Chapter 04 Education, Sociology, and Psychology | |
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NO | English | | Korean | English Explanation | Answer |
1 | constantly | ad | 항상, 끊임없이 | all the time; repeatedly | constantly |
2 | value | n | 가치 | the importance or worth of something for someone | value |
3 | truthful | a | 진실한 | honest and not containing or telling any lies | truthful |
4 | illegal | a | 불법의, 불법적인 | not allowed by the law | illegal |
5 | educate | v | 교육시키다 | to teach somebody over a period of time at a school, university, etc. | educate |
6 | beneficial | a | 이로운, 혜택을 주는 | improving a situation; having a helpful or useful effect | beneficial |
7 | be aimed at | phr | ~을 겨냥하다, ~을 목표로 삼다 | to have something as an aim | be aimed at |
8 | feature | v | 특징을 이루다, 특징을 삼다 | to include a particular person or thing as a special feature | feature |
9 | consume | v | 소비하다 | to use something, especially fuel, energy or time | consume |
10 | overweight | a | 과체중의 | fat | overweight |
11 | obesity | n | 비만 | the quality or fact of being very fat | obesity |
12 | stunt | n | 곡예, 스턴트 | a dangerous and difficult action that somebody does to entertain people, especially as part of a film | stunt |
13 | disclaimer | n | 면책 조항 | a statement in which somebody says that they are not connected with or responsible for something, or that they do not have any knowledge of it | disclaimer |
14 | ignore | v | 무시하다 | to intentionally not listen or give attention to | ignore |
15 | hospitalize | v | 입원시키다 | to take someone to hospital and keep them there for treatment | hospitalize |
16 | reformer | n | 개혁가 | someone who tries to improve a system or law by changing it | reformer |
17 | outline | v | 개요를 서술하다 | to give a description of the main facts or points involved in something | outline |
18 | progressive | a | 진보적인 | in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change | progressive |
19 | hands-on | a | 개인이 적극 참여하는 | actively involved with other people in making decisions and doing work | hands-on |
20 | devise | v | 고안하다, 생각해 내다 | to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination | devise |
21 | implement | v | 실행하다, 수행하다 | to put a plan into action | implement |
22 | crumble | v | 부서지다, 망하다 | to break into small pieces; to become weaker in strength or influence | crumble |
23 | bleak | a | 황폐한; 가망이 없는 | cold and not welcoming; without hope | bleak |
24 | feudalism | n | 봉건 제도 | the feudal system, the social and land-owning system of western Europe in the Middle Ages or of any society that is organized according to rank | feudalism |
25 | manor | n | 영지, 소유지 | a large old house in the country with land belonging to it, especially in Europe | manor |
26 | in the guise of | phr | ~의 모습으로 | under the pretense of something | in the guise of |
27 | isolated | a | 고립된 | far from others or difficult to get to; remote | isolated |
28 | self-sustaining | a | 자급 자족의 | able to sustain oneself or itself independently | self-sustaining |
29 | barter | n | 물물 교환 | the system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money | barter |
30 | earnings | n | 수입, 소득 | the amount of money that someone is paid for working | earnings |
31 | guild | n | 길드 | an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests | guild |
32 | sizable | a | 상당한 | fairly large; considerable | sizable |
33 | interact | v | 상호 작용하다 | to communicate with or react to | interact |
34 | dwell | v | 살다, 거주하다 | to live in a place or in a particular way | dwell |
35 | account | n | 설명, 해설 | a written or spoken description of something that has happened | account |
36 | encounter | v | (우연히) 만나다 | to meet someone unexpectedly | encounter |
37 | gathering | n | 모임 | a meeting of people for a particular purpose | gathering |
38 | cramped | a | 비좁은, 답답한 | not having room to move freely | cramped |
39 | urbanity | n | 도시풍, 도시 생활 | the fact or quality of being urban | urbanity |
40 | surname | n | 성, 성씨 | a name shared by all the members of a family | surname |
41 | not nearly | phr | 훨씬 적게 | much less than; not at all | not nearly |
42 | sparsely | ad | 인구가 희박하게 | small in numbers or amount, often spread over a large area | sparsely |
43 | traumatic | a | 외상의, 정신적 쇼크의 | of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body; severe shock caused by an injury | traumatic |
44 | logic | n | 논리 | a particular way of thinking, especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgment | logic |
45 | handful | n | 소량, 소수 | a small number of people or things | handful |
46 | distressing | a | 비참한, 괴롭히는 | upsetting or worrying | distressing |
47 | conversely | ad | 반대로, 역으로 | in an opposite way | conversely |
48 | selective | a | 선택적인 | careful in choosing | selective |
49 | hinge on | phr | ~에 따라 정해지다, ~여하에 달려있다 | to depend on something, or to need something in order to be successful | hinge on |
50 | shelter | v | 막다, 보호하다 | to protect yourself, or another person or thing, from bad weather, danger, or attack | shelter |
51 | as to | phr | ~에 관하여 | about | as to |
52 | plow | v | 쟁기질하다, 밭을 갈다 | to dig and turn over a field or other area of land with a plow | plow |
53 | split | v | 쪼개다, 나누다 | to divide, or to make something divide, into two or more parts | split |
54 | scarce | a | 부족한 | insufficient to meet a demand or requirement; short in supply | scarce |
55 | inherit | v | 물려받다, 상속받다 | to receive money, property, etc. from somebody when they die | inherit |
56 | primogeniture | n | 장자 상속제 | the system in which the oldest son in a family receives all the property when his father dies | primogeniture |
57 | breach | v | (성벽, 방어선 등을) 돌파하다 | to make a hole in a wall, fence, etc. so that somebody or something can go through it | breach |
58 | uninhabited | a | 사람이 거주하지 않는 | with no people living there; not inhabited | uninhabited |
59 | equivalent | a | 동등한 | equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc. | equivalent |
60 | metropolitan | a | 대도시의 | relating to a large city | metropolitan |
61 | restrict | v | 제한하다 | to limit someone's actions or movement, or to limit the amount, size, etc., of something | restrict |
62 | outrageously | ad | 엄청나게 | in a way that is shocking, usually because of being unusual or strange | outrageously |
63 | spew | v | 토해내다, 분출하다 | to flow or let out in large amounts | spew |
64 | proximity | n | 근접성, 인접성 | the state of being near in space or time | proximity |
65 | commute | v | 통근하다; 통근, 통학 | to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home | commute |
66 | retreat | v | 물러나다, 후퇴하다 | to move away or back | retreat |
67 | entertainment | n | 여흥, 오락 | shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people, or a performance of this type | entertainment |
68 | outweigh | v | ~보다 더 뛰어나다 | to be greater or more important than something else | outweigh |
69 | racial segregation | n | 인종차별, 인종분리 | the act or policy of separating people from different races and treating them in a different way | racial segregation |
70 | exclusively | ad | 배타적으로, 독점적으로 | for only one particular person, group or use | exclusively |
71 | minority | n | 소수 | the smaller part of a group; less than half of the people or things in a large group | minority |
72 | integration | n | 통합 | the act or process of combining two or more things so that they work together | integration |
73 | domain | n | 영역, 소유지 | an area of interest or an area over which a person has control | domain |