Sony Noise Cancelling headphone MDR-NC22 $50 에 팔아요.
아주 괜찮은건데 한국갈때 비행기에서 2-3번 쓰고 .. 아이폰 헤드셋을 주로 쓰기때문에 요건 쓸일이 없네요. 상태는 그냥 새거같구요. 다만 박스를 찾을 수가 없네요.
참고로 AAA battery 1개 넣고 쓰는거구요(Noise cancelling on/off)
연락 또는 778-895-3327
제품 리뷰입니다
10. Sony MDR-NC22
Price: US $100
The compact Sony MDR-NC22 noise canceling headphones is a perfect option
for those who are looking for a good bass, high-frequency clarity, and
noise cancellation for a very reasonable price. It manages to eliminate
much of the ambient noise but the main problem is that the outside noise
is replaced by a kind of internal hiss. If you have no problems with
headphones having clips, then you can certainly go for Sony MDR-NC22.