12, January, 2023, Friday.
The Remnant's 25 Hours - The Gospel Elite - Enjoyment (Spiritual Vessel)(Psalms 23:1~6)
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want(1).
Hymn #384 All the Way My Savior Leads Me (Unified Hymn 434)
You mustn't be deceived by Satan, reality, or "me." The 7 Remnants who held onto the covenant weren't deceived. At this time, your spiritual state is created. As a result, you'll become "The Gospel Elite." Because David confessed that the Lord was his Shepherd, he enjoyed the things of God through prayer to the extent that he said, "I shall not be in want." Within this, Satan was deceived and a spiritual vessel that enjoyed the Gospel emerged. However, many people fall for Satan's schemes and focus on "me," what's "mine," and "my success." But for David, even in the midst of suffering, he wasn't deceived; instead, he discovered his talents(The Coming-of-Age Ceremony) and specialization(Missioning Ceremony). When David became king, he prepared for temple construction and built towers(Commissioning Ceremony). David's journey was to completely deceive and defeat Satan(Psalm 78:70~72, 1 Samuel 17:1~47, Psalm 23:1-6, 1 Chronicles 29:10~14, & 2 Samuel 16:4~15).
1. David Who Raised "25-Hour Platforms" with Today
Armed with "today," David yielded everything and created "25-hour platforms," that is, "3·9·3 platforms." David, who built these platforms in the morning and at night, ceded everything and enjoyed that which was eternal(Psalm 23:1~6).
2. David Who Raised "25-Hour Watchtowers" within Suffering
In thanksgiving for all his sufferings, David built "25-hour watchtowers." David passed the threshold of death more than five times and went on "The 7 Grand Journeys." That's how he was able to enter God's time schedule and the things that belonged to Him. As a result, he experienced answers that transformed what was absolutely impossible into what was absolutely possible.
3. David Who Raised "25-Hour Antennas" While Relinquishing Many Benefits
King Saul solely pursued profit his entire life then fell into ruin. However, David relinquished many benefits; built 1,000 towers; (Song of Songs 4:4~5) and made preparations for temple construction(1 Chronicles 29:10~14). He was able to do that because he had seen the infinite world. It was also possible because "25-hour antennas" to gain the power of the infinite world existed.
The 7 Remnants didn't seek revenge; rather, they brought Satan to his knees. (Romans 16:20) You must create masterpieces that surpass the idol shrines, the three organizations, and the Nephilim movement. To do this, if you enjoy the works of God's Kingdom and find answers(Acts 1:3), you'll see the future(Acts 2:17~18), and the pulpit message will come alive(Acts 2:42) and become connected with the field and your studies(Acts 2:42~47). At this time, "prayer 24" will take place; the blessing of the "Summit 25" will come; and the masterpiece of "Eternity" will appear.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, instead of being deceived by Satan, help me make the spiritual vessel that deceives him. Through prayer, help me raise every day the "25~hour platform; watchtower; and antenna" that enjoy Your Kingdom. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
The World Youth Retreat, Session 1, Lecture 2 / 17, January, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Romans 1:17.
[Bible Reading] 2 John 1:1~13.