27, December, 2023, Wednesday.
Those Who Are within the Accurate Covenant(Acts 1:3)
After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.
Hymn #402 Sing of My Rock
If you're inside the accurate covenant, you'll unconditionally receive answers. If you pray properly, you'll be liberated from spiritual diseases; poverty; and incompetence. That's why you pray with what Christ has given you. Then, what should you pray with?
1. The Given Mission
Armed with the 40-day covenant of Calvary given by Christ; the mission of the Mt. of Olives; and the works of Mark's upper room, you must pray. In addition, you must pray for the works of God's kingdom, the ends of the earth, and "my 237." In doing so, your personal contract with God will appear. Furthermore, the sure future covenant will emerge. Your final background is the throne. You'll enjoy these with Him who will come as the Lord of the Second Coming and the Lord of judgment.
2. Giving Answers Now
Because the Triune God is at work, you can give worship. If you hold onto the accurate covenant as you give worship, the work of creation will take place. Even now, God the Son is still fulfilling the work of salvation. God the Holy Spirit works with the power that can heal everything. When you pray, "The 9 Powers of Throne" come upon you. At this time, God's Kingdom will be fulfilled. By transcending time and space, the 237 nations will be saved. When these blessings are established in your life; soul; and daily life, unprecedented and never-repeated answers will come to you; your church; and your business. Your past will become a springboard, today will become that time schedule, and the future will be completely guaranteed.
3. The Word That Fulfills the Word
At this time, God will send the angels of the Lord and armies to fulfill His plan(Psalm 103:20~22). After Jesus ascended to Heaven, angels dressed in white appeared(Acts 1:11). Even when Paul encountered a violent storm(Acts 27:24). God sent an angel of the Lord. Even now, God sends His angels to give you understanding. He opens the way, sends the heavenly army, and gives you strength.
In the end, darkness will be bound and the essential times of "24·25·Eternity" that can be enjoyed will come. As a result, the Word promised by Jesus will be fulfilled and the "Only Uniqueness Re-Creation System"(OURS) will be created.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, may today be the start when I make the covenant given by Jesus completely mine. Thank you for allowing me to remain in the covenant despite any problem or crisis. Please bind all darkness that blocks the Gospel. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
Core Training Message / 13, May, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Isaiah 60:1.
[Bible Reading] 2 Peter 1:12~21.