1. POPE FRANCIS ANGELUS, Easter Monday, Saint Peter's Square. 10 April 2023
Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! Today the Gospel lets us relive the women’s encounter with the Risen Jesus on Easter morning. It thus reminds us that it was them, the women disciples, who were the first to see him and encounter him.
프란치스코교황삼종기도, 부활8일축제월요일, 성베드로광장, 2023년 4월 10일
친애하는형제자매여러분, 안녕하십니까? 오늘복음은부활절아침에여인들과부활하신예수님과의만남을되새기게합니다. 처음으로그분을뵙고만난사람들이바로그들, 여자제자들이었다는것을우리에게상기시킵니다.
We might ask ourselves: why them? For a very simple reason: because they were the first to go to the tomb. Like all the disciples, they too were suffering because of the way the story of Jesus seemed to have ended; but, unlike the others, they do not stay at home paralyzed by sadness and fear: in the early morning, at sunrise, they go to honour the body of Jesus, bringing aromatic ointments. The tomb had been sealed and they wonder who could have removed that stone, so heavy (cf. Mk 16:1-3). But their wish to carry out this gesture of love prevails over all else. They are not discouraged, they overcome their fears and their anguish. This is the way to find the Risen One: to come out from our fears, to come out from our anguish.
우리는왜그들이었을까하고스스로물을수있습니다. 이유는아주간단합니다. 그들이무덤에제일처음에갔기때문입니다. 모든제자들과마찬가지로그들도예수님의이야기가허무하게끝난것같아서고통을겪고있었습니다. 그러나다른제자들과달리, 그들은슬픔과두려움때문에집에쓰러져있지않고, 아침일찍동틀녘에향유를가지고예수님의시신에경배하러갑니다. 무덤이봉인되어있었는데누가그무거운돌을치웠는지그들은궁금해합니다. (마르코 16,1-3 참조) 그러나이사랑의행위를수행하고자하는그들의열의는다른모든것을압도합니다. 그들은낙심하지않고그들은그들의두려움과고뇌를극복합니다. 이것이부활하신분을찾는길입니다. 우리의두려움에서나오고우리의고뇌에서나와야합니다.
Let us run through the scene described in the Gospel: the women arrive, they see the empty tomb and, “with fear and great joy”, they run, the text says, “to tell his disciples” (Mt 28:8). Now, just as they are going to give this news, Jesus comes towards them. Let us take good note of this: Jesus meets them while they are going to announce him. This is beautiful: Jesus meets them while they are going to announce him. When we proclaim the Lord, the Lord comes to us. At times we think that the way to be close to God is that of keeping him close to us; because then, if we reveal ourselves and start to talk about it, then judgements, criticisms come, perhaps we do not know how to respond to certain questions or provocations, and so it is better not to talk about it, and to close up: no Instead, the Lord comes while we proclaim him. You always find the Lord on the path of proclamation. Proclaim the Lord and you will encounter him. Seek the Lord and you will encounter him. Always on the path, this is what the women teach us: we encounter Jesus by witnessing him. We encounter Jesus by witnessing him.
복음에묘사된장면을살펴봅시다. 여인들이도착하여빈무덤을보고 “두려움과큰기쁨을느끼며, 제자들에게알리기위해” (마태오 28,8) 달려간다고본문이전합니다. 이제그들이이소식을전하려고할때예수님께서그들에게다가오십니다. 이것을잘기억합시다. 예수님께서그들이당신을선포하려고하는동안에그들을만나십니다. 얼마나아름답습니까? 예수님께서그들이당신을선포하려고하는동안에그들을만나십니다. 우리가주님을선포할때주님이우리에게오십니다. 때때로우리는하느님께가까이가는방법은그분을우리가까이모시는것이라고생각합니다. 우리가우리자신을드러내고그것에대해말하기시작한다면판단과비판이따르고우리는아마도어떤질문이나도발에어떻게대응할지모르기때문에그것에대해얘기하지않고입을다무는것이낫습니다. 반면에주님께서는우리가그분을선포하는동안에오십니다. 여러분은선포의길에서항상주님을발견합니다. 주님을선포하십시오. 그러면그분을만날것입니다. 항상길에서. 이것이그여인들이우리에게가르치는것입니다. 우리는그분을증거함으로써예수님을만납니다. 우리는그분을증거함으로써예수님을만납니다.
Let us give an example. At times we will have received wonderful news, such as, for example, the birth of a child. So, one of the first things we do is to share this happy announcement with friends: “You know, I have had a baby… He is beautiful”. And, by telling it, we also repeat it to ourselves and somehow make it come alive again for us. If this happens for good news, every day or on some important days, it happens infinitely more for Jesus, who is not only good news, nor even the best news of life, no, but he is life itself, he is “the resurrection and the life” (Jn 11:25). Every time we announce it, not by propaganda or proselytizing – that, no: proclaiming is one thing, propaganda and proselytism are another matter – every time we proclaim him, the Lord comes towards us. He comes with respect and love, as the most beautiful gift to share, Jesus dwells in us every time we proclaim him.
예를들어보겠습니다. 때때로우리는아이의탄생과같은놀라운소식을접합니다. 그때제일먼저하는일은이행복한소식을친구에게전하는것입니다. “아들이야... 아주예뻐.” 그렇게얘기함으로써우리는또한우리자신에게반복하고어떻든그것이우리에게다시생생하게다가오게합니다. 좋은소식이매일또는어떤중요한날에이렇게된다면, 좋은소식일뿐만아니라, 삶의최고의뉴스일뿐만아니라, 생명자체이신예수님의경우에는영원히그렇게될것입니다. 그분은 “부활이요생명이십니다.” (요한 11,25) 우리가그것을선언할때마다, 선전이나전도가아니라, - 선포는선전이나전도와전혀다릅니다. - 우리가그분을선포할때마다주님께서우리에게오십니다. 그분은가장아름다운선물로서존경과사랑을품고오십니다. 예수님께서우리가그분을선포할때마다우리안에머무르십니다.
Let us think again of the women of the Gospel: there was the sealed stone and despite this, they go to the tomb; there was an entire city that had seen Jesus on the cross and nevertheless they go to the city to announce that he is alive. Dear brothers and sisters, when one encounters Jesus, no obstacle can prevent us from proclaiming him. If instead we keep his joy for ourselves, perhaps it is because we have not yet truly encountered him.
복음의여인들을다시생각해봅시다. 봉인된돌이있었고그럼에도불구하고그들은무덤으로갑니다. 온도시가십자가에처형되신예수님을보았는데도불구하고그들은예수님께서살아계시다는것을전하려고도시로갑니다. 친애하는형제자매여러분, 어떤사람이예수님을만날때어떤장애물도그가예수님을선포하는것을막을수없습니다. 우리가그사람의기쁨을우리의것으로여긴다면아마도우리가진정으로예수님을만나지못해서그럴것입니다.
Brothers, sisters, before the women's experience we ask ourselves: tell me, when was the last time you bore witness to Jesus? When was the last time I bore witness to Jesus? Today, what shall I do so that the people I meet receive the joy of this proclamation? And again: can someone say: this person is serene, happy, good, because he has met Jesus? Can this be said of every one of us? Let us ask Our Lady to help us be joyful proclaimers of the Gospel.
형제자매여러분, 여인들의경험앞에서우리자신에게물어봅니다. 당신이예수님을마지막으로증거한것이언제였나요? 내가예수님을마지막으로증거한것이언제였나요? 오늘내가만나는사람들이이선포의기쁨을느끼게하려면나는무엇을해야하나요? 다시말해서, 어떤사람이, 이사람은예수님을만났기때문에고요하고, 행복하고, 선합니다. 라고말할수있을까요? 이말이우리모두에관한얘기가될수있을까요? 우리의성모님께우리모두가기쁨에찬복음의선포자가되도록도와주십사고청합시다.
After the Regina Caeli, the Holy Father continued:
Dear brothers and sisters! Today is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the so-called Belfast or Good Friday Agreement, which put an end to the violence that had troubled Northern Ireland for decades. With a spirit of gratitude, I pray to the God of peace that what was accomplished in that historic step be consolidated for the benefit of all men and women of the Isle of Ireland.
친애하는형제자매여러분! 오늘은오랫동안북아일랜드를괴롭혔던폭력을종식시킨소위벨파스트또는성금요일협정의 25주년이되는날입니다. 감사의마음으로, 그역사적인단계에서이루어진이성취가아일랜드섬의모든백성의유익을위해강화되기를평화의하느님께기도합니다.
I reiterate my wishes for a happy Easter to you all, Romans and pilgrims from various countries: “Christ is risen; he is risen indeed”. I greet you warmly, especially the teenagers of the parishes of Vigevano, the young people of Pisa and those of Appiano Gentile.
로마인과여러나라에서온순례자여러분모두에게부활축하인사를드립니다. “그리스도께서부활하셨습니다. 그분이진정부활하셨습니다.” 여러분들에게, 특히비제바노본당의청소년들, 피사의젊은이들, 아피아노젠틸레의젊은이들에게환영의인사를드립니다.
I thank all of you who sent your good wishes to me in these days. I am especially grateful for your prayers: by the intercession of the Virgin Mary, may God may God reward each one with his gifts! And I hope everyone will spend these days of the Octave of Easter, in which the celebration of Christ's Resurrection is extended, in the joy of faith. Let us persevere in invoking the gift of peace for the whole world, especially for dear and tormented Ukraine.
지난주일저를위해빌어주신모든분들께감사의말씀을드립니다. 여러분들의기도에특별히감사드립니다. 동정성모님의중재를통해하느님께서여러분각자에게그분의선물로보상해주시길빕니다. 그리스도의부활축하의연장인부활 8일축제를여러분모두신앙의기쁨안에서보내시기바랍니다. 온세상을위해, 특별히사랑하는우크라이나, 불쌍한우크라이나를위해평화의선물을지속적으로청합시다.
Happy Monday of the Angel! Please do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch and arrivederci.
행복한천사의월요일보내시고, 저를위한기도잊지마시고, 점심맛있게드십시오.
한글번역: 윤영학아오스딩