On the 14th of March 2018, KDU University College signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Seni Teknologi Sdn Bhd in order to provide students from different Schools within KDU opportunities to take part in the development and maintenance of Malaysian Halal Food Gifts (MHFG) – a range of applications for e-marketplace that could make Malaysia one of the leading global halal food hub nations. KDU foresees a great future beyond this collaboration through which KDU students could greatly benefit from engaging directly with real industry players who offer real-world solutions of international standards.
KDU는 Seni Teknologi Sdn Bhd와 MoU를 체결했습니다. Malaysian Halal Food Gifts (MHFG)를 중점 사업으로 하는 곳으로 KDU에 많은 기회가 주어질 것을 희망합니다.