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카페 프로필 이미지
지리산 천년 3암자길
카페 게시글
쉽고 명쾌한 영어 공부 스크랩 독해에 도움주는 상관어구 숙어
향상일로 추천 0 조회 247 15.01.07 07:42 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용
독해를 도와주는 상관어구 숙어 100개

1. 강조구문

(1) It...that[who, which, when]∼:∼하는 것은 ...이다.
1. It was Columbus that[who] discovered America.
2. It was yesterday that[=when] I saw him.

2. 형식주어 구문

(1). It...to∼[∼ing, that∼, whether∼]:∼하는 것은...이다.
1. It is wrong to tell a lie.
2. It is difficult for me to solve the problem.
3. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
4. It is important that you should make greater efforts.
5. It is doubtful whether he will come or not.

3. 관계사 구문

(3) such...as∼: ∼과 같은 그러한
☞ Read such books as will benefit you.
위의 문장은 those ... which[who] ∼ 의 표현과 같다.

(4) A is to B what C is to D: A 와 B 의 관계는 C 와 D 의 관계와 같다.
1. Five is to seven what ten is to fourteen.
( 5 와 7의 비는 10과 14의 비와 같다.)
2. Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.

(5) what is called --------+
what we[you, they] call-+ 소위, 이른바
1. He is what is commonly called a playboy.
2. This is what they call violence.

(6) what is better [worse, more important]: 더욱더 좋은 [나쁜, 중요한] 것은
1. She is beautiful, and what is better still, very rich.
2. What is more important is, that you should know yourself.

(7) what one is: 현재의 그 사람; 인품
what one has: 사람의 재산
1. What I am is not what I was.
(지금의 나는 예전의 내가 아니다.)
2. I envy him not only for what he has, but for what he is.

(8) the same...as∼:∼과 같은(종류.형)
the same...that∼:∼과 같은 바로 그
1. This is the same car as I have.
2. This is the same car that I had stolen.

(9) what + 명사 + one has: 갖고 있는 것 전부
☞ He gave me what money he had with him.
[=He gave me all the money that he had with him]

4. 시간 구문

(10) as long as∼-+∼하는 한;∼하는 한에서는
so long as∼-+∼동안은 ;∼하기만 하면
1. I'll keep her letters as long as I live.
2. You may stay here so long as you keep quiet.

(11) now(that)∼:∼이니까
☞ Now (that) she has left school, she can marry.

(12) now..., (and) now∼:때로는...,또 어떤 때는∼
☞ The weather is very changeable here.
It is fine, now wet.
(여기는 날씨가 매우 불순하다. 때로는 개고 또 어떤 때는 비가 온다.)

(13) as soon as∼ -+
no sooner∼than... |
on∼ing |
scarcely[hardly]∼ |
when[before]... |∼하자 마자...
the moment∼ |
the instant∼ |
directly∼ -+
1. As soon as it became cloudy, it began to
rain hard.
No sooner -+ +- than -+
Hardly | had it become cloudy| when |
Scarcely -+ +- before+
it began to rain hard.

The moment -+
The instant -+ it became cloudy, it began to
rain hard.

2. He married directly he graduated from the
3. on getting to the station, I telephoned

(14) once∼: 일단∼하면;∼하면
☞ once you start, you must finish it.

5. 목적 구문

(15) in order (for...) to + 동사 원형: (...이) ∼하기 위하여
☞ He worked hard in order to make up for
the lost time.
※ in order that ... may∼ 또는 so
that...may∼로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다.

(16) so as to∼:∼하도록
☞ He hurried to the station so as to be in
time for the last train.

(17) so that[in order that]... may[can]∼: 하기 위하여; ∼하도록
☞ He works hard so that his family may live in comfort.

(18)lest...should∼ -+∼하지 않도록
for fear...should∼ -+∼하지않을까(라는)
1. No holidays were allowed lest the habit
of work should be broken.
2. Take your umbrella in case it rains.:
목적을 나타내는 부사절을 이끄는 문어체. 구어체에서는 in case를 쓴다.
☞ 구(句: phrase)를 쓸 때는 so as not to ∼ /
for fear of ∼ing 를 쓴다.

6. 결과 구문

(19) so...that∼ -+
so...as to∼-+ 매우 ...이므로

not so...that∼: ∼정도로 ...이지 않다.
so that∼: 그 결과∼; 그 때문에∼

1. This book is so precious that I cannot part with it.
2. He got up so late as to miss the 8:30 limited express.
3. He is not so rich that he can buy aCadillac.
4. He worked too hard, so that he fell ill.

(20) such...that∼: 매우 ...이기 때문에 ∼
...such that∼-+매우 굉장하기(심하기) 때문에 ∼하다.
Such... that∼-+
1. He is such an honest man that everybody trusts him.
2. Such his surprise that he could hardly speak.

(21) too... to∼: 너무...하기 때문에 ∼할 수 없다.
too... not to∼:
...이기 때문에 ∼하지 않을 리가 없다.
not too... to∼:∼할 수 없을 만큼 ∼하지 않다.
1. The price of this book is too high for us
to buy.
2. He is too wise not to think of it.
☞ 그는 현명하기 때문에 그것을 생각해 낼 수 있다.
3. He is not too old to work.

(22) never to∼: 결코 ∼하지 않다.
(=and never∼,)
only to∼: 결과는 ∼할 뿐
1. He climbed the mountain never to return.
2. He tried only to fail.

(23) to one's + 추상명사: ∼한 것으로는
☞ To my surprise, I found him ill in bed.
(= I was surprised to find him ill in bed.)

7. 이유.원인 구문

(24) +- as it does-+
분사구문 + | | + S + V
+- as it is -+
: 저렇게(이렇게) ∼하기 때문에
1. Standing as it does on the hill, the villa commands fine view.
2. Written as it is in plain English, the
novel is fit for the beginners.

(25) that...should∼:∼하다니; ∼하는 것을 보면
☞ She must be crazy that she should say such a thing.(= She must be crazy to say such a thing.)

(26) seeing that∼ :∼인 것을 보면; ∼이므로
☞ Seeing that it has become quite dark, he must have lost his way.

(27) what with[by]..., and what with[by]∼: ...과 ∼등으로
※ by 는 수단을 나타내고, with는 원인을 나타낸다.
1. What with overwork, and what with
anxiety she became seriously ill.(원인)
2. What by bribes, and what by threats, he
gained his present position.(수단)
※ bribe: 뇌물

8. 조건.양보 구문

(28) so far as∼:∼하는 한에서는
as far as∼:∼하는 한;∼까지
1. So far as I know, he is trustworthy.
2. I will try as far as I can.
3. I went on foot as far as Bombay.

(29) It is true -+
Indeed |...but∼: 과연...그렇지만∼
To be sure -+
☞ He may, indeed, be right; but I don't think he is.
(정말 그가 옳을지는 몰라도, 나는 그가 옳다고는 생각하지 않는다.)

(30) It is all very well, but...: 어떻게 해도 괜찮지만...
☞ It is all very well to spend a holiday in Hawaii, but how are we to find the money?

(31) 명사, 형용사, 부사 + as + S + V:...이지마는
1. Young as he is, he is very prudent. (신중한)
2. Hard as he worked, he failed again.
3. Hero as he was, he wept at the sight.

(32) seldom, if ever --+ little-+ | 설혹 있다손 치더라도
few -+, if any -+ 거의 ∼없다.
little, if at all +
1. He seldom, if ever, goes to the cinema.
2. He has few, if any, friends to talk over the matter with.
3. There is little, if any, hope of his recovery.
4. He is little, if at all, better than a beggar.

(33) if only∼: 오직 ∼하기만 하면
only that∼: ∼만 하지 않는다면
1. If you only say yes, everything will go well.
2. He is a heavy hitter, only that he is sometimes struck out.

(34)if it were not for∼: 만약 ∼이 없다면(가정법 과거의 조건절)
if it had not been for∼:만약∼이 없었더라면(가정법 과거 완료의 조건절)

but for∼ -+ +- if it were not for∼
without∼ |= |
but that∼ -+ +- if it had not been for∼

1.If it were not for -+
[without] -+ the sun, no living
thing could live.
2. If it had not been for your help, I
should have been drowned.
3. I would have lent him money, but that
you advised me not to.

(35) 명령문..., + +- and∼:...한다면∼(if∼) +- or∼: ...하지 않는다면∼
(if not∼;unless)
1. Hurry up, and you will be in time.
2, Hurry up, or you will be late.

(36)if a day[시간일 때]// if a penny[돈일 때]
if an inch[길이일 때] ==> 의미: 틀림없이
1. He is sixty, if a day.
2. He measures six feet, if an inch.

(37) if not∼: 만약 ∼하지 않는다면; ∼은 아닐지라도
1. Can you be there by six? If not, I'll
go instead.
2. It is very difficult, If not impossible,
to climb the mountain.

(38) no matter + who --+
what | + may ∼
which |
how | 비록 ∼일지라도
when |
where -+

whoever -+
whatever |
whichever | + may ∼
however |
whenever | 비록 ∼일지라도
wherever -+

1. I will go whether it is fine or wet.
2. We should help them all, whether friend
or enemy.

(39) whether...or∼: ...이든 ∼아니든; ...인지 어떤지
1. I will go whether it is fine or wet.
2. We should help them all, whether friend
or enemy.

(40) provided -+
providing -+(that)∼: ∼이라는 조건으로; 만약 ∼이면
1. She will join us provided her friends go with us.
2. I'll buy the desk providing the price is not high.

(41) granted -+
granting -+(that)∼:가령 ∼이라 하더라도
☞ Granted that he did say so, that is no excuse for your conduct.

9. 부정 구문

(42) not[never]...+- but + 절
+- without ∼ing : ...하면 반드시 ∼하다.
1. It never rains but it pours.
2. I can not see him without being reminded of his brother.

(43) 부정어 + so...as∼: ∼만큼...한 것은 없다.
☞ Nothing is so precious as health.

(44) 부정어 + 비교급 + than∼: ∼만큼...한 것은 없다.
☞ No other mountain in Korea is higher than Mt. Baekdu.

(45) no[never]... util∼:∼하여 비로소...하다.
☞ We do not know the blessing of health until we lose it.

(46) no better than∼: ∼에 불과하다.;∼도 마찬가지다
not better than∼ : ∼보다 못하다.; 겨우∼이다.
1. He is no better than a beggar.
2. He is not better than a schoolmaster.

(47) no less than: ∼만큼이나 많은
not less than: 적어도
1. He gave me no less than $100.
2. This camera did not cost less than $100.

(48) A is no more B than X is.
A is not B any more than X is.
: A가 B가 아님은 X가 B 아님과 같다.
☞ A whale is
+-no more a fish -+ than a horse
+-not a fish any more -+ is.
(고래가 물고기가 아닌 것은 말이 물고기가 아닌 것과 같다.)

(49) not -+ +-for∼
none -+ + the 비교급 + +-because :∼이라고 해도 조금도 ...않다.
1. I do not love him the less
+- for his faults.
+- because he has faults.
2. He is none the happier for his wealth.

(50) not...because∼: ∼이라고 해서 ...아니다.
☞ You should not despise a man because he is poor.

(51)not always[necessarily, altogether,etc]∼: 반드시 ∼인 것은 아니다.
not ...both∼:양쪽 모두 ∼인 것은 아니다.
not ...quite∼: 완전히 ∼인 것은 아니다.
not ...all[every]∼:모두∼인 것은 아니다.
1. The rich are not always happy.
2. I don't know both of the sisters.
3. She is not quite happy.
4. All is not gold that glitters.

(52) not..., but∼:...이 아니고 ∼이다.
☞ He is not a liar, but a coward.

(53) not that..., but that∼: ...이기 때문이 아니라 ∼이기 때문이다.
☞ Not that he resembles a monkey, but that a monkey resembles him.

(54) Not that...: 그러나 ...이라는 것은 아니다.
☞ Not that I love her.

(55) not so much...as∼:...라기 보다는 오히려∼
not so much as∼:∼조차 않다.
1. He is not so much a doctor as a scientist.
2. She could not so much as spell her own name.

(56) not long before∼: 오래지 않아 ∼하다.
☞ It will not be long before everybody can freely travel to the moon.

(57) not so + 형용사[부사] + as to -+
not such + 명사 + as to ∼ --+ : ∼할 만큼 ...하지는 않다.
☞He is not+-so foolish-+as to believe such
+-such a fool-+a woman.

(58) the last person[thing]∼: 가장 ∼할 것 같지 않은 사람(일)
☞ He was the last person to commit suicide.

(59) The is no ∼ing: 도저히 ∼할 수는 없다.
☞ There is no telling what may happen.

(60) neither...nor∼: ...도 ∼도 아니다.
either...or∼: ...든가 또는 ∼든가
1. He can speak neither English nor French.
2. Either he or his brother has to succeed to the business.

(61) There is no ... but ∼: ∼없는...은 없다.
☞ There is no rule but has exceptions.

(62) cannot but + 원형 -+
cannot help + ∼ing -+∼ 하지 않을 수 없다.
☞ I cannot +- but admire -+ him.
+- help admireing -+

(63) cannot...too∼: 아무리 ...하여도 지나치지 않다.
☞ You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends.

(64) It is not use[good] ∼ing: ∼해봤자 소용 없다.
※ no use = of no use ( = useless )
☞ It is no use persuading her.

(65) (be) above ∼ing: ∼하는 것을 부끄러워하다.; 결코∼하지 않다.
☞ He is above telling lies.

10. 비교. 양태 구문

(66) as..., so∼: ...인 것처럼, 그처럼 ∼이다.
☞ As you sow, so will you reap.
(네가 씨를 뿌린 만큼, 그만큼 거둘 것이다.)

(67) as many as∼ -+
as much as∼ -+∼만큼(많은)
1. You may pick as many flowers as you like.
2. He has five times as many books as I have.
3. You must eat as many vegetables as meat.
4. Boys enjoyed the cartoons just as much as did girls.

(68) as...as any∼: 누구에게도 못지 않게
as...as ever∼: 변함없이
1. He works as hard as any student.
2. He is as great a violinist as ever lived.
(그는 지금까지 있었던 누구 못지 않게 위대한 바이올린 연주자다.)

(69) as...as...can be: 더할 나위없이
as...as possible[one can]: 할 수 있는 한...
1. You are as wrong as wrong can be.
(너는 더 이상 잘못될 수가 없다.)
2. Come as soon as +- possible.
+- you can.
(70) all the + 비교급 + +- for∼
+- because∼
: ∼이기 때문에 오히려, 더욱더
☞ It is all the better +- for her beauty.
+- because she is beautiful.

(71) as if∼; as though∼: 마치 ∼처럼
1. He speaks as if he knew everything.
2. He speaks as if he had seen me before.

(72) much[still] less∼: 하물며 ∼은 아니다.
much[still] more∼: 하물며 ∼한
1. He can speak French, much more English.
2. He cannot speak English, still less French.

(73) more than∼:∼이상; (∼하는데) 여유가 있다.
1. I am more than ashamed of your deed.
2. That is more than I can tell.

(74) the + 최상급∼: 아무리 ∼일지라도
☞ The strongest man cannot live to be two hundred years.

(75) the + 비교급∼, the + 비교급∼:
∼하면 할수록, 그것만큼 더∼
1. The more you have, the more you want.
2. The older we grow, the weaker becomes our eyesight.

(76) as many∼: ∼와 같은 수의
like so many∼; 마치 ∼처럼
1. You can finish the work in five hours, but it will take me as many days.
2. They worked like so many ants.

(77) so much: 어느 정도
so many: 몇몇의(수)
1. We hire a man so much a day.
2. He ordered so many pieces of silk.

(78) as it is :ⓐ 그대로; 있는 그대로
:ⓑ 실은; 실정을 말한다면
1. Leave the vase as it is.
2. If I were rich, I would buy a Cadillac, but as it is, I cannot buy a Ford.

11. 대조 구문

(79) some..., others∼: ...하는 것이 있다면 ∼하는 것도 있다.
어떤 것은 ...하고, 어떤 것은 ∼하다.
☞ Some(people) love wrestling; others do not.

(80) on the one hand..., on the other hand∼: 한편으로는..., 또 한편으로는∼
☞ on the one hand I have to look after the
children, on the other hand I have a lot of customers to deal with.

(81) ...one thing, ∼another: ...과 ∼는 별개의 것
☞ To know is one thing; to teach is another.

(82) the one..., the other∼ -+
the former, the latter∼-+ 전자는...,후자는∼
this..., that∼: 후자는..., 전자는∼
1. I have a Thunderbird and a Lincoln; the one(=the former) is white and the other(=the latter) is black.
2. Work and play are both necessary to health; this gives us rest, and that gives us energy.

(83) both[at once; alike]...and∼ : ...도 ∼도(양쪽 모두)
1. She can both sing and dance well.
2. My father was at once strict and kindly.

(84) not only[merely]...but∼-+ ∼as well as... -+...뿐만 아니라 ∼도
1.This book is not only interesting but(also) instructive.
This book is instructive as well as interesting.
2. He is famous not merely in Korean but in all the world.

12. 동사 구문

(85) had better∼ -+  may as well∼ -+ ∼하는 편이 좋다.
do well to∼ : ∼ 하는 것이 좋다.
1. You +- had better -+ see the doctor.
+- may as well -+
2. You did well to come.
= It was well done of you to come.

(86) would rather[sooner]... than∼:  ∼ 하는 것보다 오히려 ...하고 싶다.
☞ I would rather die than marry her.

(87) may as well...as∼: ∼과 마찬가지로...해도 좋다.
∼하기 보다는 ...하는 편이 낫다.
might as well...as∼:
∼하는 것은 ...하는 것과 같다.
∼하기 보다는 차라리 ...하는 편이 낫다.
1. one may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
2. You might as well throw money into the sea as lend it to him.

(88) may well∼:∼하는 것은 당연하다.
☞ She may well be proud of her son.

(89) have only to∼: ∼하기만 하면 된다.
☞ You have only to apologize to him.
All you have to do is to apologize to him.

(90) have something[nothing] to do with∼:
∼과 관계가 있다.(없다)
1. Have you anything to do with the matter?
2. I'll have nothing to do with such a fellow.
※ have nothing to do with = do not concern
--> ∼thing 외에 much, little 도 쓴다.

(91) have + the + 추상명사 + to∼-+
be + 형용사 + enough to∼ -+ : ...하게도 ∼하다.
☞ He had the kindness to show me the way.
--> He was kind enough to show me the way.
--> He kindly showed me the way.

13. 명사.대명사 구문

(92) a[an] + 명사 + of a[an] + 명사: ...과 같은∼
1. He is a fox of a man.
2. She is an angel of a wife.

(93) all + 추상명사 -+
추상명사 + itself -+:매우∼
☞ He was all kindness. -+
He was kindness itself.-+
--> He was very kind.

(94) the 형용사 = 보통명사; 추상명사
1. The wise are not necessarily learned.
2. The beautiful does not always go with the true.

(95) something of∼: 어느 정도; 얼마쯤
nothing of∼: 조금도 ∼않다
1. He is something of a musician.
2. I am nothing of a scholar.

(96) So + S + V : 정말로 ∼이다.
So + V + S : ∼도 그렇다.
1. He works very hard.
So he does.(=indeed)
2. He is rich. So are you.(=also)

14. 수식 구문

(97) of one's own∼ing: 자신이 ∼한 것의
☞ Is this a picture of your own drawing?

(98) of + 명사 = 형용사구
1. Such a book is of no use.(=useless)
2. He is a man of importance.(=important)

(99) the very + 명사: 바로 그것; ∼조차도
1. This is the very book I have long been looking for.
2. His very son does not understand him.
(그의 자식조차도 그를 이해하지 않았다.)

(100) with + 목적어 + 보어: ∼한 상태로
1. It was very dark, with the moon not yet up.
(달이 아직 떠오르지 않아서 아주 어두웠다.)
2. He was standing with his hands in hispockets.