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카페 게시글
풍성한 자료실 스크랩 영어로 복음 전도하기
Totherock 추천 0 조회 145 10.05.17 01:18 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용

영어로 전도하기

가볍게 웃으며 담대하게...(^L^)

Hi~ ^^* and  Hello~ ^^* .
Do you have some free time now?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
I want to talk to you for a minute.

라고 시작 하고 상대가 O.K하면 일단 접근에 성공 한 것입니다.
만약 시간이 없다고 하면 가볍게 Okay라고 말하면 돼요.
(우리는 끝까지 얘기를 하려고 시도를 하지만 외국의 경우는 다릅니다.)

상대방이 얘기를 해도 좋다고 말하면 Thank you! 라고 감사를 표시를
하고 내 소개를 간단히 합니다.

(My name is 0 0 0 / I'm from Seremban Korean church.)

질문과 대화하기

Do you live around here?
Where do you live?
Are you student?
Do you believe in God?
또는, Are you Christian?

이 질문에 "Yes" 라고 대답을 하면 서로가 원하는 이야기를 하면 되겠지요.
하나님에 대해서 또 서로에 관심사에 대해서 그리고 서로의 가족이나 친구에 대해서...

Which church do you attend?
God loves you.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

"No"라는 대답을 듣거나 상대방이 하나님을 믿지 않는다고 말을 하면 자연스럽게
Do you know who God is?
Do you know who Jesus Christ is?
Do you want to know about God?

만약 상대방이 하나님에 대해 알고 싶다고 하면 본격적인 질문을 합니다.

*******영어로 전도할 때 필요한 영어 연결어********

Could you read this part?
John chapter 10 verse1
For this reasons.
Let's pray.
Let's pray together.
Thank you.
That's right.

God love's you.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever

believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

For the wages of sin is death.(Romans 6:23 )

Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to

the Father except through me.(John 14:6 )

Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household.
(John 16:31)

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to
become children of God.(John 1:12)

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens

the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20 )


영접하는 기도 (Prayer for Acceptance)


Dear Lord Jesus,

I'm a sinner and I need your forgiveness.

I believe that you died for my sins.

I want to turn from my sins.

I now invite you to come into my heart and life.

Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.

I want to trust you as my savior and follow you as my Lord.

Thank you Jesus name I pray. Amen.

가볍게 웃으며 담대하게...(^L^)


The special gift for you


Hello. My name is ***. I am very happy to meet you.

I would like to give you a special gift today.

May I have five minutes of your time? Right now, in this very place,

I would like to introduce you to the blessed way to meet God.

God`s goal in creating mankind was so that He could be with them

Of all His creation, God gave human beings a spirit so they could know Him.

To mankind alone, God gave the authority to rule over the eath and subdue it.

When fish live in the water, and trees are rooted in the ground, there are no problem.

Likewise, mankind, created in the image of God face no problem when they dwell with God. Mankind can only experience true happiness when they are with God.

However, mankind deceived by the temptation of Satan,

 committed sin and become separated from God.

As a result, the fellowship that existed between God and mankind was broken.

Mankind become separated from God and spiritually dead.

When a young child is separated from his parents, his unhappiness begins.

Likewise, the moment mankind became separated from God, all of their problems began.


Ⅱ.The Spiritual State of People Separated from God.


Mankind, once children of God, became separated from God and fell into the dominion of satan.

As a result, mankind became spiritual orphans and began worshipping other things believing those things to be God.

Although people seek happiness by trying different religions, they cannot be happy.

Although people may accumulate great wealth and knowledge they do not have true peace in their heart, thus they fall into greater destruction.

They are afflicted by nightmares, spiritual oppression, hallucinations, hearing strange voices, nervousness, emptiness, insomnia, depression, wetting their beds at night, sleep walking, distrusting their spouse, fear of crowds, mental disorders, neuroses, family problems and the like.

All sorts of illnesses, chronic and incurable diseases, curses, calamities come upon them.

People separated from God suffer illnesses that cannot be named or even diagnosed.

After living a life of great suffering, they pass away without meeting God.

After their death, they face judgment and go to hell-eternally.

Ultimately, all these problems are passed down to their children and furure descendants down to the third and fourth generations.

Only when you meet God can you be freed from these problems.


. The way to meet God


1. Good News---The Gospel---Good News

Mankind cannot meet God with his or her own strength.

This is why God came to this earth in human flesh.(Jn1:14)

Jesus Christ freed us from all of the problems that resulted from mankind`s separation from God. Jesus Christ shed his blood and gave his life on the cross, and as evidence that He is God, He rose again from the dead in three days.

2. Jesus is the Christ(Mt16:16)

Jesus means "Savior" (That is his name), Christ means, "The anointed"(This is his title)

Jesus is the one and only way to meet God.(Jn 14:6)

Jesus took care of the sin that separated us from God, and the sins that we coommit everyday- completely.

Jesus completely destroyed the devil`s authority who made us fall into sin.(1Jn3:8)

This Jesus who solved the problems that mankind could not possibly solve on their own, is the Christ.


. The Meaning of Acceptance and the Blessing of Acceptance


If you believe that Jesus Christ is the master of your heart and accept him in to your heart then you will be completely freed from the forces of sin, satan, curses, and the authority of hell.(Jn1:12)

Do you believe in the facts that I have shared with you?

'God of love', I am a sinner.

I believe you died on the cross and resurrected for my sins,

to destroy Satan`s authority, and to completely solve all my life`s pronblems.

At this moment, I accept Jesus into my heart as my personal Lord and savior.

Come in to my heart and reign in me.

Help me to live enjoying my blessings as child of God.

Thank you so much for saving me/. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.



The likewood Confession

This is my Bible

I am what it says I am,

I have what it says I have,

I can do what it says I can do,

Today I will be tought the word of God.

I boldly confess;

my mind is alert!!,

my heart is receive,

I will never be the same,

I am about to receive the incorruptible, indistructible,

everything seed of the word of God.

I will never be the same---never, never, nver

I will never be the same.

in Jesus`s name.

No matter what happens, God will never leave you nur forsake you.

He will be with you forever.

If you would like, we can provide continuous guidance on living your Christian life.

Share the name of your church, give directions to your church(draw a map if need be),


exchange phone numbers, give the name of your pastor, or small group leader.


영어 예배 자주 쓰이는 표현

Let us greet each other. (서로 인사합시다)

Let us begin our service with praise (찬양으로 예배를 시작합시다)

Let us all pray together (다 같이 기도하겠습니다)

Let us pray loud altogether. (다 같이 통성으로 기도합시다)

Let us confess our faith with Apostle's creed.(사도신경으로 신앙고백 하겠습니다)

대표기도(congregational prayer)

It's time for prayer. (지금은 기도 시간입니다.)

Deacon Han will lead us our prayer. (한 집사님이 기도해주시겠습니다)

Sermon 설교

It is time for hearting the word of God.

It is time for Sermon. (말씀을 듣겠습니다.)

Let us go to book of John chapter 16 verse 8. (요한 16장 8절을 보시겠습니다)

Today's scripture is taking from book of Matthew chapter 4 from verse 1 through 11.

(오늘 본문은 마태복음 4장 1절부터 11절입니다.)

We are going to read the scriptures in turn.

We will read it in turn,

We will read it responsively. (한절 한절 교독 하겠습니다.)

Let us lead it loud altogether. (함께 소리 내어 읽겠습니다)

Let us share each other. (서로 나누겠습니다.)

Let us go to the Lord's prayer.

Let us read the Lord's prayer together.  (주기도문을 읽겠습니다.)

Let us close the service with the Lord's prayer. (주기도문으로 예배를 마치 겠습니다.)


영어 단문 전도 용어 입니다

1. 예수 믿으십니까?                              Do you believe in Jesus?
2. 지금 믿고 계신 종교가 있습니까?               Do you have any religion?
3. 예수 그리스도에 대해 들어 보셨습니까?         Have you ever heard of Jesus Christ?
4. 우리는 하나님 앞에서 죄인들입니다.             We are sinners before God.
5. 죄가 하나님과 우리를 분리시킵니다.             Sin separates us from God.
6. 모든 사람이 죄를 지었기에 하나님의 영광에 이르지 못합니다.(롬3:23)
  All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23)
7. 죄때문에 우리는 죽을 수 밖에 없습니다.         We are to die because of the sin.
8. 우리 스스로의 노력 -  선한 삶, 윤리, 철학 - 으로는 자신을 구원할 수 없습니다.
  We cannot save ourselves through our own efforts :Good  life, Ethics, Philosophy, etc.
9. 한 번 죽는  것은 사람에게 정해진 것이며 그 후에는 심판이 있습니다.(히브리서 9:27)
  Men are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment. (HEB. 9:27)
10. 죄의 댓가는 사망입니다.(로마서 6:23)      The wages of sin is death.(Romans 6:23)
11. 우리가 아직 죄인이었을 때에 그리스도께서 우리를 위해  죽으셨습니다.(로마서 5:8)
  While we were still sinners. Christ died for us.(Romans 5:3)
12. 예수 그리스도는  우리를 죄와 사망에서 구원하실 오직 유일한  길이십니다.
  Jesus Christ is the only way to save us from our sin and death.
13. 예수께서  죄와 그 형벌에서  우리를 구원하시려고 우리를 대신해서 십자가에서 죽으셨습니다.
  Jesus died on the cross in our place to save us from our sin and its penalty.
14. 누구든지 J을 영접하면 구원을 받을 수 있습니다. Anyone can be saved by accepting Jesus.
15. 예수님을 영접함으로써 당신은 G의 자녀가 될 수 있습니다. You can be a child of God by accepting Jesus.
16. JX를 당신 개인의 구세주로  믿으십시오. then 구원을 얻게 됩니다.
  Believe in Jesus as your personal savior. Then you will be saved.
17. 지금 당장 믿음의 기도를 통해 당신은 예수님을 영접할 수 있습니다.
  You can accept Jesus Christ right now through a prayer of faith.
18. 지금 JX를 영접하시겠습니까/  Do you want to accept Jesus Christ right now?
19. JX를 영접하는 모든 사람에게 영원한 생명이 있음을 성경이 약속하고 있습니다.   
  The bible promises eternal life to all who accept Jesus Christ.

20. 예수 그리스도를 구주로 영접하는 기도내용:
주 예수님 저는 죄인임을 고백합니다.  저는 죄로부터  돌아서길 원합니다.
저를 위해 십자가 위에서 죽으셨음을 믿습니다.  저는 주님이  필요합니다.
저의 삶 가운데 지금 들어  와 주십시오.
제 마음의 문을  열고  당신을 저의 구세주와 주인으로 영접합니다.
저의 죄를 용서하심을 감사합니다.
이제 남은  생애를 오직 주님만 따르겠습니다.  예수님의  이름으로 기도합니다.  아멘.
Load Jesus. I confess that I am  a sinner.
I want to turn away  from my  sin.
I believe you  died on the cross  for me.
I need you, lord. Please  come into my life right  now.
I open to door of my heart and accept you as my savior and lord. 
Thank you for the forgiveness of my sin. I will follow you along the rest of my life.

  • 10.06.23 03:04

    첫댓글 감사해요.샬롬!

  • 10.07.19 13:09

    감사합니다. 잘 담아갑니다^^

  • 10.07.25 01:31

    국제 영어 영성훈련원에 감사드립니다.

  • 14.04.08 20:37

    좋은 자료 감사드립니다.
