• 출처: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20061227/pl_afp/nkoreanuclearweapons_061227145443
US sought two-month nuclear deadline for NKorea: report Wed Dec 27, 9:54 AM ET
AFP/File Photo: A North Korean border guard. The United States demanded in deadlocked talks that North Korea...
TOKYO (AFP) - The United States demanded in deadlocked talks that North Korea take steps to give up nuclear weapons within two months including freezing a reactor, a Japanese press report said.
• 토오쿄 (AFP) - 일본 신문 리포트는 미국이 북한에게 반응기(아마도 원심분리기?)를 포함한 핵무기를 2 달 내로 포기하는 절차를 밟을 것을 시한부로 요구했다고 발표했다.
Kyodo News said the United States made the demands during six-nation talks on ending North Korea's nuclear program that ended in stalemate last week in Beijing.
The US side demanded that North Korea take "concrete initial steps" to denuclearization within between one and a half and two months, the news agency said, citing anonymous diplomatic sources in Beijing.
The steps included a freeze on North Korea's Yongbyon reactor and allowing a return of inspectors from the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, it said.
But North Korea, emboldened by its October nuclear test, demanded that the United States first lift economic sanctions on a Pyongyang-linked bank in Macau accused of laundering and counterfeiting money.
North Korea last year withdrew from six-way talks -- which include China, Japan, the two Koreas, Russia and the United States -- in response to the sanctions, which blacklisted millions of dollars in the impoverished state's funds.
North Korea returned to the talks last week after a 13-month hiatus during which it tested its atom bomb.
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첫댓글 킬났네요.....미국이 더 이상 묵과하지 않을것 같아 보이네요.....제가 보기엔 아마도 늦어도 (at the latest) 2007 년 말까지는 넘기지 않을거라는 예감이 듭니다. 혹시 빠르면, 2007 년 상반기중에 대북작전개시할수도....
Nobody knows except the God.
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