It gets very busy in the morning getting ready for work. Packing 3 of my kid’s lunches, preparing breakfast, and washing myself and the kids is like juggling a ceramic plate, two oranges, two balls of socks, and a king-sized pillow simultaneously. Two hands are not enough within a short time. I tried waking up early, but I barely managed to make it out the door with sanity. I think some moms can relate to the busy mornings.
My mom (Brilliant smile) understands the busy morning because I used to live with her for about a year. She saw the hectic and frantic kids running around the house. My mom helped pack kids' lunches and prepare breakfast in the morning. I usually did a lot of complaining because lunches were not packed with the healthiest and organic items. She would manage to cook fish and kimchi soup as breakfast– the stinkiest food in the morning. My kids and I would come out of the house, and the trails of cats chased after our smell. Nevertheless, that was the love she poured out to us.
Then, I moved out with my children to rejoin my husband, and I am faced with the battles in the morning – cooking, cleaning, washing, finding the right pair of socks for 8 feet – I tell you, it is a challenge when laundry isn’t done on time! This time, I faced the battle alone in the house, or so I thought. Do you know who helps me? Jesus. Jesus, who lives in my mom, helps me. You can say that she is doing “Monday donuts” for me and my children.
She will ask weekly if she can help with packing lunches. When I say yes, she packs early in the morning and brings it to my child’s daycare. I still complain sometimes because there is too much food in the Tupperware, and the lid is about to pop open. She even wraps a rubber band around it to prevent it from opening. This is my mom – overflowing the “Monday donuts” to relieve me in the morning.
One particular breakfast she made fro me took me by surprise. She cut up the apples that look like bunnies. Can you see the picture?
This is my mom. She cuts up the apples like the bunny so we can smile a little before eating. How can one do this in the morning?
When Jesus lives inside of a woman, a natural love like this emanates. Then, I pray that Jesus resides in her more and more. This isn’t because she can have “Monday through Friday donuts” for me but so that every day, she can share the love of Jesus with others at work, church, and with friends and family. May she be full of Jesus so that every word that comes out of her mouth will be like multiple living rivers flowing out so that people will know Jesus is real. May she praise Jesus’ name with no guilt or shame because she is full of the holy spirit. Will she get dementia when she is old? Then, let her forget everyone but Jesus.
I share my story and prayer with you so you can also catch this prayer and let it be yours. I will catch this prayer and try to become like Jesus daily.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Happy Jesus’s Day.
Jesus, who lives in moms – I love you.