09, Janyuary, 2023, Tuesday.
The Remnant's Time of Answers(2 Timothy 4:1~5)
Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction(2).
Hymn #291 Somebody Loves You(Unified Hymn 413)
Remnants are easily seized by three aspects in their lives. These are their families, churches, and studies. Because parents lived in hardship, their worldview is completely different from that of Remnants. That's why Remnants must hold onto a different covenant. Regardless of their parents' circumstances, Remnants must have warm hearts and cool heads. In fact, parents are springboards and steppingstones of Remnants. The worse the situation, the more advantageous it is for Remnants. When Remnants go to church, many conflicts exist. If they think of them as conflicts, they'll never become "absolute Gospel." For the 7 Remnants, all problems became springboards and blessings. Also, if Remnants aren't able to study well, that may cause personal limitations. That's why, within "3·9·3," they must begin their studies anew.
1. Answers
What is the true answer for Remnants? Regardless of answers, they must enjoy "WITH, Immanuel, and Oneness." These are the true answers. Joseph told Pharaoh that God would interpret the Pharaoh's dreams. When a crisis came, Shadrach; Meshach; and Abednego said that Jehovah God would save them. When David stood before Goliath, he brought with him the name of the Lord.
2. Evangelists
Through church evangelists and pastors, Remnants must learn about the imperativeness of Christ; worship; and God's Kingdom. In addition, through sermons, they must discover "only; uniqueness; and re-creation."
3. Works Events
Remnants experience various events in their lives which could be both good and bad. Real Remnants went as a wandering people and "those who remained" and carried out world evangelization. Wherever today's Remnants are, they must always find five points. They are the "Covenant" that confirms the stream of the covenantal Word, the "Vision" given solely to each of them, the "Dream" that becomes "24," the "Image" that leads to God's method, and the "Practice" which is studying that fulfills C.V.D.I.
The Remnant's future is the "platform"; the Remnant's today is the "watchtower"; and the Remnant's past is the "antenna" and 237. In order to receive these answers, Remnants must start studying within "3·9·3" beginning from today.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, thank you for granting me amazing opportunities and grace. Help me stand as the main figure who saves today, my church, and the future. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
Remnant Study of Evangelism / 27, May, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Romans 1:17.
[Bible Reading] 1 John 4:7~21.