<23> 정심행선 淨心行善
Section 23. The Practice of Good Works Purifies the Mind
청정한 마음으로 선을 행하다
Chapter 23. Culture Wholesome Dharma
Furthermore, Subhuti, This is altogether everywhere, without differentiation or degree; wherefore it is called "Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment". It is straightly attained by freedom from separate personal selfhood and by cultivating all kinds of goodness. Subhuti, though we speak of "goodness" the Tathagata declares that there is no goodness; such is merely a name.
“Moreover, Subhūti, the equality [sama] of dharmas that has nothing that is better or worse, is called Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi, and by means of no self, no person, no being, and no life, all pure dharmas are cultivated and Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi is attained. Subhūti, these pure [kuśalā] dharmas that the Tathāgata speaks of are not pure [kuśalā] dharmas, and are thus called pure [kuśalā] dharmas.
In this section the English word equal translates the Chinese 平等, Sanskrit sama. The phrase better or worse translates the Chinese 高下, Sanskrit viṣama. The phrase no self translates the Chinese 無我, Sanskrit nirātma. The phrase no life translates the Chinese 無壽, Sanskrit nirjīva. The word pure translates the Chinese 善, Sanskrit kuśala. It is translated as wholesome by Venerable Yifa, which is a more meaningful word in this context.
The theme of this section is having a non-discriminating and pure mind. The Buddha says that wholesome dharmas are not wholesome dharmas. One understanding of this is that wholesome is not always wholesome. It depends on the particular context and our own state of mind. That is because the concept of wholesome is relative, not absolute. Take the example of drinking alchohol. It is a French custom for a family to have a a glass of wine each with dinner and that is a wholesome custom. However, binge drinking by college students and compulsive drinking by alchoholics is not a wholesome thing.
Can you think of examples of things that are wholesome in some contexts and not wholesome in others?
제23 깨끗한 마음으로 선을 닦아라
“또 수보리야, 이 진리가 평등해서 높고 낮음이 없으니 이것을 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리라 이름하느니라. [나]도 없고 [남]도 없고 [중생]도 없고 [오래 사는 것]도 없이 온갖 거룩한 법을 닦으면 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리를 얻느니라. 수보리야, 이른바 거룩한 법이라 함은 여래가 곧 거룩한 법 아닌 것을 일컫는 말이니 그 이름이 거룩한 법일 따름이니라.”
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