NCDXF/IARU Beacon Transmission ScheduleEach beacon transmits every three minutes, day and night. This table gives the minute and second of the start of the first transmission within the hour for each beacon on each frequency. A transmission consists of the callsign of the beacon sent at 22 words per minute followed by four one-second dashes. The callsign and the first dash are sent at 100 watts. The remaining dashes are sent at 10 watts, 1 watt and 100 milliwatts.
Click the callsign to see recent reception reports via DX Summit.
If you can hear a beacon now, send a report to DX Summit.
Call |
Location |
14.100 |
18.110 |
21.150 |
24.930 |
28.200 |
Operator |
Status |
4U1UN |
United Nations |
00:00 |
00:10 |
00:20 |
00:30 |
00:40 |
OK |
Canada |
00:10 |
00:20 |
00:30 |
00:40 |
00:50 |
OK1 |
W6WX |
United States |
00:20 |
00:30 |
00:40 |
00:50 |
01:00 |
OK |
Hawaii |
00:30 |
00:40 |
00:50 |
01:00 |
01:10 |
OK3 |
ZL6B |
New Zealand |
00:40 |
00:50 |
01:00 |
01:10 |
01:20 |
OK |
Australia |
00:50 |
01:00 |
01:10 |
01:20 |
01:30 |
OK |
Japan |
01:00 |
01:10 |
01:20 |
01:30 |
01:40 |
OK |
RR9O |
Russia |
01:10 |
01:20 |
01:30 |
01:40 |
01:50 |
OK |
VR2B |
Hong Kong |
01:20 |
01:30 |
01:40 |
01:50 |
02:00 |
OK |
4S7B |
Sri Lanka |
01:30 |
01:40 |
01:50 |
02:00 |
02:10 |
OK |
South Africa |
01:40 |
01:50 |
02:00 |
02:10 |
02:20 |
OK |
5Z4B |
Kenya |
01:50 |
02:00 |
02:10 |
02:20 |
02:30 |
OK1 |
4X6TU |
Israel |
02:00 |
02:10 |
02:20 |
02:30 |
02:40 |
OK |
OH2B |
Finland |
02:10 |
02:20 |
02:30 |
02:40 |
02:50 |
OFF5 |
CS3B |
Madeira |
02:20 |
02:30 |
02:40 |
02:50 |
00:00 |
OK |
Argentina |
02:30 |
02:40 |
02:50 |
00:00 |
00:10 |
OFF2 |
OA4B |
Peru |
02:40 |
02:50 |
00:00 |
00:10 |
00:20 |
OK |
YV5B |
Venezuela |
02:50 |
00:00 |
00:10 |
00:20 |
00:30 |
OK |
1 Operation may be intermittent due to local conditions.
2 Moving to a new location.
3 Operation on the WARC bands began October 6, 2005.
4 Off for unknown reasons. We are attempting to contact the operators.
5 Off due to hardware problems. Repairs are underway.
Beacon News
G4FKH, Gwyn Williams, has published a study of Longpath propagation from the UK to New Zealand, based on observations of ZL6B made using Faros. The article appeared in the May 2007 issue of the CDXC Digest and is reproduced here by permission of the author.
Faros is a new automatic beacon monitoring program by VE3NEA which accurately distinguishes beacon signals from noise to measure signal-to-noise, QSB, and propagation delay. Results are available in graphic form or logged for historical analysis.
Links to observed beacon propagation web sites can be found on the new Beacon Monitors page.
DXWatch is an excellent automatic beacon monitoring page updated every minute by SM5AJV. Other sites which monitor the beacons are HAARP from KL7 and Beacon Watch by ON5AU.
A new open source project is underway to create a series of Automatic Beacon Monitoring Stations which will eventually display reception reports for the beacons on the web. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion as the project unfolds.
Monitoring Times features the International Beacon Project in an article in the February 2005 issue by Ken Reitz, KS4ZR -Check the Beacons!
The RSGB Propagation Studies Committee and G4FKH publish a Propagation Forecast based on data collected on beacon reception for several years.
MFJ has announced the availability of the MFJ-890 Beacon Monitor. LEDs on a world map light to show the currently transmitting beacon. The WWVB time signal is used for automatic synchronization. Review by VE3SUN.
The April 2002 issue of QST contains plans for a Beacon Clock by W6MMU on page 63.
Wolf, DL1SP, has released version 1.0 of BeaconTrack software with a beautiful world map and easily readable tables showing the beacon chain.
An article about the Beacons [pdf] by Gwyn Williams, G4FKH, appears in the April issue of RadCom. © Copyright 2002 RSGB, reproduced with permission.
The hfbeacons mailing list is a discussion group dedicated to beacon operation and monitoring set up by Steve Reed G0AEV and Martin Harrison G3USF. Whether you are interested in building a beacon or just enjoy exchanging reception reports with other beacon enthusiasts, you should subscribe to this mailing list.
Gerd Klawitter has written a book about beacons which has been published by Siebel Verlag in Germany. The book has extensive coverage of the NCDXF/IARU Beacons and many of the Beacon Monitoring Programs. It is in German, but there are lots of pictures and tables. Funk-Baken und Indikatorstationen. Gerd Klawitter. Seibel Verlag 2001. 96 pages. ISBN: 3-89632-055-6.
The recordings were made by VE3SUN using a TS-50 and a Cushcraft R-7 mounted 2 meters above the ground.
if you find this information to be inaccurate, please contact us.
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