United States officials have brought charges against
current and former leaders of FIFA, the group that governs the sport of
football around the world. A U.S. federal indictment
them of corruption and other wrongdoing. On Wednesday,
the Swiss government announced its own investigation connected to the awarding
of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup championships. Swiss police arrested several FIFA
officials in Zurich. The U.S. indictment includes 47 charges against 14 people.
Federal lawyers say sports media officials paid or agreed to pay more than $150
million in exchange
for marketing rights to football events. The sport is known
as soccer in the United States.
* bring charges
against ~ = ~를 고소하다/ govern = 통치(지배/좌우/통제)하다/ indictment = 기소; 고발(기소)장/
accuse (sb of sth) = 고발(기소/비난)하다, 혐의를 제기하다/ wrongdoing = 범법(부정) 행위, 비행/ in
exchange for ~ = ~대신의, 교환으로
The Justice Department
said the FIFA officials were carrying out a 24-year
plan to “enrich
themselves through the corruption of
international soccer." Swiss officials said seven FIFA officials were arrested
Wednesday. They were sent to the United States for a court hearing. The U.S.
Justice Department said officials executed a search order at FIFA’s offices in
Miami, Florida. It also said four individuals have already admitted guilt in the
corruption investigation. U.S. Attorney General Loretta
Lynch said corruption in FIFA is "rampant, systemic and
deep-rooted." She said
there are many victims in the case.
* carry out =
~을 수행(이행)하다/ enrich oneself = 부자가 되다/ corruption = 부패, 타락/ court hearing = 법정
심리/ admit guilt = (유)죄를 시인하다/ Attorney General = 법무장관/ rampant = 만연(횡행)하는/
systemic = 전체(전신)에 영향을 주는/ deep-rooted = 뿌리 깊은
US, Swiss Officials Take Action Against FIFA in Corruption Cases - WTS.mp3