POPE FRANCIS ANGELUS, Fifth Sunday of Lent, Saint Peter's Square. Sunday, 26 March 2023
Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! Today, fifth Sunday of Lent, the Gospel presents to us the resurrection of Lazarus (cf. Jn 11:1-45). It is the last of Jesus’ miracles narrated before Easter: the resurrection of his friend Lazarus. Lazarus is a dear friend of Jesus, who knows he is about to die; he sets out on his journey, but arrives at his house four days after the burial, when by now all hope is lost. His presence, however, rekindles a little confidence in the hearts of the sisters Martha and Mary (cf. vv. 22, 27). They cling to this light, to this small hope, despite their suffering. Jesus invites them to have faith, and asks for the tomb to be opened. He then prays to the Father and shouts to Lazarus: “Come out!” (v. 43). And the latter comes back to life and comes out. This is the miracle, just like that, simple.
프란치스코 교황 삼종 기도, 사순 제5주일, 성 베드로 광장, 2023년 3월 26일
친애하는형제자매여러분, 안녕하십니까! 사순제5주일인오늘, 복음은라자로의부활을우리에게보여줍니다. (요한 11,1-45 참조) 부활절전에예수님께서하신기적중의마지막으로서예수님의친구라자로의부활입니다. 라자로는예수님의소중한친구이고예수님은그가죽을것이라는것을아시고길을나서지만매장된지 4일이지난후에, 이제모든희망이사라진때에그의집에도착하십니다. 그러나그분이오심으로써마리아와마르타자매의마음에약간의확신이다시불붙습니다. (22, 27 절참조) 그들은고통에도불구하고이빛, 이작은희망에매달립니다. 예수님께서는그들에게믿음을갖으라고하시고무덤을열라고하십니다. 그런다음그분은아버지께기도하시고라자로에게 “이리나와라.”라고외치십니다. (43절) 그리고라자로가다시살아서나옵니다. 이것이기적입니다. 바로그렇게간단합니다.
The message is clear: Jesus gives life even when it seems that all hope has gone. It happens, at times, to feel hopeless – this has happened to us all – or to meet people who have given up hope: embittered by bad experiences, the wounded heart cannot hope. Because of a painful loss, an illness, a bitter disappointment, a wrong or a betrayal suffered, a grave error committed… they have given up hope. At times we hear those who say that “There is nothing more to be done!”, and close the door to every hope. They are moments when life seems to be a sealed tomb: everything is dark, and around us we see only sorrow and despair. Today’s miracle tells us that it is not like that, this is not the end, that in these moments we are not alone; on the contrary, it is precisely in these moments that He comes closer than ever to restore life to us.
메시지는분명합니다. 예수님은모든희망이사라진것처럼보일때에조차도생명을주십니다. 희망이없다는느낌이때때로일어납니다. - 이것은우리모두에게일어났습니다. - 또는희망을포기한사람들을만납니다. 그들은나쁜경험때문에억울해하고, 상처받은마음으로희망을잃습니다. 고통스러운상실, 질병, 쓰라린실망, 잘못또는배신의고통, 그리고이미저지른중대한잘못때문에그들은희망을포기했습니다. 때때로우리는사람들이 “더이상할수있는일이없습니다!”라고말하는것을듣고, 모든희망의문을닫는것을봅니다. 삶이봉인된무덤처럼보이는순간들입니다. 모든것이어둡고우리주변에는슬픔과절망만보입니다. 오늘의기적은우리에게그것은그렇지않다고, 이것이끝이아니라고, 이순간들에우리는혼자가아니라고말합니다. 그반대로정확하게바로이순간그분이우리에게생명을회복시키기위해서어느때보다도더가까이오십니다.
Jesus weeps: the Gospel tells us that Jesus wept in front of Lazarus’ tomb, and today Jesus weeps with us, as he was able to weep for Lazarus: the Gospel repeats twice that he is moved (cf. vv. 33, 38), emphasizes that he burst into tears (cf. v. 35). And at the same time Jesus invite us not to stop believing and hoping, not to let ourselves be crushed by negative feelings, which take away our tears. He approaches our tombs and says to us, as then: “Take away the stone” (v. 39). In these moments, it is as though we have a stone inside, and the only one capable of removing it is Jesus, with his word: “Take away the stone”.
예수님께서우십니다. 복음은라자로의무덤앞에서예수님께서우셨다고말합니다. 그리고오늘예수님께서라자로를위해서우실수있었던것처럼우리와함께우십니다. 복음은그분이마음이북받치었다고두번반복하고 (33, 38절) 그분이울음을터뜨렸다고강조합니다. (35절) 동시에예수님은우리에게믿음과희망을멈추지말라고, 우리의눈물을앗아가는부정적인감정에압도되지말라고초대하십니다. 그분은우리의무덤에접근하시어그때말씀하셨던대로 “돌을치워라.” (39절) 라고우리에게말씀하십니다. 이순간마치우리안에돌이있고그것을제거할수있는유일한분은 “돌을치워라”라고말씀하신예수님뿐인것같습니다.
Jesus says this to us too. Take away the stone: the pain, the mistakes, even the failures, do not hide them inside you, in a dark, lonely, closed room. Take away the stone: draw out everything that is inside. “Ah, but I am ashamed”. Throw it to me with confidence, says the Lord, I will not be outraged; throw it to me without fear, because I am with you, I care about you and I want you to start living again. And, as he did with Lazarus, he repeats to each one of us: Come out! Rise again, get back on the path, regain your confidence! How many times, in life, we find ourselves like this, in this situation of no longer having the strength to get up again.
예수님께서우리에게도돌을치워라라고말씀하십니다. 통증, 실수, 실패까지도, 그것들을내부에, 어둡고, 외롭고폐쇄된방에감추지마십시오. 돌을치우십시오. 내부에있는모든것을끌어내십시오. “아, 그런데부끄럽네요.” 확신을가지고그것을내게던져라, 주님께서말씀하십니다. 나는노하지않을것이다. 두려워하지말고내게던져라. 내가너와함께있고, 내가너를돌보고, 네가다시살아움직이기를바라기때문이다. 그리고라자로에게하셨던대로그분은우리각자에게거듭말씀하십니다. 이리나오너라! 다시일어나서길로돌아가너의자신감을되찾아라. 살면서우리는얼마나자주이런상황, 즉다시일어설수있는힘을더이상갖지못하는상황에처한우리를발견합니까?
And Jesus: “Go, go on! I am with you”. I will take you by the hand, says Jesus, like when you were a child learning to take your first steps. Dear brother, dear sister, take off the bandages that bind you (cf. v. 45); please, do not give in to the pessimism that depresses you, do not give in to the fear that isolates, do not give in to the discouragement caused by the memory of bad experiences, do not give in to the fear that paralyses. Jesus tells us, “I want you free and alive, I will not abandon you and I am with you! Everything is dark, but I am with you! Do not let yourself be imprisoned by pain, do not let hope die. Brother, sister, come back to life!”. “And how can I do this?”. “Take my hand”, and he takes us by the hand. Let you be pulled out: and he is capable of doing it. In these bad moments that happen to us all.
그때에예수님께서 “자, 가자! 내가너와함께있다.” 내가너의손을잡겠다. 당신이첫발을내딛는것을배우는어린아기였을때와같이예수님께서말씀하십니다. 친애하는형제여, 사랑하는자매여, 당신을싸매고있는붕대를벗어버리십시오. (35절참조) 부디, 당신을우울하게만드는비관론에굴복하지마시고, 고립시키는두려움에굴복하지마시고, 나쁜경험의기억으로인한낙담에굴복하지마시고, 마비시키는두려움에굴복하지마십시오. 예수님께서우리에게말씀하십니다. “나는너희가자유롭고생동감있기를바란다. 나는너희를버리지않을것이며너희와함께있을것이다. 모든것이어둡더라도나는너희와함께있겠다. 너희자신을고통에가두지말고희망을버리지마라! 형제자매여다시살아나라!” “제가어떻게그것을할수있습니까?” “내손을잡아라.” 그리고그분이우리의손을잡으십니다. 그분의손에의지하십시오. 그분은여러분을끌어낼수있으십니다. 우리모두에게일어나는나쁜순간에그분은우리의손을잡아서끌어낼수있으십니다.
Dear brothers and sisters, this passage, in chapter 11 of the Gospel of John and which it does a great deal of good to read, is a hymn to life, and it is proclaimed when Easter is near. Perhaps we too in this moment carry in our heart some burden or some suffering, that seems to crush us; something bad, some old sin we cannot bring out, some youthful mistake, you never know. These bad things need to come out. And Jesus says, “Come out!”. So, it is the moment to take away the stone and to go out towards Jesus, who is close. Can we open our hearts to him and entrust our worries to him?
사랑하는형제자매여러분, 읽으면매우유익한요한복음 11장에있는이구절은생명에대한찬가입니다. 이것이부활절이가까이다가오는이때에선포됩니다. 아마우리도이순간에우리를짓누르는짐이나고통을마음속에지니고있을지모릅니다. 나쁜것, 끌어낼수없는오래된죄, 젊을시절의실수, 여러분이절대알지못합니다. 이런나쁜것들은밖으로나와야합니다. 예수님께서말씀하십니다. “이리나와라!” 그러므로돌을치우고나와서가까이계신예수님께갈순간입니다. 그분께우리의마음을열고우리의걱정을그분께맡길수있습니까?
Shall we do it? Are we able to open the tomb of problems, are we capable, and look over the threshold, towards his light, or are we afraid of this? And in turn, as small mirrors of God's love, do we manage to illuminate the environments in which we live with words and gestures of life? Do we bear witness to the hope and joy of Jesus? We, sinners, all of us? And also, I would like to say a word to confessors: dear brothers, do not forget that you too are sinners, and you are in the confessional not to torture, but to forgive, and to forgive everything, just as the Lord forgives everything. May Mary, Mother of Hope, renew in us the joy of not feeling alone and the call to bring light into the darkness that surrounds us.
우리그렇게할까요? 우리는문제들의무덤을열수있습니까, 우리가할수있습니까, 문지방너머로그분의빛을볼수있습니까? 아니면이것을두려워합니까? 그리고결국, 우리가하느님사랑의작은거울로서우리의말과행동으로우리가사는환경을밝게비출수있습니까? 예수님의소망과기쁨을우리가증거합니까? 우리모두가죄인인우리가? 그리고또, 저는고해사제들에게한마디하고싶습니다. 사랑하는형제여러분, 여러분도죄인이며, 고문하지않고용서하기위해서고해소에있다는것을잊지마십시오. 주님께서모든것을용서하시듯이모든것을용서하는것을잊지마십시오. 희망의어머니이신성모마리아여, 우리안에외로움을느끼지않는기쁨을새롭게하여주시고, 우리를둘러싸고있는어둠에빛을비추라는부르심을새롭게하여주소서!
After the Angelus
Dear brothers and sisters! Yesterday, Solemnity of the Annunciation, we renewed the consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the certainty that only the conversion of hearts can open the way that leads to peace. Let us continue to pray for the tormented Ukrainian people.
친애하는형제자매여러분! 어제주님탄생예고대축일에우리는오직마음의회개만이평화에이르는길을열수있다는확신을가지고티없으신마리아성심의봉헌을새롭게했습니다. 고통받는우크라이나국민을위해계속기도합시다.
And let us stay close also to the earthquake victims of Turkey and Syria. The proceeds of special collection taking place today in all parishes throughout Italy are destined for them. Let us also pray for the population of the state of Mississippi, struck by a devastating tornado.
그리고터키와시리아의지진피해자들과도가깝게유지합시다. 오늘이탈리아전역의모든본당에서열리는특별헌금의수익금은이들을위한것입니다. 또한파괴적인토네이도의엄청난피해를본미시시피주의주민들을위해기도합시다.
I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims from many countries, in particular those from Madrid and Pamplona, and the Mexicans; as well as the Peruvians, renewing the prayer for reconciliation and peace in Peru. We must pray for Peru, which is suffering a great deal.
많은나라에서온순례자들과로마인들, 특히마드리드와팜플로나, 멕시코에서온순례자여러분모두에게인사드립니다. 페루의화해와평화를위한기도를새롭게합니다. 많은고통을겪고있는페루를위해기도해야합니다.
I greet the faithful of Zollino, Rieti, Azzano Mella and Capriano del Colle, Bellizzi, Crotone and Castelnovo Monti with Unitalsi; and I greet the Confirmation candidates from Pavia, Melendugno, Cavaion and Sega, Settignano and Prato; the young people of Ganzanigo, Acilia and Longi; and the Association Amici del Crocifisso of the Marches.
나는 Unitalsi와함께 Zollino, Rieti, Azzano Mella 및 Capriano del Colle, Bellizzi, Crotone 및 Castelnovo Monti의신자들에게인사합니다. Pavia, Melendugno, Cavaion 및 Sega, Settignano 및 Prato의견진후보자들에게인사드립니다. Ganzanigo, Acilia 및 Longi의젊은이; 그리고 Marches의 Association Amici del Crocifisso, 반갑습니다.
I address a special greeting to the delegation of the Italian Air Force, which is celebrating the centenary of its founding. I wish you well on this anniversary, and I encourage you always to work to build justice and peace.
창립 100주년을맞는이탈리아공군대표단에게특별한인사를전합니다. 이기념일을잘보내시기바라며항상정의와평화를구축하는여러분을격려합니다.
I pray for you all; and do this for me. And I wish you all a good Sunday. Enjoy your meal, and arrivederci.
저는여러분모두를위해기도합니다. 저를위해서도그렇게해주십시오. 모두복된주일보내시고, 점심맛있게드시고, 또뵙겠습니다.
한글번역: 윤영학아오스딩