Ellen G white received 1st vision from the Lord in 1844 right after the great disappointment. In that vision, she saw narrow straight path and the small compnay who are traveling on that path. And they had a bright light set up behind them at the beginning of the path, which an angel told her was the midnight cry. This is truly amazing clue to figure out the date of Jesus' 2nd coming.
The 1st Elijah who were sent by God to prepare the way of Jesus was John the Baptist. "there was a men sent from God whose name was John".(Jn 1:6). He cried out "straighten the way of the Lord". (Jn 1:23). And Jesus said " Enter into the narrow gate". (Mt 7:13). "I am the door of the sheep"(Jn 10:7). "I am the way".(Jn 14:6).
From here we can understand what the narrow straight path is. Jesus is the word of God. He is the Stright path, narrow gate, door of the sheep, and the path itself.
what is "the beginning of the path"? It is the Crucifixion. Jesus let us free from sin by crucifixion. the crucifixion of Jesus is true Exodus. we departed from the sin and we are now in the journey to the promised land which is the city in heaven.(Heb 11:16).
Interesting fact is in that the Exodus date is the same with arrival date to canaan.
Children of Israel departed from Egypt on Abib 15th. (Nu 33:3). And 40 years later, they arrived at the promised land on Abib 15th too. (Joshua 5:10,11). they began to eat the grains of the promised land on Abib 15th.
Elijah(John the baptist) was sent from God before the great day. It was Abib 15th, 30 AD.(John 19:31). the following day of the crucifixion. and Another Elijah is coming before the great day of 2nd coming. (Rev 6:17, 16:14). the great day will be on Abib 15th too. and It will be on April 18th, 2030.
Midnight cry is the message of Jesus coming. Jesus revealed the date of 2nd coming while we was on the cross. He told one of the criminal who asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus' kindom comes. The criminal knew the kingdom of Jesus will come about 2000 years later.(Hosea 6:2). So He asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus come back in about 2000 years. Jesus told him "Truly I say unto you, Today you will be with me in paradise". Do we understand what this actually means? What Jesus meant to say is that the date of crucifixion will be the date of 2nd coming in the year of 2nd coming. Jesus died at 3 pm on Abib 14th. and the righteous who were sleeping in the grave, were resurrected at 3 pm. This is the shadow of 2nd coming of Jesus. (Matt 27:50~52). If anyone wants to obtain deeper understanding about the resurrection of the saints and ascension of the saints, John 5:25,29 are the tasks which needs to be looked closely along with Jewish calendar.
Exodus is fulfilled by the crucifixon. and the arrival at Canaan will be fulfilled by 2nd coming of Jesus. And both of them fulfills on the same date but different years. 2000 years a part.
Exodus was on April 5th, 30 AD.(Abib 15th). and the Arrival date will be on April 18th, 2030.(Abib 15th.).
SDA must study and understand Matt 12:40. "3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth". This is the testimony of Jesus. if you do not keep this testimony, You can not be part of the remnant. (Rev 12:17). May God bless you.
Jesus died on Wednesday and resurrected on Sunday in 30 AD. This is the rock solid firm foundation.
In 1847, She saw another vision and She saw the 1843 prophetic chart and some figures were covred by the hand of the Lord and some mistakes in figures were hiden by His hand. and nobody will be able to figure out those mistakes until the Lord removes his hand from the chart. In 1843, when they campaign for 2nd coming of Jesus, they thought the date of 2nd coming will be some time in the spring of 1844 and that is why they put the "1335 days" as the end of 1844. because they knew the end of 1335 days must be the date of 2nd coming. But both 1st and 2nd disappoints were occured and Jesus did not come as they expected. From here we can understand the one major mistake in the chart of 1843 was "1335". Ellen G white understood later 1335 days has not been fulfilled yet. It means the hand of the Lord was removed so that she realized Daniel chapter 12 is future event. so She advised us in 1903, "we need to study and understand 12th chapter of Daniel".
I have figured out the secret of 1290 days and 1335 days in April 28th,2014. It was done by God's grace.
At this moment, Nobody even know the existence of 7 seals in the book of Daniel. These 7 seals in daniel are the tasks we must study and understand to become children of the light, to be a member of 144K.
Are you waiting for the rain of holy spirit? My words is the rain upon you.(Deut 32:2). "3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth". This is the rain of Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit of Prophecy. This is the testimony of Jesus. This is the eye opener. Sign of Jonah is the key.( Matt 12:39,40). Jonah means dove. If you truly want to receive the baptism of holy spirit, please study Matt 12:40, John 6:63. The words of Jesus is the spirit.
Jesus is coming back on April 18th, 2030.
No rain for 1260 days will begin on April 1, 2023 and last until Sep 11, 2026. (Rev 11:3~6).
2021 is the year of the feast of Jesus. (Jn 12:1~).