23, January, 2023, Tuesday.
Those Who Belong to the Spirit(1 Corinthians 3:1~7)
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow(7).
Hymn #309 My Soul Today Is Thirsting(Unified Hymn 409)
Many people are facing hard times. But the truth is, there's no need to be discouraged because a new world that they've never experienced before exists. The reason why difficulties come is because people belong to the flesh and don't know spiritual matters. That's why only spiritual problems aren't being resolved. Since you belong to the Spirit, you just need to find spiritual blessings. The Israelites, who left Egypt through the Exodus and traveled on the wilderness path, didn't know spiritual matters and spoke and acted like people who belonged to the flesh. The Israelites thought that the Philistines were the problem. However, Samuel, who belonged to the Spirit, told the Israelites to abandon all their idols and return to the Lord. The believers of the Church at Corinth, who belonged to the flesh, were jealous; had disputes; and had never seen God's blessings. The way out of that is to experience the blessings of those who belong to the Spirit.
1. The Restoration of Blessings of Those Who Belong to the Spirit(1 Corinthians 3:7)
First, you must be imprinted with the Word. While holding onto the covenants of Calvary; the Mt. of Olives; Mark's upper room;(3·9·3) the fifteen works of God; *"The 7 Missions" to save the world; and "The 7 Grand Journeys," you need to pray. Furthermore, you need to gather Remnants and the posterity and give them assurance. By doing so, the Word will surely be fulfilled.
2. The Blessings of Those Who Belong to the Spirit and Their Studies, Businesses, and Jobs(Romans 16:3~4)
A Roman couple named Priscilla and Aquila attended Mark's upper room which was the field of the greatest answers. God blessed their business and utilized it for evangelism and missions. By first receiving spiritual blessings, your business will be revived, and you'll gain economic blessings to carry out world missions.
3. Through Spiritual Blessings, the Restoration of Blessings to Save the Posterity and the World
In synagogues, Paul boldly explained the imperativeness of Christ;(Acts 17:1~3) worship and prayer;(Acts 18:4) and God's Kingdom. Ultimately, God's Kingdom will come upon to the future; studies; and jobs of Remnants(Acts 19:8).
If you aren't deceived, one day, you'll be in a place to receive the power and answers of the Gospel, By beginning to pray for forty days just as it's written in the Bible, your thoughts will change, and answers will come even if it seems like they won't. If you hold onto and pray with "3·9·3"; "The 7 Missions"; and "The 7 Grand Journeys," you'll gain strength to conquer and "prayer 24" will begin.
*The 7 Missions: The Triune God, the 9 Blessings of the Throne, the 3 Ages, the World of the Universe, the 5 Authorities, C.V.D.I.P., & the 3 Courtyards
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, help me retore what You've given to save the churches around the world that are closing their doors; Korean churches that are disputing; many believers who are in conflicts; and Remnants who have to go into this dangerous world. May the rest of my life be used to fulfill Your Kingdom. In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 1st Service / 04, June, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] Hebrews 11:6.
[Bible Reading] Genesis 7:1~24.