28, November, 2023, Tuesday.
Everything about Evangelism and Missions(Acts 1:8)
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Hymn #520 Whosoever Heareth, Shout, Shout the Sound(Unified Hymn 257)
In the future, you'll have to go alone, so you must have four experiences. In the morning, you must find your health through the "prayer of 3·9·3." During the day, pray to discover your prayer topics, and at night, focus on what's the most important and do "concentrated prayer." Evangelism and missions are everything because the Gospel and God who gave those are everything. Consequently, you must first raise "The 7 Bartizans." If you build God's bartizan within yourself and seek the bartizan of "only," the bartizans of "uniqueness" and "re-creation" will follow. Through prayer that transcends time and space, you must find "my ends of the earth" and "my 237." If you go armed with the power of prayer and the accurate future, your personal contract will come out and answers will begin. The Second Coming is your final mission. When Satan's bartizan is destroyed, God's Kingdom will be established. World evangelization cannot be carried out with your own level and abilities, so if you throw away everything that belongs to you then find and enjoy "The 7 Bartizans," the "platform"; "watchtower"; and "antenna" will appear.
1. Everything will be Lost If You Don't Know Evangelism
Although the Israelites had received the Gospel, they didn't know it or evangelism, so they were seized with the "chosen people" ideology. Moreover, they didn't know Christ and only left behind the Messiah ideology. Because they didn't have "life," they were left with only ideology of legalism.
2. Missions Blocks Disasters
Although the Israelites came out of Egypt, they couldn't escape from Satan. Even though they passed through the wilderness, they couldn't pass through the darkness. Right now, darkness has spread throughout the world. Currently, you're still spiritually enslaved and are being held captive. You must come out from here. The 0.1 percent of people who know the Gospel, evangelism, and missions have changed the world.
3. Everything Will Be Restored If Evangelism and Missions Are Known
Through worship, you must restore the content of the Three Feasts; Calvary; the Mt. of Olives; and Mark's upper room. Then, you need to accept and relay “3·9·3," which summarizes that content. These blessings were contained in the Tabernacle, the temple, the three courtyards, and the church. When these blessings are restored, the bartizan of the world will stand.
These are the evidences of the 7 Remnants, the people of Hebrews 11, and the members of the Early Church. By enjoying these answers, you just need to change the stream of all fields through the stream of God's Word, prayer, and important answers.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, thank you allowing me to remain inside Your plan and time. May today be the start when the lessons that You've taught in the Bible are completely restored. Rather than worries, may my fields overflow with thanksgiving. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Core Training Message / 22, April, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Matthew 28:18~20.
[Bible Reading] Hebrews 13:1~19.