12, December, 2023, Tuesday.
Who Who Exactly Is Jesus Christ?(Acts 17:3)
"...explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead. This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Christ,' he said."
Hymn #96 Who, You Ask Me, Is My Jesus(Unified Hymn 94)
There are five matters that you need to resolve. First, you must resolve the fact that you can't see Christ and without having any proper knowledge, are caught up in the Law. Second, you must resolve your incorrect judgments or else you'll lose the infiniteness of the Gospel by limiting what is God's. Third, you must resolve your idea of setting standards based on what belongs to people. In doing so, the essence of the Gospel will be lost. Fourth, you must resolve and escape from your thoughts and ideologies that you've placed on a higher level than Christ. Fifth, you must resolve the traditions and systems that you've experienced in each region and situation. Those are the reasons why all doors are closed. That's why you must teach the posterity solely about the things of God. Then, who exactly is Jesus Christ?
1. Man's Problems and the Cause
No one can solve man's problems. Because people have left God, they don't know why problems have come(Romans 3:23). Without even knowing why, people have come under Satan's control(Genesis 3:1~8). Ultimately, by continually following Satan who is the father of lies, they'll eventually face destruction(John 8:44 & Romans 6:23).
2. Jesus Christ
God promised to send Jesus Christ. That's why He came in human form as Christ and carried out two works. He saved people and destroyed the devil's work(1 John 3:8).
3. The Testimony of Jesus Christ
Jesus testified that He was God. "I and the Father are one."(John 10:30) "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father."(John 14:7~9) "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."(Matthew 28:16-20) Jesus showed God to people and led them to Him.
4. The Confessions of Those Who Met Christ
Those who met Jesus Christ confessed that He was their God and Savior(Matthew 16:16, John 20:25-28, & Acts 9:1-10). What's more important is that the Savior has become your Master.
When the Creator becomes your Master, the twelve strategies of darkness and Satan will collapse, and the answer of "re-creation" will emerge.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, grant me the blessing of Jesus Christ becoming my Master every day. May I see the answer of darkness, Satan, and disasters completely being destroyed. May I see Satan's 12 strategies absolutely being shattered. May I see the answer of "re-creation" coming upon me. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
237 Tuesday Disciple Training, Lecture 5 / 20, September, 2022.
[Gospel Memory Verse] 1 Corinthians 1:21.
[Bible Reading] James 5:1~6.