大方廣佛華嚴經 卷第二
The Flower Ornament Scripture
1. The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds
七, 大衆의 得法과 讚佛 함께한 대중들이 부처님의 덕을 찬탄하다.
1, 十地位衆 십지위(十地位)를 표한 대중들이 찬탄하다
(1) 第十地의 妙焰海天王 제10지위를 표한 대자재천의 묘염해천왕을 찬탄하다.
가, 天王衆의 得法 대자재천의 천왕들이 얻은 법
所謂妙焰海大自在天王은 得法界虛空界寂靜方便力解脫門하고 自在名稱光天王은 得普觀一切法悉自在解脫門하고 淸淨功德眼天王은 得知一切法의 不生不滅과 不來不去하는 無功用行解脫門하고 可愛樂大慧天王은 得現見一切法眞實相智慧海解脫門하고 不動光自在天王은 得與衆生無邊安樂大方便定解脫門하고 妙莊嚴眼天王은 得令觀寂靜法하야 滅諸癡暗怖解脫門하고 善思惟光明天王은 得善入無邊境界하야 不起一切諸有思惟業解脫門하고 可愛樂大智天王은 得普往十方說法호대 而不動無所依解脫門하고 普音莊嚴幢天王은 得入佛寂靜境界하야 普現光明解脫門하고 名稱光善精進天王은 得住自所悟處하야 而以無邊廣大境界로 爲所緣解脫門하시니라
That is to say, Ocean of Subtle Flames, a king of a heaven of great freedom, found the door of liberation through the tranquility and practical power of the realm of space and the cosmos. The celestial king Light of the Name of Freedom gained the door of liberation through freely observing all things. The celestial king Eye of Pure Virtues found the door of liberation of effortless action knowing that all things are not born, do not perish, and do not come or go. The celestial king Enjoyable Great Intelligence found the door of liberation through the ocean of wisdom directly perceiving the real character of all things. The celestial king Freedom of Immutable Light found the door of liberation through the great practical concentration of bestowing boundless peace and happiness on living beings. The celestial king Eye of Sublime Adornments found the door of liberation through causing observation of the truth of nullity and annihilating all ignorance and fear. The celestial king Light of Skillful Meditation found the door of liberation through entering infinite realms without producing any activity of thought about existents. The celestial king Delightful Great Knowledge found the door of liberation by going everywhere in the ten directions to preach the truth, yet without moving and without relying on anything. The celestial king Universal Sound Array Banner found the gate of liberation by entry into the Buddhas' realm of tranquility and everywhere manifesting great light. The celestial king Light of Fame of Extreme Exertion found the gate of liberation by abiding in his own enlightenment, yet having an infinitely broad perspective. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
이른바 묘염해대자재(妙焰海大自在) 천왕은 법계와 허공계에 고요한 방편의 힘인 해탈문을 얻었고, 자재명칭광(自在名稱光) 천왕은 모든 법을 널리 관찰해서 다 자재한 해탈문을 얻었고, 청정공덕안(淸淨功德眼) 천왕은 모든 법이 나지도 않고 멸하지도 않고 오고도 않고 가지도 않음을 아는 작용 없는 행의 해탈문을 얻었고, 가애락대혜(可愛樂大慧) 천왕은 모든 법의 진실상을 환하게 보는 지혜바다의 해탈문을 얻었고, 부동광자재(不動光自在) 천왕은 중생들에게 끝없는 안락을 주는 큰 방편 선정(禪定)의 해탈문을 얻었다.
또한 묘장엄안(妙莊嚴眼) 천왕은 고요한 법을 관해서 모든 어리석고 어두운 공포를 멸하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 선사유광명(善思惟光明) 천왕은 끝없는 경계에 잘 들어가서 모든 유(有)에 대하여 생각하는 업을 일으키지 않는 해탈문을 얻었고, 가애락대지(可愛樂大智)천왕은 널리 시방에 가서 설법하되 흔들리지 않고 의지함이 없는 해탈문을 얻었고, 보음장엄당(普音莊嚴幢) 천왕은 부처님의 고요한 경계에 들어가서 광명을 널리 나타내는 해탈문을 얻었고, 명칭광선정진(名稱光善精進) 천왕은 스스로 깨달은 곳에 머물면서 끝없이 광대한 경계로써 반연할 바를 삼는 해탈문을 얻었다.
Ocean of Subtle Flames : 묘염해대자재(妙焰海大自在) 천왕
the door of liberation : 해탈문 tranquility n.고요
the realm of space and the cosmos : 법계와 허공계
The celestial king Light of the Name of Freedom : 자재명칭광(自在名稱光) 천왕
celestial a.하늘의
The celestial king Eye of Pure Virtues : 청정공덕안(淸淨功德眼) 천왕
effortless a.노력하지 않는, perish v.사라지다.
The celestial king Enjoyable Great Intelligence : 가애락대혜(可愛樂大慧) 천왕
perceive v.인식하다.
The celestial king Freedom of Immutable Light : 부동광자재(不動光自在) 천왕
immutable a.불변의 the great practical concentration : 큰 방편 선정 bestow v.주다.
The celestial king Eye of Sublime Adornments : 묘장엄안(妙莊嚴眼) 천왕
nullity n.무효 annihilate v.절멸시키다. ignorance n.무지
The celestial king Light of Skillful Meditation : 선사유광명(善思惟光明) 천왕
infinite a.무한한 realm n.경계 existent n.존재
The celestial king Delightful Great Knowledge : 가애락대지(可愛樂大智)천왕
preach v.설법하다. without relying on anything :의지함이 없는
The celestial king Universal Sound Array Banner : 보음장엄당(普音莊嚴幢) 천왕
entry n.들어감 manifest v.명시하다.
The celestial king Light of Fame of Extreme Exertion : 명칭광선정진(名稱光善精進) 천왕
abide in v.지속하다. enlightenment n.선정 infinitely ad.무한히 broad a.넓은 perspective n.견지, 전망
Specifically, Celestial King Ocean of Wondrous Flames from the Heaven of Great Self-Mastery gained a passage into liberation of using the power of quiescence and expedients throughout the Dharma Realm and space. Celestial King Radiant Freedom and Renown gained a passage into liberation of universally contemplating all dharmas with complete ease. Celestial King Eyes of Pure Merit and Virtue gained a passage into liberation of knowing through effortless practice that all dharmas do not come into being or cease to be, and neither come nor go.
Celestial King Delightful Great Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of using oceanic wisdom in beholding the Character of Reality of all dharmas in the present moment. Celestial King Comfortable Unmoving Light gained a passage into liberation that allowed him to enter the Samadhi of Great Expedients, and thereby bestow boundless peace and joy upon sentient beings. Celestial King Magnificent Eyes gained a passage into liberation of enabling beings to observe quiescent dharmas so as to dispel their dark delusion and terror. Celestial King Brilliance Derived from Wholesome Reflection gained a passage into liberation of pondering all of existence by proficiently entering infinite realms without creating any karma Celestial King Delightful Great Knowledge gained a passage into liberation of traveling everywhere throughout the ten directions to speak Dharma, while neither moving nor relying on anything.
Celestial King All-Pervasive Voice Resembling a Glorious Banner gained a passage into liberation of entering the Buddha's tranquil state and universally displaying bright light.Celestial King Brilliant Renown Derived from Wholesome Vigor gained a passage into liberation of abiding in his own enlightenment while embracing the conditions of great, vast, and boundless states. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
나, 偈頌讚歎 묘염해천왕의 찬탄
爾時에 妙焰海天王이 承佛威力하사 普觀一切自在天衆하고 而說偈言하사대
佛身普徧諸大會하며 充滿法界無窮盡하시니
寂滅無性不可取로대 爲救世間而出現이로다
如來法王出世間하사 能然照世妙法燈하사대
境界無邊亦無盡하시니 此自在名之所證이로다
佛不思議離分別하사 了相十方無所有하고
爲世廣開淸淨道하시니 如是淨眼能觀見이로다
如來智慧無邊際하사 一切世間莫能測이라
永滅衆生癡暗心하시니 大慧入此深安住로다
如來功德不思議여 衆生見者煩惱滅이라
普使世間獲安樂케하시니 不動自在天能見이로다
衆生癡闇常迷覆일새 如來爲說寂靜法하시니
是則照世智慧燈이라 妙眼能知此方便이로다
如來淸淨妙色身이여 普現十方無有比라
此身無性無依處하시니 善思惟天所觀察이로다
如來音聲無限礙하사 堪受化者靡不聞호대
而佛寂然恒不動하시니 此樂智天之解脫이로다
寂靜解脫天人主여 十方無處不現前하사
光明照耀滿世間하시니 此無礙法嚴幢見이로다
佛於無邊大劫海에 爲衆生故求菩提하사
種種神通化一切하시니 名稱光天悟斯法이로다
At that time the celestial king Ocean of Subtle Flames, imbued with the spiritual power of the Buddha, surveyed the whole host of celestial beings of the heavens of great freedom, and said in verse,
The buddha body extends throughout all the great assemblies:
It fills the cosmos, without end.
Quiescent, without essence, it cannot be grasped:
It appears just to save all beings.
The Buddha, King of the Teaching, appears in the world
Able to light the lamp of sublime truth which illumines the world;
His state is boundless and inexhaustible:
This is what Name of Freedom has realized.
The Buddha is inconceivable, beyond discrimination,
Comprehending forms everywhere as insubstantial
For the sake of the world he opens wide the path of purity:
This is what Pure Eyes can see.
The Buddha's wisdom is unbounded--
No one in the world can measure it.
It forever destroys beings' ignorance and confusion:
Great Intelligence has entered this deeply and abides there in peace.
The Buddha's virtues are inconceivable;
In beings who witness them afflictions die out.
The cause all worlds to find peace:
Immutable Freedom can see this.
Sentient beings, in the darkness of ignorance, are always deluded;
The Buddha expounds for them the teaching of dispassion and serenity.
This is the lamp of wisdom that illumines the world:
Sublime Eyes knows this technique.
The Buddha's body of pure subtle form
Is manifest everywhere and has no compare;
This body has no essence and no resting place:
It is contemplated by Skillful Meditation.
The voice of the Buddha has no limit or obstruction;
All those capable of accepting the teaching hear it.
Yet the Buddha is quiescent and forever unmoving:
This is the liberation of Delightful Knowledge.
Serene, emancipated, master of the celestial and the human,
There is nowhere in the ten directions he does not appear.
The radiance of his light fills the world:
This is seen by Majestic Banner of Unimpeded Truth.
The Buddha sought enlightenment for the sake of all beings
Over boundless oceans of eons;
With various spiritual powers he teaches all:
Light of Fame has realized this truth. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
그때 묘염해(妙焰海) 천왕은 부처님의 위신력을 받들어 모든 자재천 대중들을 널리 관찰하고 게송(偈頌)으로 말하였다.
부처님의 몸은 모든 대회(大會)에 두루 계시고
법계에 충만하사 다함이 없으시며
적멸하여 체성(體性)이 없어 취할 수 없건마는
세간을 구제하기 위하여 출현하셨네
여래이신 법왕께서 세간에 출현하사
세상을 비춰주는 미묘한 법의 등불을 켜시니
그 경계 끝이 없고 다함이 없는 것은
자재명칭천왕의 증득한 바로다
부처님은 부사의하사 분별을 떠나셨고
형상은 시방에 없음을 알아
세상을 위하사 청정한 길을 널리 여시니
이러한 것을 정안천왕이 능히 보았네
여래의 지혜는 끝이 없어서
모든 세간이 측량할 수 없으나
중생들의 어리석은 마음 영원히 없애니
대혜천왕이 여기에 들어가서 깊이 안주하도다
여래의 공덕은 부사의해서
중생들이 보고는 번뇌는 없어지고
온 세간이 안락을 얻게 하니
부동자재천왕이 능히 보았네
중생들은 항상 어리석음으로 덮여 있어서
여래가 위하여 적정법을 설하시니
이것은 세상을 비추는 지혜의 등불이라
묘안천왕이 능히 이 방편을 알았네
여래의 청정하고 미묘하신 몸이여
시방에 다 나타나도 비교할 이 없어
이 몸은 체성도 의지도 없나니
선사유천왕이 관찰한 바로다
여래의 음성은 걸림이 없으사
교화를 받을 이가 모두 듣건만
부처님은 고요하여 움직이지 않으시니
이것은 낙지천왕의 해탈이로다
고요히 해탈하신 천인의 주인이여
시방에 나타나지 않은 데 없으사
광명에 비치어서 세간에 가득하시니
이 걸림 없는 법은 엄당천왕이 보았도다
부처님은 그지없는 세월 동안
중생을 위해서 보리를 구하시고
갖가지 신통으로 모든 이를 교화하시니
명칭천왕이 이법을 깨달았네
imbue with 받아들이다. the spiritual power of the Buddha : 부처님의 위신력 survey v.내려다보다
verse n.게송, 시
extend v.미치다. throughout~에 널리, 두루 assembly n.대회, 집회
quiescent a.조용한, 침묵의 essence n.본질, 정수 grasp v.붙잡다.
sublime a.장대한, 웅대한 illumine v.비추다. boundless a.무한한 inexhaustible a.무진장한 Name of Freedom : 자재명칭천왕
inconceivable a.상상할 수 없는 beyond a.초월한 discrimination n.식별, 구별 comprehend v.이해하다 insubstantial a.공허한 the path of purity : 청정한 길 Pure Eyes : 정안천왕
unbounded a.무한한 measure v.측량하다. forever ad.영원히 destroy v.파괴하다. ignorance n.무지 confusion n.혼동 Great Intelligence :대혜천왕 abide in v.안주하다
virtue n.덕성, 공덕 inconceivable a.상상할 수 없는
affliction n.고통, 번뇌 die out v.사라지다. 소멸하다.
Immutable Freedom : 부동자재천왕
sentient beings n.중생들 delude v.미혹시키다.
expound v.해설하다. dispassion n.냉정, 공평 serenity n.고요함
Sublime Eyes : 묘안천왕 technique n.방편
pure a.청정한 subtle a.미묘한 manifest v.드러내다. compare n.비교
contemplate v.관찰하다. Skillful Meditation n.선사유천왕
obstruction n.장애물 Delightful Knowledge n.낙지천왕
serene a.고요한 emancipated a.해방된, 해탈하신
radiance n.광휘, 빛남 Majestic Banner of Unimpeded Truth n.엄당천왕
enlightenment n.깨닭음, 보리 boundless a.무한한 eon(aeon) n.무한히 긴 시간 various a.다양한 spiritual power n.신통
Light of Fame has realized this truth n. 명칭광천왕
At that time Celestial King Ocean of Wondrous Flames received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Great Self-Mastery, and spoke the following verse:
The Buddha's body pervades all great assemblies everywhere,
Filling the infinite reaches of the Dharma Realm.
Still and quiet, ungraspable, devoid of nature,
He yet appears in order to save the world.
The Thus Come One, King of Dharma, appears among us,
Lighting up the world with the lantern of wondrous Dharma.
Boundless and infinite are the states that emerge.
Thus is the realization of Freedom and Renown.
How inconceivable the Buddha is; he defies description.
He realizes that no form actually exists in the ten directions.
For those in the world he extensively reveals paths to purity.
Pure Eyes is able to observe thus.
The Thus Come One's wisdom is without bounds.
No one in the world could possibly fathom it.
He dispels sentient beings' dark delusions forever.
Great Wisdom enters this and abides in profound peace.
The Thus Come One's meritorious virtues are inconceivable.
When sentient beings see him their afflictions cease.
He enables everyone in the world to experience peace and joy.
The god Comfortable Unmoving Light observes thus.
Beings are constantly occluded by darkness and delusion.
The Thus Come One tells them about the method for gaining tranquility,
Describing it as a lamp of wisdom that shines on the world.
Wondrous Eyes understands this skillful means.
The Thus Come One's pure, wonderful physical body
Universally manifests in the ten directions, defying comparison.
This body has no nature or place of reliance.
The god Wholesome Reflection observes thus.
The Thus Come One's voice transcends bounds and impediments.
No one who is ready to be taught will fail to hear it.
And yet the Buddha remains still, forever unmoving.
The god Delightful Knowledge is liberated thus.
The lord of humans and gods, one of still and quiet liberation,
Appears everywhere throughout the ten directions.
His dazzling light fills the world.
Glorious Banner of Unimpeded Dharma thus perceives.
Throughout boundless seas of great eons, the Buddha
Sought bodhi in order to help sentient beings.
With many different spiritual powers he transforms all.
The god Brilliant Renown awakens to this dharma.
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