[영상] 김수현 측 "故 김새론과 성인 된 이후 1년여 교제"
Kim Soo-hyun denies underage dating allegations, financial ties to Kim Sae-ron
Woo Jae-yeon Entertainment 14:24 March 14, 2025 Yonhap News
SEOUL, March 14 (Yonhap) -- Actor Kim Soo-hyun on Friday denied the claims that he dated late actress Kim Sae-ron when she was underage, breaking his silence since the accusations were raised earlier this week. His agency, Gold Medalist, released a statement, claiming the two were in a relationship from the summer of 2019, when Kim Sae-ron, who was found dead at her home on Feb. 16, became an adult, until the autumn of 2020. "The allegations that he dated Kim when she was underage are not true," it said. Friday's statement marked a reversal from the agency's earlier stance that the actor would address the escalating controversy next week. Gold Medalist cited the actor's "immense mental pressure" as the reason for the earlier-than-expected announcement. "It is too painful for an individual to endure such distress over his private life," it said. "This also unnecessarily digs into the late actress's life and damages her reputation." The controversy began when the YouTube channel Hoverlab claimed Monday that the "Queen of Tears" star and the late actress had been in a relationship for six years, dating back to when she was 15 years old. Gold Medalist initially strongly denied the allegations and warned of legal action, but Hoverlab countered by releasing photos suggesting they were romantically involved. On Friday, the agency said all the photos in question were taken after she became an adult. It also refuted accusations that the actor personally paid 700 million won (US$481,000) on behalf of Kim Sae-won for penalties related to her 2022 DUI accident and then later sent her a certified document demanding repayment after her contract with Gold Medalist expired. "The financial matter was solely between Kim Sae-ron and Gold Medalist," it said. "The rumors that Kim Soo-hyun personally lent her money or suddenly sought repayment are entirely groundless." The agency said it had covered the remaining debt in full and wrote it off as a bad debt, as Kim Sae-ron was unable to repay it. The document sent to her was only for legal purposes to confirm her financial inability, it added. In addition, the text message in which the late actress pleaded with Kim Soo-hyun for more time to repay her debt arose from her misunderstanding about legal procedures, according to the agency. It claimed that it later explained the purpose of the certified document to her. Actor Kim Soo-hyun is shown in this undated photo provided by Gold Medalist. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap) jaeyeon.woo@yna.co.kr (END) |
[영상] 김수현 측 "故 김새론과 성인 된 이후 1년여 교제"
송고2025-03-14 16:56 연합뉴스
(서울=연합뉴스) 배우 김수현이 아역 출신 배우 고(故) 김새론과 교제 사실을 인정하면서 고인이 미성년자였던 시절부터 교제했다는 의혹에 대해서는 반박했습니다.
김수현 소속사 골드메달리스트는 14일 배포한 공식 입장문에서 "김수현 씨와 김새론 씨는 김새론 씨가 성인이 된 이후인 2019년 여름부터 2020년 가을까지 교제했다"며 "미성년자 시절의 김새론 씨와 사귀었다는 것은 사실이 아니다"라고 해명했습니다.
이어 유튜브 채널 가로세로연구소가 최근 공개한 두 사람의 사진은 모두 김새론이 성인이 된 이후 촬영된 사진이라고 주장했습니다.
내용증명을 받은 김새론이 김수현에게 빚을 갚겠다며 시간을 달라고 부탁하는 문자 메시지를 보낸 것과 관련해서는 "당사를 떠난 상태였던 김새론 씨는 채무에 대한 법률적 지식이 충분치 못한 상태였다"고 주장했습니다.
그러면서 골드메달리스트 측은 당시 김수현으로부터 문자를 전달받은 뒤 김새론에게 내용증명의 취지에 관해 설명했다고 해명했습니다. 영상으로 보시죠.
제작: 김건태·최주리
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