We have to take time into consideration. What I mean by this is that some people may need social work at particular times, but not at others.
For example, parents who experience a particular set of difficulties may, for a while, have difficulties in meeting their children's needs, resulting in concerns about neglect, but, with appropriate support to get them through that difficult patch, they may then be perfectly capable of meeting their children's needs thereafter.
Similarly an elderly couple experiencing various difficulties may be able to just about cope in the community while they are together, but, when one partner is admitted to hospital after a fall, the other may not be able to cope alone. Social work support may therefore be needed for a short period, but not thereafter.
This emphasis on time helps to prevent dependency creation. It is important that we do not label people as being in need of social work support as if it is some sort of character flaw or personal weakness.
The Social Worker's Practice Manual, Neil Thompson
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