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카페 프로필 이미지
대조선사 연구회
카페 게시글
대조선 탐구 중첩하다 할때 한자 疊 첩이 우리말을 통해 한자가 만들어지는 과정
나비우스 추천 0 조회 285 16.01.13 06:49 댓글 9
게시글 본문내용
  • 16.01.29 06:48

    첫댓글 mountain의 어원

    ma=a mother, measure, light, knowledge,

    binding, fettering, death, a woman's waist,

    happiness, welfare, water p.771

    ma-mA=to measure, mete out,

    mark off, to prepare, arrange,

    fashion, form, build, make,

    to show, display, exhibit p.804

    unnam=to bend upwards, raise one's self,

    rise, ascend, to raise up, lift up, to bend

    upwards, raise, erect, elevate p.193

  • 16.01.29 06:43

    unni-unnI=to lead up or out, lead upwards

    or up to, to bring or fetch out of, free

    from, help, rescue, redeem, to raise, set up,

    erect, promote, to draw up, fill up a vessel

    by drawing (a fluid out of another vessel),

    to raise up, lift up, to put up, lay up, to

    press or squeeze out, to lead away (e.g. a

    calf from its mother), to lead aside, separate,

    to stroke, smooth, to raise, cause, to intone,

    to find out, discover by inference, infer, to

    intend or wish to lead out, bringing or leading

    upwards p.193

  • 16.01.29 06:43

    tha=aspirate of the preceding letter,

    a mountain, a protector, a sign of danger,

    of a disease, eating, preservation, fear,

    an auspicious prayer p.464

    in=inv p.165

    inv=to advance upon, press upon, drive,

    to infuse strength, invigorate, gladden,

    to use force, force, to drive away,

    to keep back, remove, to have in one's

    power, take possession of, pervade,

    to be lord or master of anything,

    have the disposal of p.167

  • 16.01.29 06:47

    미국식 [|mauntn]

    영국식 [|maunt?n]

    ma-un(nam)-tha-in>ma-un-ten=헤아려서(to measure) 올라가서(to ascend) 산으로(mountain) 나아간다(advance upon)

    ma-un(ni)-tha-in=헤아리기를(measure) 일으켜(to lift up) 산으로(mountain) 나아간다(advance upon)

  • 16.01.29 06:45

    mounatian의 뜻을 가진 다른 범어를 찾아보면

    adri, aga, gir, giri, tha, dardara, dhara, kudhara, kuThi, kuTTAra , kuTTIra, kuTa, mahIdhara, mahIdhra, maru, tADa 등으로 검색되고,

    아들이, 아가, 길, 길이, 타, 다달아, 다라, 커다라, 커티,커투라, 커티라, 커타, 마히다라, 마히드라, 마루, 타다 등으로 지금 우리가 쓰는 말인 산을 타다, 산길, 커다란, 커띠라, 컸다, 컸지, 크다, 많이 다라, 많이 들아 등과 비슷한 음이 많다!


  • 작성자 16.01.29 09:42

    아니 이렇게 상세히 설명해주시니 감사합니다.^^

  • 16.02.01 07:42


    dava=a wood on fire, fire, burning, heat,
    fever, a forest p.471

    tap=to give out heat, be hot, shine, to make
    hot or warm, heat , shine upon, to consume
    or destroy by heat, to suffer pain, to repent of,
    to torment one's self, undergo self-mortification,
    practise austerity, to cause pain to, injure,
    damage, spoil, to suffer or feel pain, to cause
    pain, trouble, distress, to torment one's self,
    undergo penance, to feel violent pain, be in
    great anxiety p.436

  • 16.02.01 07:43

    ha-hA=to start or spring forward, bound away,
    give way to, to spring or leap upon, to fall or
    come into any state, to leave, abandon,
    desert, quit, forsake, relinquish, to put away,
    take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce,
    resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from

    dha-dhA=to make, produce, generate, create,
    cause, effect, perform, execute p.513

    dav-dav-ha-dha=열이(heat) 발하게(to spring forward) 되다
    tap-tap-ha-dha=덥고 덥다, 아프고 또 아프다, 힘들고 또 힘들다는 뜻이다.


  • 작성자 16.02.01 10:04

    열심히 공부하겠습니다.감사합니다.
