, 사순제4주일, 성베드로광장, 2023년 3월 19일
친애하는형제자매여러분, 안녕하십니까? 오늘복음은태생소경이볼수있게하신예수님을묘사합니다. (요한 9,1-41 참조) 그러나이놀라운표징은다양한사람들이나그룹에게제대로환영받지못합니다. 자세한내용을살펴보겠습니다. 그전에말씀드리고싶은것이있습니다. 오늘요한복음 9장의예수님의이기적에대해읽어보시기바랍니다. 9장전체에서이기적에대해설명하는요한의이야기는정말아름답습니다. 읽는데 2분밖에걸리지않습니다. 이이야기는우리에게예수님께서어떻게행하시고인간의마음은 - 선한인간의마음, 미지근한인간의마음, 두려운인간의마음, 용기있는인간의마음은 - 어떻게움직이는지보여줍니다. 요한복음 9장입니다. 오늘읽으십시오. 많은도움이될것입니다. 자, 그러면이사람들이이기적을어떻게환영할까요?
First of all, there are Jesus’ disciples who, faced with the man born blind, engage in small talk and ask whether his parents or he was to blame (cf. v. 2). They look for a culprit. And we fall into this many times which is so convenient – to look for a culprit rather than asking challenging questions in life. And today, we can say: What does the presence of this man mean for us, in my life? What is this person asking of us?
먼저, 예수님의제자들입니다. 그들은날때부터소경인그사람을보고잡담을하며그의부모의잘못인지그의탓인지묻습니다. (2절참조) 그들은죄인을찾습니다. 우리도자주빠지는일입니다. - 삶의어려운질문을하기보다죄인을찾는매우편리한쪽을택합니다. 오늘우리자신에게물어볼수있습니다. 이소경의존재가우리에게, 나의삶에무엇을의미합니까? 이사람이우리에게무엇을청하고있습니까?
Then, once the healing takes place, the reactions intensify. The first are from his neighbours who are sceptical: “This man was always blind. It is not possible that he now sees – it can’t be him! It’s someone else” – scepticism (cf. vv. 8-9). This is unacceptable to them. Better to leave everything like it was before so we do not need to face this problem (cf. v. 16). They are afraid, they fear the religious authorities and do not pronounce themselves (cf. vv. 18-21).
그런다음치유가이루어지고반응이격렬해집니다. 첫째는회의적인이웃사람들의반응입니다. “이사람은항상소경이었습니다. 그가지금본다는것은불가능합니다. - 그사람일리가없습니다. 다른사람입니다.” 회의적인태도입니다. (8-9절참조) 그들은이것을받아들일수없습니다. 모든것을있던대로놔두는것이좋습니다. 그래야우리가이문제를직면하지않아도됩니다. (16절참조) 그들은두려워합니다. 그들은종교당국을두려워하여자신들의의견을말하지않습니다. (18-21절참조)
In all these reactions, for various reasons, there emerge hearts closed in front of the sign of Jesus: because they seek a culprit, because they do not know how to be surprised, because they do not want to change, because they are blocked by fear. Today there are many similar situations. Faced with something that is truly a testimony of a person, a message about Jesus, we fall into this – we look for another explanation, we do not want to change, we look for a more elegant way out rather than accepting the truth.
이모든반응에서여러가지이유때문에예수님의표징앞에닫힌마음이나타납니다. 그들은죄인을찾기때문에, 그들은어떻게놀라야하는지모르기때문에, 그들은변화를원하지않기때문에,그들은두려움으로막혀있기때문에마음이닫혀있습니다. 오늘날비슷한상황이많이있습니다. 한사람의진실된증언이고예수님에대한메시지임이분명한것을마주하고우리는같은우를범합니다. 왜냐하면진리를받아들이기보다, 다른설명을찾고, 변화를원하지않고, 좀더우아한출구를찾기때문입니다.
The only person who reacts well is the blind man. Happy to see, he testifies to what happened to him in the simplest way: “I was blind, now I see” (v. 25). He tells the truth. Before, he had been forced to ask for alms to live on, and suffered from the prejudice of the people: “He is poor and blind from birth. He has to suffer. He has to pay for his sins or those of his forebears”. Now free in body and spirit, he bears witness to Jesus – he neither invents nor hides anything. “I was blind and now I see”. He is not afraid of what the others will say. He had already known the bitter taste of marginalization his whole life. He had already personally experienced the indifference, the contempt of the passers-by, of those who considered him to be an outcast in society, useful at best for the pious practice of giving some alms.
제대로반응하는단한사람은그소경입니다. 보게된것을기뻐하며그에게일어난일을가장단순한방법으로증언합니다. “제가눈이멀었는데이제는보게되었습니다.” (25절) 그는진실을말합니다. 이전에그는생계를위해자선을구걸해야했고사람들의다음과같은편견에시달렸습니다. “그는가난하고날때부터눈이멀었다. 그는고통을겪어야한다. 그는자신의죄와조상의죄에대한대가를치러야한다.” 이제몸과정신이자유로워져서그는예수님에대해증언합니다. - 그는아무것도꾸며내거나숨기지않습니다. “제가눈이멀었는데이제는봅니다.” 그는다른사람들의말을두려워하지않습니다. 그는이미평생동안겪은소외의쓴맛을알고있었습니다. 그는이미개인적으로행인들의무관심과멸시, 그리고자신을사회의버림받은사람으로, 그리고기껏해야자선을베푸는경건한행동에쓸모있는사람쯤으로생각하는사람들의멸시를경험했었습니다.
Now healed, he no longer fears those contemptuous attitudes because Jesus has given him his full dignity. And this is clear, it always happens when Jesus heals us. He gives us back our dignity, the dignity of the healing of Jesus, complete, a dignity that comes forth from the depths of the heart, that takes hold of one’s entire life. And, on the sabbath in front of everyone, Jesus liberated him and gave him sight without asking him for anything, not even a thank you, and he bears witness to this. This is the dignity of a noble person, of a person who knows he is healed and begins again, is reborn. That rebirth in life that they spoke about today on “A Sua Immagine”: to be reborn.
이제치유를받고그는더이상그러한경멸적인태도를두려워하지않습니다. 예수님께서그에게온전한존엄성을주셨기때문입니다. 그리고이것은분명합니다. 예수님께서우리를치유하실때항상일어납니다.그분은우리의존엄성, 예수님의치유의존엄성, 온전한마음깊은곳에서나오는존엄성, 한사람의삶전체를사로잡는존엄성을돌려주십니다. 그리고안식일에모든사람앞에서예수님께서그를자유롭게하시고, 아무것도바라지않고, 감사의말까지도바라지않으시고그가볼수있게하셨고그(치유받은소경)는이것을증언합니다. 이것이고귀한사람의존엄성이며, 자신이치유되어다시시작한다는것, 다시태어난다는것을아는사람의존엄성입니다. 삶의재탄생, 오늘 TV 프로그램, "A Sua Immagine, 당신의모상대로"에서다뤄진다시태어나는것입니다.
Brothers, sisters, through all these characters, today’s Gospel puts us too in the midst of the scene, so we might ask ourselves: What position do we take? What would we have said then? And above all, what will we do today? Like the blind man, do we know how to see the good and to be grateful for the gifts we receive? I ask myself: How is my dignity? How is your dignity? Do we bear witness to Jesus, or do we spread criticism and suspicion instead? Are we free when faced with prejudices or do we associate ourselves with those who spread negativity and small talk?
형제자매여러분, 이모든인물들을통해, 오늘의복음은우리도그장면가운데로들어가게하고자문하게합니다. 우리는어떤입장을취할까? 그러고나서어떻게말했을까? 무엇보다도오늘우리는무엇을할까요? 그소경처럼, 우리는선을볼줄알고우리가받은선물에대해감사할줄아는가? 제게자문합니다. 나의존엄성은어떤가요? 당신의존엄성은어떻습니까? 우리는예수님을증언합니까? 아니면비판과의심을전파합니까? 편견을접할때우리는자유롭습니까? 또는부정적인말과잡담을퍼뜨리는사람들과어울립니까?
Are we happy to say that Jesus loves us, that he saves us, or, like the parents of the man born blind, do we allow ourselves to be caged in by the fear of what others will think? Tepid hearts who do not accept the truth and do not have the courage to say, “No, it’s like this”. And further, how do we welcome the difficulties and indifference of others. How do we welcome people who have so many limitations in life? Whether they be physical, like this blind man; or social, like the beggars we find on the street? Do we welcome them like an inconvenience or as an occasion to draw near to them with love?
우리는예수께서우리를사랑하신다고, 그분이우리를구원하신다고기꺼이말합니까? 아니면소경의부모처럼다른사람들의생각이두려워자신을가둡니까? 미지근한마음은진리를받아들이지못하고 “아닙니다. 그것은이렇지않습니다.”라고말할용기가없습니다. 더나아가우리는다른사람들의어려움과무관심을어떻게맞이합니까? 우리는, 이소경처럼육체적인것이든, 거리에서만나는거지들처럼사회적인것이든, 삶에많은제약을가지고있는사람들을어떻게맞이합니까? 우리는그들을불편한대상으로아니면사랑하는마음으로그들에게가까이갈기회로맞이합니까?
Brothers and sisters, today, let us ask the grace to be surprised every day by God’s gifts and to see the various circumstances of life, even the most difficult ones to accept, as occasions to do good, as Jesus did with the blind man. May Our Lady help us in this, together with Saint Joseph, the just and faithful man.
형제자매여러분, 오늘우리모두은총을청합시다. 매일하느님의선물을보고놀라는은총과삶의다양한환경을, 가장받아들이기어려운환경까지도, 예수님께서소경에게하셨듯이선을행할기회로보는은총을청합시다. 우리의성모님, 의롭고충실한요셉성인과함께저희가이를행할수있도록도와주소서!
After the Angelus
Dear brothers and sisters! Yesterday in Ecuador, an earthquake caused deaths, injuries and considerable damage. I am near to the Ecuadorian people and I assure you of my prayers for the deceased and for all who are suffering.
친애하는형제자매여러분! 어제에콰도르에서지진으로사망, 부상및상당한피해가발생했습니다. 저는에콰도르국민들과마음으로가까이있으며고인과고통받는모든사람을위해기도할것을약속드립니다.
I greet all of you, people from Rome and pilgrims from many countries – I see flags: Colombian, Argentinian, Polish…many, many countries…. I greet those from Spain who have come from Murcia, Alicante and Albacete. I greet the parishes of Saint Raymond Nonnato and the Canadian Martyrs in Rome, and that of Christ the King in Civitanova Marche; the Association of Salesian Cooperators; the boys and girls from Arcore, the confirmation candidates from Empoli and those from the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary in Rome. I greet the young people of the Immaculate, they are great!
로마에서온사람들과많은나라에서온순례자여러분모두에게인사드립니다. 콜롬비아, 아르헨티나, 폴란드등의깃발이보입니다. 무르시아, 알리칸테, 알바세테에서온스페인사람들에게인사드립니다. 성레몽논나토본당과로마에있는캐나다순교자들, 치비타노바마르케에있는그리스도왕본당에인사드립니다. 살레시오협력자회; 아르코레의소년소녀들, 엠폴리의견진후보자들, 로마에있는묵주기도의성모교구의사람들. Immaculate의젊은이들에게인사합니다. 그들은훌륭합니다!
It’s a pleasure to greet the participants in the Rome Marathon! I congratulate you because, spurred on by “Vatican Athletics” you are making this important sporting event an occasion for solidarity in favour of the poorest. And today, we extend best wishes to all fathers! May they find in Saint Joseph a model, support and consolation to live their fatherhood well. And all together, for fathers, let us pray to the Father [Our Father…].
로마마라톤참가자여러분반갑습니다! "바티칸육상경기"에힘입어이중요한스포츠행사를가장가난한사람들을위한연대의기회로만들고있는여러분들축하합니다. 그리고오늘, 우리는모든아버지들에게행운을빕니다! 그들이아버지로서잘살수있도록성요셉안에서모범, 지원, 그리고위로를찾기를바랍니다. 우리모두아버지들을위해주님의기도를바칩시다. [하늘에계신우리아버지......]
Brothers and sisters, let us not forget to pray for the battered Ukrainian people, who continue to suffer due to war crimes. I wish all of you a good Sunday. Please do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch and arrivederci.
형제자매여러분, 전쟁범죄로고통받는불쌍한우크라이나국민을위해기도하는것을잊지맙시다. 여러분모두복된주일보내시고, 저를위해기도하는것을잊지마십시오. 점심맛있게드시고또뵙겠습니다.
한글번역: 윤영학아오스딩