Romans 16 The Message 로마서 16장
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16 1-2
Be sure to welcome our friend Phoebe /in the way of the Master,
with all the generous hospitality () we Christians are famous for.
I heartily endorse both her and her work.
She’s a key representative of the church at Cenchrea.
Help her out /in whatever she asks.
She deserves [anything () you can do for her].
She’s helped many a person, including me.
* Phoebe (뻬비 FEE-bee), a devout Christian,
bore without change and without reproach the name of the Moon-Goddess of the Greeks.
이름은 그리스의 달 여신이지만 믿음에 있어서는 그리스도의 빛을 반사하는 그리스도인이었다
* 보어인 형용사구 sure to welcome our friend Phoebe /in the way of the Master
* 전목인 명사구 all the generous hospitality (that) we Christians are famous for.
* representative (ACT FOR). a person who represents another person or a group:
* help out · 1. To aid someone in doing something.
* 전목인 의문사절 whatever she asks (목). 의문사는 접속사 겸 목적 역할
* 목적격 관대절 (that) you can do (목) for her 선행사=관계사=목적
* many a person 격식/구식 = many people 현대식
many a sth (formal or old-fashioned) ; a large number of people or things
* 직독 해석
Be sure 확실히 해라/잘해라 to welcome 환영하기를 our friend Phoebe 우리 친구 삐비를
/in the way of the Master 우리의 주인이 하실 방식으로, with all the generous hospitality 후한 손님 접대
(that) 그것으로 we Christians 우리 그리스도인이 are famous for. 유명한
I heartily endorse 열정적으로 지지한다 both 둘 다 her 그 여성과 and her work. 사역을
She’s a key representative 중요한 대리인이다 of the church 교회의 at Cenchrea (sen'-kre-e ). 센크리 도시에 있는
Help her out 도와주라 /in whatever 무엇이든지 she asks. 요청하는
She deserves 받을 자격 있다 [anything 무엇이든지 (that) 그건 you 네가 can do 할 수 있는 for her 그 여성을 위해서].
She’s helped 도와주었다 many a person, 많은 사람들을 including me. 나를 포함해서
Say hello to Priscilla and Aquila, who have worked /hand in hand /with me /in serving Jesus.
They once put their lives on the line for me.
And I’m not the only one grateful to them.
All the non-Jewish gatherings of believers also owe them plenty,
to say nothing of the church //that meets in their house.
* Priscilla (prɪˈsɪlə) 프리실라, Aquila (ækwɪlə) 아킬러 ; They lived, worked, and traveled with the Apostle Paul,
* 설명 추가 역할인 삽입절/형절/주격 관대절 ; who have worked /hand in hand /with me /in serving Jesus
일반적으로 계속 용법이라 하나 컴마로 분리된 삽입절/비제한 형절임
* 부사적으로 쓰인 hand in hand ; closely associated.
* 전목인 동명사구 serving Jesus 그리스도를 섬기기
* put (one's) life on the line. To put oneself in harm's way to achieve something, especially at the risk of losing one's life.
* 보어인 명사구 the only one grateful to them
* 후치수식 형용사구 grateful to them
* 4형식 owe them plenty
* to say nothing of ; Not even considering or mentioning the significance or impact of someone or something else;
not to mention
* 직독 해석
Say hello 인사 전해다오 to Priscilla 프리실라와 and Aquila 아퀼러에게, who 그들은 have worked 열심히 일했다
/hand in hand 손에 손잡고/가까이서 /with me 나와 /in serving Jesus. 그리스도를 섬기는데
They once put their lives on the line 자기들 생명을 걸기도 했었다 for me. 날 위해서
And I’m not the only one 나만이 grateful to them. 그들에게 감사해하는 것은 아니다
All the non-Jewish gatherings 모임의 이방인 모두 다 of believers 신자들의 also 역시 owe 빚졌다 them 그들에게
plenty, 많이 to say nothing 언급할 필요도 없지만 of the church 교회에 대해 //that 그 교회는 meets 모이는
in their house. 그들의 집에서
Hello to my dear friend Epenetus.
He was the very first follower of Jesus /in the province of Asia.
Hello to Mary. What a worker she has turned out to be!
* Epaenetus is pronounced e-pi-net-us. 에피네터스
* turns out a particular way, it happens in that way or has the result or degree of success indicated
* 감탄문 What a worker she has turned out to be!
비교 ; 의문문 What a worker has she turned out to be? (어순도치)
* 여기 로마서에 기록된 이름들은 시시한 사람들의 이름이 아니고 바울과 피땀 흘려 동역하여
복음이 로마 시대의 핍박을 이기고 다음 세대에 전해지고 다음 세대 역시도 피와 땀으로 얼룩지면서도
복음을 다음 세대에 전하기를 여러 세기 동안 계속하여 오늘날 동방 한 구석 한국에 까지도 전달되어
우리가 듣고 믿어 구원을 받을 수 있게 만든 초대 기독교회의 영웅들의 이름들이므로
비록 발음이 어렵지만 짜증 내지 말고 한 이름 한 이름 정성스레 부르며 그들의 노고를 칭송해 보자
* 직독 해석
Hello to my dear friend Epenetus. 에피네터스에게 안부 전하라
He was the very first follower 최초의 제자였다 of Jesus 그리스도의 /in the province of Asia. 아시아 지역에서
Hello to Mary. 매리에게 안부 전하라
What a worker she has turned out to be! 그 여인은 얼마나 대단한 일꾼으로 변했던가!
Hello to my cousins Andronicus and Junias.
We once shared a jail cell.
They were believers /in Christ /before I was.
Both of them are [outstanding leaders].
* Andronicus 안드로니쿠스 is a classical Greek name. The name has the sense of "male victor, warrior".
* Junias 주니아스 served alongside Paul in his ministry,
* /before I was (believers /in Christ).
* 형역 분사 outstanding 현분사의 능동 주체인 leaders 수식
* Outstanding - standing out : projecting. 뛰어난
* 직독 해석
Hello 안부 전해라 to my cousins 내 사촌인 Andronicus 안드로니쿠스 and Junias 주니아스. 에게
We once shared a jail cell. 감방을 나누었다/감옥에 같이 있었다
They were believers 신자였다 /in Christ 그리스도 안에서 /before I was. 내가 신자 되기 보다도 전에/먼저
Both of them 둘 다 are [outstanding leaders]. 뛰어난 지도자다
Hello to Ampliatus, my good friend in the family of God.
* Ampliatus (am-plee-AY-tuhs) 엠플리 에이터스
Hello to Urbanus, our companion in Christ’s work, and my good friend Stachys.
* Urbanus (er-BAY-nuhs) 어베이너스
* Stachys (STAY-kihs 스테이키스)
Hello to Apelles, a tried-and-true veteran in following Christ.
Hello to the family of Aristobulus.
* Apelles () 어펠러스
* Aristobulus () 에리스타블러스
* tried-and-true : used many times in the past and proven to work well: 검증된
Hello to my cousin Herodion.
Hello to those //who belong to the Lord from the family of Narcissus.
* Herodion () 히로디언
* Narcissus (Nar-Ci-Sus ) 나시써스
Hello to Tryphena and Tryphosa—such diligent women in serving the Master.
Hello to Persis, a dear friend and hard worker in Christ.
* Tryphena (try phen a) 트라이페나
* Tryphosa—트리포사
Hello to Rufus—a good choice by the Master!—and his mother.
She has also been a dear mother to me.
* his mother = Rufus' mother.
* Rufus (ROO-fuss) 루퍼스
Rufus ("Red") was a first-century Christian mentioned in Mark 15:21 with his brother Alexander,
whose father "Simon a Cyrenian" was compelled to help carry the cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.*
Hello to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and also to all of their families.
* Asyncritus 아씨 크리토스
* Phlegon 플레건
* Hermes 허미즈
* Patrobas (pɛtɾoˈbɾas) 페트로브라스
* Hermas () 허마스
Hello to Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas—and all the followers of Jesus //who live with them.
16 Holy hugs all around! All the churches of Christ send their warmest greetings!
* Philologus (phil O' log us )필로로거스
* Julia () 줄리아
* Nereus (n er oo s) 니어로스
* Olympas (o-lim'-pi-us) 올림피아스
One final word of counsel, friends.
Keep a sharp eye out for those
//who take bits and pieces of the teaching //that you learned and then use them to make trouble.
Give these people a wide berth.
* keep an eye out for something : to watch carefully for something:
* KEEP OUT (phrasal verb): prevent someone or something from entering 지켜라/막아라
* 목적격 관대절 //that you learned (목) 선행사=관계사=목적
* to make trouble ; To act or behave in a troublesome manner; to cause problems or issue.
* Give (someone or something) a wide berth - to avoid or stay away from
* berth ; an amount of distance kept for the sake of safety
* 직독 해석
One final word of counsel, friends. 마지막 충고의 말이다
Keep a sharp eye out 눈여겨보라/조심해라 for those 그들을 //who 그들은 take 받아서
bits and pieces 조각조각을 of the teaching 가르침의 //that 그건 you 너희가 learned 배운 것인데
and then use 사용한다 them 그것들을 to make trouble. 문제를 일으키려고
Give 주라 these people 이 사람들에게 a wide berth. 먼 거리를
They have no intention of living for our Master Christ.
They’re only in this /for what they can get out of it,
and aren’t above using pious sweet talk to dupe unsuspecting innocents.
* 전목인 동명사구 living for our Master Christ.
* be in for ; To be involved with or a part of something for a particular reason or purpose.
* 전목인 의문사절 what they can get out (목) of it, 의문사는 접속사 및 목적 역할
* NOT BE ABOVE DOING SOMETHING (phrase): not be too proud to do something.
too proud to do something 너무 교만해서 ~하지 않다의 부정이기에 "안 할 만큼 교만하지도 않다'
즉 낯짝도 없다, 체면도 없다, 뻔뻔하다
* 부역 부정사구 to dupe unsuspecting innocents.
* 형역 분사 unsuspecting 현분사의 능동 주체인 innocents 수식
* 직독 해석
They have 가지지 않았다 no intention 의도를 of living 사는 것/살려는 for our Master Christ. 주님이신 그리스도를 위해서
They’re only 단지 있다 in this 이 안에 /for what 그것을 위해 they 그들이 can get out of it, 얻을 수 있는 것
and aren’t above 너무 뻔뻔해서 using pious sweet talk 종교적인 말을 사용해서
to dupe 사기 친다 unsuspecting innocents. 의심하지 않는 순진한 사람들을
And so while there has never been any question about your honesty in these matters
—I couldn’t be more proud of you!—
I want you also to be smart, making sure () every “good” thing is the real thing.
Don’t be gullible /in regard to smooth-talking evil.
* 형역 분사구 making sure (that) every “good” thing is the real thing. 분사의 동작자인 you 수식; 동시동작 상태설명
* smooth talking ; talking in a friendly and pleasant way that is not completely honest or sincere 사탕발림 말
* gullible ; Easily deceived or duped; naive, easily cheated or fooled. 잘 속는, 순진한
* 형역 분사 smooth-talking . 현분사의 능동 주체인 evil 수식
* 직독 해석
And so 그래서 while 그런 와중에서도 there has never been 없었다 any question 어떤 의문도
about your honesty 너의 정직성에 대한 in these matters 이 문제에 관련하여
—I couldn’t be more proud of you!— 더 이상 자랑스러울 수 없다
I want 원한다 you 네가 also to be smart, 또한 현명하기를 making sure 확실히 하면서 (that)절 내용을
every “good” thing 모든 선한 일 들이 is the real thing. 진짜/사실인 일이 되기를
Don’t be gullible 순진하지 마라 /in regard to smooth-talking evil. 사탕발림 입을 놀리는 악질들에 대하여
Stay alert like this,
and before you know it the God of peace will come down on Satan with both feet,
stomping him into the dirt.
Enjoy the best of Jesus!
* before you know it : 1. very soon:
* 직독 해석
Stay alert like this, 이처럼 정신 차린 상태로 머물라/정신 줄 놓지 마라
and before you know it 부지불식 간에 the God of peace 평화의 하나님께서 will come down 강림하셔서
on Satan 사탄에게 with both feet, 두발로
stomping 짓밟으실 것이다 him 그를 into the dirt. 진흙창 안으로
Enjoy 만끽하라 the best of Jesus! 그리스도의 최선을/최고이신 그리스도를
* Then God, who gives peace, will soon crush Satan under your feet.
I pray that our Lord Jesus will be kind to you. (CEV)
And here are some more greetings from our end.
Timothy, my partner in this work, Lucius, and my cousins Jason and Sosipater all said to tell you hello.
* Timothy 티모디
* Lucius (Loo-Sh-Us) 루셔스
* Jason (JAY-sun) 제이슨
* Sosipater (so-sip'-a-ter) 쏘시페이터
I, Tertius, who wrote this letter at Paul’s dictation, send you my personal greetings.
* Tertius (Ter-She-Us) 터시어스
* 삽입절/계속용법 who wrote this letter at Paul’s dictation,
* 4형식 send you my personal greetings.
Gaius, who is host here to both me and the whole church, wants to be remembered to you.
Erastus, the city treasurer, and our good friend Quartus send their greetings.
* Gaius (Gay-us) 가이아스
* Erastus (Ee- raas- tus) 에라스터스
* Quartus/kor·tuhs 코터스/구아도
All of our praise rises /to the One //who is strong enough to make you strong,
exactly as preached in Jesus Christ, precisely as revealed in the mystery /kept secret for so long
but now an open book through the prophetic Scriptures.
All the nations of the world can now know the truth and be brought into obedient belief,
carrying out the orders of God, who got all this started, down to the final detail.
* 주격 관대절 //who is strong enough to make you strong,
* exactly as (it is) preached in Jesus Christ ;
* precisely as (it is) revealed in the mystery /kept secret for so long
* 형역분사구 /kept secret for so long 과분사의 수동 주체인 mestery 수식
* open book ; something that is widely or fully known : a thing completely free from mystery or concealment
* 형역 분사구 carrying out the orders of God, 현분사의 동작자인 All the nations 수식
* 5형식 구조 got all this started, (형역 과분사는 목적 수식)
* 직독해석
All of our praise 우리의 모든 찬양은 rises 올라간다 /to the One 그분께 //who 그분은 is strong enough 충분히 강하셔서
to make 만드실 분인 you 너를 strong, 강하게
exactly as preached 설파된 것처럼 똑같게 in Jesus Christ 그리스도 안에서,
precisely as revealed 계시된 것처럼 틀림없게 in the mystery 수수께끼에서 /kept 감추어진 secret 비밀로 for so long 오래
but now 이제는 an open book 다 드러난 사실이다 through the prophetic Scriptures 성경의 예언을 통해서.
All the nations 열방이/전체 민족이 of the world 이 세상의 can now know 알 수 있다 the truth 진리를
and be brought 데려가 질 것이다 into obedient belief, 순종적인 믿음으로
carrying out 수행하면서 the orders of God 하나님의 명령을 , who 그분은/하나님은 got 하게 하셨다 all this 이 모든 것을
started 시작하게 , down to the final detail. 세부적인 사항까지
All our praise is focused through Jesus on this incomparably wise God! Yes!
* 직독해석
All our praise 우리의 모든 찬양은 is focused 집중된다 through Jesus 그리스도를 통해서
on this incomparably wise God! 이토록 비교할 대상이 없도록 현명하신 하나님께 집중된다 Yes! 정말로!
* 오타나 오역이 발견되면 즉시 신고 바랍니다
직독해석은 어순따른 해석이지만 직역이 어색한 경우는 의역을 했습니다